How long to convection roast a chicken

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Roasting chicken can be time consuming, especially with larger birds, and it can be hard to get the birds to cook evenly. Convection ovens, which feature interior fans, circulate hot air better than standard ovens do, thus reducing the amount of time you need to cook a whole chicken. The bird also roasts more evenly in a convection oven. Season and serve a convection oven roasted chicken as you would any other whole, roasted bird.

Convection Oven Characteristics

A convection oven is like a standard oven, only it has a fan near the heating element that distributes hot air evenly throughout the oven. Thanks to the fan, convection ovens don’t suffer from “cool spots” -- areas of slightly lower temperature -- that standard ovens have. Also, the temperature in convection ovens doesn't drop significantly when the door is opened. These features help convection ovens cook food faster and more evenly.

Roast Chicken Benefits

Whole chickens, especially larger chickens, can take several hours to cook, and a convection oven can significantly reduce the cooking time needed. In general, convection ovens reduce cooking times by as much as 20 to 30 percent if the cooking temperature remains the same. Because of the constantly circulating hot air, the chicken will come out with crisp, evenly browned skin, much like with a rotisserie. Convection ovens can cook marinated, dry rubbed or plain whole chickens, with or without vegetables in the same pan.

Seasoning Whole Chickens

For a basic convection roasted chicken, similar to a bistro style chicken, season the chicken by rubbing the whole bird -- inside and out, as well as underneath the breast skin -- with a generous amount of sea salt, cracked black pepper and either duck fat, olive oil or softened butter. For something more advanced, add fresh or dried spices, such as rosemary or oregano, or sprinkle ground spices, such as paprika or garlic powder, onto the exterior of the chicken. Let the chicken rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes to allow the seasonings time to penetrate and adhere to the meat.

Roasting and Doneness

Preheat the convection oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. The high temperature will ensure fast cooking and crisp, browned skin. Convection roast an unstuffed chicken at this temperature for 10 minutes per pound. Begin testing for doneness after the first 30 minutes, and then every 5 minutes, to ensure that the chicken is not overcooked.

When it's fully cooked, the leg of the chicken will be loose when wiggled, and juices will run clear. The meat will have turned opaque and white, although it may still be slightly pink near the bone. However, the most accurate test of doneness is a quick read thermometer to test the internal temperature. Measure the temperature at the thickest part of the thigh -- near the breast -- and do not let the tip of the thermometer touch bone. The chicken is ready when the internal temperature reads 160 F. Remove the pan from the oven and tent loosely with foil, letting the chicken rest for 5 to 10 minutes. The juices will redistribute through the meat and the chicken will continue cooking as it rests.


Writer Bio

Rachel has worked professionally as a chef and writer on food since 2010. In addition to a Bachelor of Arts degree, she holds a diploma in classic culinary arts from the French Culinary Institute. She has an active interest in wine, fine dining and sustainable agriculture.


There’s nothing simpler than roast chicken.

And there are few things more delicious.

You can use this basic recipe and change it up however you like: different herbs, different citrus fruits, different seasonings. You can even have a different attitude and see how that affects the flavor of the meat!

Just kidding. But you can change what you’re wearing each time. That’s always a fun variation.

The Cast of Characters: A whole chicken, butter, lemons, rosemary, and salt and pepper.

And the will to make roast chicken.

Throw the buttah into a bowl. Make sure it’s nice and soft.

Zest up at least two of the lemons…

And throw the zest into the bowl with the butter.

My question of the day: Where would the world be without lemon zest? I can’t imagine it. I don’t want to imagine it. So I won’t imagine it.

I’m so glad we had this talk.

Strip off a bunch of rosemary leaves…

And chop them really finely.

Finer than this. I was in a hurry to eat.

Don’t be like me.

Throw the rosemary into the bowl, too.

Add some salt and pepper (I didn’t do this. Don’t be like me.)

Line a rimmed baking sheet with heavy aluminum foil and plop the chicken right in the middle. You can truss it if you want. But that’s not how we do things around here. You can also do pieces, which I do with great frequency, which is another way of saying “I do that a lot.”

In other news: Whole chickens crack me up. I don’t know why.

And I don’t want to know why.

Throw the butter mixture on the top…

And smear it all over the bird.

Be sure to get in all the crevices.

Tee hee! That tickles.

Now, cut the lemons in half…

Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the top…

Then stuff as many lemon halves as you can into the…cavity.

I’m so immature.

Next, wedge two or three of the rosemary sprigs in there too.

I’d just like to take this opportunity to say that lemon and rosemary are so pretty together.

Then give the chicken one final schmear…

And roast it in the oven for about an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour-and-a-half. Ish. I do 400 degrees on convection, so if you’re using a standard oven you could do 425 or so. Basically, you want it cooked through, skin a deep golden brown, juices sizzling in the bottom of the pan…but still moist in the middle.

After you take it out of the oven, cover it loosely with foil and let it sit for 10 minutes or so.

And by all means do not take photos of the perfectly roasted chicken coming out of the oven. That would be way too helpful and instructive.

Next, remove the legs, thighs, and breast. And wings.

And again, by all means, when you do this do not take photos of the process.

I need some ginkgo biloba.

And yum! Roast chicken! Nothing like it in the world.

Serve it on a plate with a wedge salad and a lemon half.

Back to carving, you probably don’t want to learn how to perfectly carve a chicken from me. I do it differently every time. Sometimes I just hack off pieces of chicken until there’s nothing left but the carcass. Sometimes I carve it meticulously and surprise myself by doing a somewhat decent job.

Sometimes I do this. (This is a different roast turkey recipe I made the same day. Will post soon.)

And sometimes I just rip off the leg and eat it in the kitchen before dinner is served.

(Again, see “Don’t be like me” notes above.)

Enjoy, guys! Roast chicken is easy and yummy.

Here’s the recipe:

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Is convection better for roasting chicken?

Set your oven for convection baking, if you have it. The chicken will cook more evenly and the skin will brown up and become perfectly crispy. Roasting a chicken on a rack allows the heat to circulate around the chicken to help with browning the skin and more even cooking.

How long does it take to cook a roast in a convection oven?

Roast in a 375° regular or 350° convection oven until a meat thermometer inserted in center of thickest part reaches 120° to 125°, 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

What is the difference between convection roast and convection bake?

Convection baking uses the bottom heating element almost all of the time, whereas convection roasting uses both the upper and lower heating elements. The more you know about your oven's convection bake and roast settings, the better you'll be able to prepare your meals.

Can chicken be cooked in convection mode?

6) Brush some oil on top of the chicken. 7) Pre-heat the oven in convection mode for 5 Mins at 200 C. 8) After 5 Mins, carefully open the hot oven and place the prepared tray with marinated chicken on the central rack. 9) Bake it in convection mode for 40 Mins by carefully observing the chicken every 10 Mins.


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