How long does it take to stop bleeding after miscarriage

What is a miscarriage?

It is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week.

  • This can be both physically and emotionally painful.
  • They often happen before 12 weeks

10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage.


Chemical pregnancyA pregnancy loss before it can be found on ultrasound. It is found only with a hormone test.Blighted ovumEarly in pregnancy, a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall. No embryo will develop.Intrauterine fetal demiseThe baby stops developing and dies in early pregnancy.Molar or partial molar pregnancyIs not viable. There is an extra set of chromosomes, abnormal placenta, and abnormal fetus.

What is expectant management?

It is when a non-viable pregnancy passes without medication or a procedure (spontaneous miscarriage). 

What are the signs of a miscarriage?

Vaginal bleeding or spotting

  • May be like a period. 
    • You may bleed for a few days, or on and off for a few weeks.
    • Call your care team or go to the Emergency Room if you:
      • Soak one maxi pad in one hour, for 2 to 3 hours.
      • Feel lightheaded or dizzy.
  • When you lie down blood collects in the vagina.  When you stand up, blood may pass:
    • In a large gush.
    • As a large clot.
  • Small clots, no larger than a golf ball are normal. 
  • Bleeding will change from red to pink to brown.
  • Discharge should not be foul smelling.
  • Use maxi pads for the first two weeks.
    • After 2 weeks, tampons can be used.

Tissue passing from your vagina

After you have passed all the tissue your bleeding should slow to like a light period.

Pain or cramps in your abdomen or lower back

You may take acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

Call your provider if you:

  • Have vaginal bleeding for more 2 weeks.
    • Brown discharge is ok and may last longer.
  • Soak one maxi pad, in one hour, for 2 or 3 hours.
  • Pass clots larger than a golf ball.
  • Have severe pain in your abdomen.
  • Have foul smelling vaginal discharge or bleeding.
  • Temperature above 100.4 Degrees F.

How do I take care of myself after a miscarriage?

Blood type

  • Call your care team if you do not know your blood type or you are Rh negative.
  • You may need Rh D immune globulin (Rhogam®) within 72 hours after you miscarry.

G​et a blood pregnancy test 2 weeks after your miscarriage

Take a home pregnancy test if you cannot come to the lab.

  • Call your care team if it is positive after 2 weeks.
  • You may need more testing.


  • No sex, tampons, or douching for 2 weeks.
    • Pregnancy can happen with unprotected sex.
    • Start contraception as discussed with your provider.
  • We recommend waiting until after 2 normal periods to attempt pregnancy again.
  • You may feel that sex will never be the same due to fatigue, physical discomfort, or anxiety.
    • You should tell your partner how you feel.


Take your temperature each day between 4 and 8 p.m. for 1 week.

Rest and exercise

  • Slowly start normal activity.
    • No strenuous exercise (such as running or aerobics) for 2 or 3 days.
  • Your energy level may be low for the first week.
  • Naps may be helpful.
  • You may return to work as told by your care team.


  • You may shower and wash hair.
  • You may have a tub bath.
  • No swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, or rivers for at least 2 weeks.


  • Take your prenatal vitamin.
  • Eat a balanced healthy diet.
    • Cut down on food and drinks containing sugar.
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day.
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.

Breast care

  • Your breast may be tender or feel full.
  • They may leak milk. Use breast pads to protect your clothing.
  • Wear a bra that gives good support.
  • Use ice packs under your arms and on breasts for 20 minutes every 2 hours if they are sore.
  • Take acetaminophen and ibuprofen as needed.
  • Do not stimulate or pump your breasts.
    • Avoid hot water directly hitting your breasts in the shower.
  • Cabbage leaves can help with breast pain and swelling.
    • Place green or red cabbage leaves in the refrigerator.
    • Rinse the leaves with cold water and pat dry if desired.
    • Place cold leaf in your bra on your breast.
    • Leave in place for 20 minutes or until warm.
    • Repeat with a fresh leaf as needed.


  • Each person will feel different.
    • It may help to talk about your feelings.
  • A support group or grief and loss website may be helpful.

What may cause a miscarriage:

You did not cause the miscarriage.  Most miscarriages happen because the fetus has not developed normally.

They are not caused by:

  • Normal activity
  • Sex
  • Exercise
  • Working

Conditions that may increase the risk of a miscarriage:

  • Age
    • A person age 35 has a 20 in 100 chance of miscarrying.
    • A person age 40 has a 40 in 100 chance of miscarrying.
    • A person age 45 has an 80 in 100 chance of miscarrying.
  • History of 2 or more miscarriages in a row
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Uncontrolled thyroid disease
  • Problems with your uterus or cervix
  • Infection
  • Hormonal problems
  • Smoking, heavy alcohol use, or illicit drug use

See your care team if you are worried before trying to get pregnant.

How long is it normal to bleed after a miscarriage?

Once the miscarriage has started, the tissue and heaviest bleeding should be passed in about three to five hours. After the fetus has passed, you may still experience spotting and mild tissue loss for one to two weeks.

How will I know if miscarriage is complete?

A complete miscarriage has taken place when all the pregnancy tissue has left your uterus. Vaginal bleeding may continue for several days. Cramping pain much like labour or strong period pain is common — this is the uterus contracting to empty.

Why is my bleeding not stopping after miscarriage?

Causes. There are several possible causes for bleeding after a miscarriage, but by far the most common is retained products of conception or an incomplete miscarriage. When products of pregnancy remain in your uterus, the normal contracting of your uterus that takes place after a miscarriage does not occur.

How do they stop bleeding after miscarriage?

How do you stop bleeding after a miscarriage? Bleeding will stop on its own once the body has released all of the tissue and blood from the pregnancy. You may require medical or surgical assistance if your body doesn't clear all the tissue on its own.