How long after egg retrieval can you have intercourse

FAQs for Female Patients Undergoing Treatment

Is it safe to have intercourse during treatment, and when can I resume intercourse in early pregnancy?

Whether intercourse is safe during treatment depends on the type of treatment. It is typically safe during timed intercourse or IUI cycles, unless you are at risk of high response (multiples).

As the ovaries enlarge in response to stimulation medications during egg freezing and IVF cycles, intercourse should be avoided. Intercourse will not negatively affect the quality of eggs or embryos, but the ovaries can be sensitive and at risk of twisting (torsion).  It is safe to resume intercourse after your menses return, 10-14 days after egg retrieval.

In pregnancy, intercourse has not been shown to cause miscarriage. However, bleeding and spotting with any kind of vaginal penetration is common as the cervix is more sensitive during pregnancy. If this causes anxiety, it may be better avoid intercourse in the early weeks of pregnancy.  Pain after orgasm is also normal in the first trimester, as the uterus contracts. 

What pain relievers are safe to use during treatment? 

Acetominophen (Tylenol) is the safest option for pain during all treatment cycles. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen should be avoided prior to egg retrieval. 

When should I avoid strenuous and rigorous exercise?

In general, we recommend that patients take it easy during ovarian stimulation for IVF or egg freezing, until you get your period after retrieval (usually 1-2 weeks later). Walking, taking the stairs and using light hand weights are fine, but avoid exercise more rigorous than that. You’re more prone to dehydration during stimulation, and the ovaries are enlarged, so it is best to be cautious.

In general, exercise is fine during frozen transfer cycles and IUI cycles until the actual transfer or IUI – after that point, you should act as though you are pregnant. In pregnancy, we recommend keeping an average heart rate below 140 – or stated another way, you should be able to speak in full sentences while exercising (i.e. not exercising to the point of breathlessness).

I use various herbs and supplements: Are they safe?

Herbs may be safe, but they are not regulated by the FDA (so dosing and contaminants are not evaluated). Herbs could interfere with fertility medications or cause blood thinning (which is not ideal if you’re having an egg retrieval or other invasive procedures). So, in general, we recommend avoiding herbs during fertility treatment and pregnancy.

Please check with your doctor regarding specific vitamin or mineral supplements, and avoid very large doses of any vitamins or minerals (i.e. well over the daily recommended value).

Is it OK to consume alcohol during treatment?

We recommend three alcohol-containing drinks or less per week before conception, and none after ovulation/IUI or embryo transfer. We recommend avoiding alcohol during ovarian stimulation (IVF or egg freezing) because it is dehydrating and may interfere with liver metabolism.

Is it OK to consume caffeine during treatment?

Caffeine is fine up to 200 mg per day for women, which is roughly two cups of coffee (some brands maybe have more caffeine per cup). Tea has about 50 mg/cup. Men can try to stick to 3 cups/day or less (though evidence for male caffeine intake is less clear). There is no evidence that caffeine in moderation has a negative effect on treatment outcomes or pregnancy.

Can I go swimming? Are hot tubs and saunas safe? 

Relaxing in the pool is safe during stimulation, however vigorous aquatic exercise should be avoided. Hot tubs and saunas use should be avoided as you may experience lightheadedness or dizziness.

Is it OK to use marijuana for recreational or medical purposes during treatment? 

Studies looking at marijuana use when trying to achieve pregnancy are limited and conflicting. Women trying to conceive should exercise caution with cannabis use until more definitive evidence is available.

Is Botox safe in treatment?

There are limited studies looking at Botox treatment prior to pregnancy. If you are undergoing fertility preservation treatments such as egg freezing or embryo freezing it is safe to receive Botox during your cycle. If you are planning for an embryo transfer or intrauterine insemination (IUI) it would be better to avoid Botox treatment.

Can I dye my hair during treatment? 

Yes it is safe to dye your hair during a treatment cycle as well as in pregnancy.

Are probiotics safe to take during pregnancy?

Yes, probiotics are safe to take during pregnancy.

FAQs for Male Patients Undergoing Treatment

Is it OK to use marijuana for recreational or medical purposes during treatment? 

No. There is data that marijuana may have negative effects on sperm.

How long should the abstinence period be for IUI, IVF, ICSI and sperm freezing?

There is no evidence to recommend a minimum abstinence period, but abstinence longer than one week is probably not ideal.

Prior to semen analysis, abstinence of two to seven days is standard.

How long does it take to heal from an egg retrieval?

It may take a couple weeks for your ovaries to return to normal size. If bloating and discomfort increases over the 7-10 days after your retrieval, let your nurse coordinator know. You are able to resume normal activity the day after your procedure as tolerated.

How long after IVF can I have intercourse?

Potential Consequences of Sex after IVF The general rule is to wait up to two weeks after the embryo transfer before having sex. Some couples forego these recommendations and have sex, or simply an orgasm, sooner. The uterine contractions that accompany the female orgasm could prevent the embryo from implanting.

Can you get pregnant after an egg retrieval?

It is possible that oocytes can be missed despite careful attempts to harvest all of them during the retrieval process and that unprotected intercourse can lead to spontaneous conception from sperm that could have survived in the female reproductive tract for several days.

Do and don'ts after egg retrieval?

Avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise, as ovaries are still enlarged during this time and may be tender. Gentle walking is fine. Avoid alcohol or caffeine. Avoid tub baths, hot tubs, Jacuzzis, swimming or immersing oneself in water from the time of the egg retrieval until after the pregnancy test.