How many paypal accounts can be linked to one bank account

PayPal has been the favorite platform for years to carry out financial transactions inside and outside the United States. It is a platform with at least 286 million active users who choose to manage their money on it.

PayPal’s terms and conditions are intense and make it simple to violate them unknowingly. That’s why many decide to have several linked accounts to make sure they don’t stop their transactions in case one of them is closed or suspended.

It is not possible to have two personal PayPal accounts; to have more than one, you will have to open a personal and a commercial one. However, users can add many email addresses to send or receive their payments.

To have more than two accounts, you need to open them with different data. However, opening the accounts with other data is not a cost-effective option because the associated bank accounts for processing transactions must match the PayPal account holder.

It is no secret to anyone that there are also “PayPal stealth accounts” that cannot be linked to another account. The personal, banking and contact information for each account is unique.

How to open two PayPal accounts?

Once you have a personal PayPal account, you can access a business account. PayPal’s terms and conditions are linked to the same email address to make it easier to manage them.

When you have both accounts and require one more, you must open the third one with an entirely different email address, contact details, bank details, IP address and all other information must be different. Therefore, it is not a cost-effective choice.

Creating the two legal accounts is simple, but you must be careful to avoid providing the wrong information. To begin, you must go to the PayPal website and select “sign up”.

How many paypal accounts can be linked to one bank account

On the next page, you must choose between a personal or a business account and press “get started”.

How many paypal accounts can be linked to one bank account

The following steps will be perfectly described so that you know what you need to provide. It is essential that all the information is adequate and to avoid any mistakes.

How many paypal accounts can be linked to one bank account

You will receive a confirmation email by creating the username, providing the email address, and setting a password. The personal account will be ready, and now you can start the process again but selecting to open a business account.

Can I use the same phone number for both accounts?

Yes, you can use the same phone number for business and personal accounts. According to the company’s clauses, the two accounts are linked, but one is for business purposes, and the other is not.

Now, if you try to open two personal accounts, you cannot use the phone number because it will not process the information. The same goes for the email and the rest of the data provided.

Why should I have two PayPal accounts?

Some users wonder if it is really necessary to have two PayPal accounts. Not in all cases, it is essential to have two accounts; many people can spend their whole life with only one account. The opening of the second account is necessary when:

There are separate brands

You can have a business and manage the income from your account. However, if there is more than one brand within that company, it may be necessary to have a bank account available only for that brand.

By separating brand accounts, there are benefits such as streamlined transactions, easy transfers during mergers or acquisitions and better control and tracking of all financial data for each brand.

Cross-platform sales

Cross-platform sales are a safe option for sellers on eBay and other platforms. It’s a way to have all revenue in one place and determine sales performance or if it’s time to opt for another product.

You would rather not mix your personal and business income

Possibly, you receive money from two different sources. For example, having a separate venture from conventional work. In such cases, you can request that the salary income be sent to the personal account and the income from sales made in the venture be kept in the business account.

There are many reasons to open both accounts in PayPal to control income and expenses better. Everything will depend on the needs of each user and the purpose. It is important to note that before opening a PayPal account, you should read the terms and conditions very well.

Another reason many have both accounts is that they fail to comply with one of the terms by mistake or error, and PayPal closes or blocks the account for a specific period.

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Can 2 PayPal accounts have the same bank account?

You can add more email addresses, debit or credit cards, and bank accounts to your account, but each account must have its own email address and financial information.

How many accounts can a bank be linked to PayPal?

Is it better to link a bank account or card to PayPal? You can link up to 8 bank accounts to your PayPal account. linking your bank account to your PayPal account is secure and easy. If you do online banking, you can usually link your bank account in a few minutes.

Can you use the same card on multiple PayPal accounts?

I needed one for certain types of transactions and another using different bank accounts for another. They were fine with that. Of course, you can't use the same payment method on two different PayPal accounts. For example, if you have Visa xxx-9992 on account 1, you can't use that same Visa on account 2.

Can you have two names on a PayPal account?

PayPal business account holders can add multiple users to an account. Non-business account holders, though, can't create additional logins; if you want to use a non-business account with another person, you'll need to share the entire account login information with him.