How do i know if a tooth infection has spread

A tooth infection can be very dangerous to the body if it goes unchecked. The longer you deal with a tooth infection, the more likely it is that the infection will spread to your body. A tooth infection starts with a toothache, but what are the biggest signs of a tooth infection spreading to your body?

Keep reading to find out what warning signs and symptoms to look out for. If you believe that you are dealing with a tooth infection, visit our dentist Riverside professionals to schedule an appointment for treatment.

To understand what a tooth infection feels like and how to recognize when it is starting to spread throughout the body, you should be aware of the general symptoms that you will first encounter. A tooth infection may be mild and not very painful, or the symptoms may be severe. Either way, it is important to get in touch with your local dental professional if you have any of the following:

  • Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, especially food and drinks
  • Pain that radiates from the tooth outward
  • Swelling in the cheeks or gums
  • Constant bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Pressure or pain when biting down

These symptoms indicate an underlying oral health issue. Get in touch with your dentist so you can wipe out any signs of infection before it spreads.

Feeling Sick All Over the Body

As an unchecked tooth infection starts to spread, you will start noticing the above symptoms more severely. Moreover, you will also start to feel these symptoms all over your body. An infection from your teeth can slip into your bloodstream, spreading these bad symptoms.

Some of the biggest signs that a tooth infection is spreading to the body include frequent headaches, feverishness, dizziness, and face swelling. It may get to the point where you are having difficulty opening or using your mouth because of the swelling. When that occurs, you should go to your local urgent care or emergency dentist to get rid of the infection ASAP.

Getting Treatment

You should get in touch with your dentist at the first sign of tooth infection symptoms. If physical trauma has caused you to break or lose a tooth, you must see your emergency dentist right away. Additional symptoms of tooth infection include difficulty swallowing and breathing, as well as pain that shoots through the ears or neck.

While you wait for your appointment with your dentist, you can seek some relief by taking over-the-counter ibuprofen. It is also recommended that you do not chew on the side of your mouth where your tooth is hurting. Once you arrive at your dentist’s office, you will be given options for the best treatments available. The most common and effective treatment for a tooth infection is a root canal procedure, which removes the infected area of your tooth.

Get a Root Canal and Say Goodbye to Infection!

Speak with our root canal Riverside experts about the procedure and how it can prevent the spread of infection in your mouth. An infection occurs when there is a buildup of bacteria, causing plaque and tartar to form on the teeth. The longer this buildup goes unnoticed, the deeper it goes into the mouth. Sometimes, it will cause the roots of your teeth to become infected.

A root canal procedure removes the infection from the root of your teeth so that your tooth can remain intact. This restores health to your mouth and keeps the infection from spreading to the rest of your body. For more information on a root canal procedure, and for more ways to combat tooth infection, reach out to our friendly experts at Star Dental Group Riverside today!

Dental infections are no fun at all, and without proper treatment, the infection in the tooth can spread to other parts of your body. This can lead to serious complications, and may be life threatening. Your mouth is full of bacteria from food that you eat, and from saliva and plaque. This bacteria can enter into your tooth and result in an abscessed tooth. The tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that forms inside your tooth or gums. The good news is that tooth infections or “abscessed tooth” are easily treatable. Just as long as you do not delay treatment. Read further as we discuss signs that a tooth infection is spreading, and the complications that may arise if you do not get prompt dental attention.

Signs and Symptoms that A Tooth Infection is Spreading

While it is rare for a tooth infection or “tooth abscess” to spread to other parts of your body, it can happen. And, if it does happen, the consequences can be quite severe. If you suspect that a tooth infection spread, you do not want to put off seeing your dentist , call for dental treatment as soon as possible. Here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for, that may indicate the dental infection has spread…

-swelling to the face, neck or cheeks

-pain in your mouth and tongue

-nausea and vomiting

-itching sensation on your skin

-high fever


-difficulty breathing

-persistent headache

-double vision, or loss of vision

-drooping eyelids


-darker urine

-rapid pulse rates and lightheadedness

-your breathing rate increases to over 25 breaths per minute

If an infection in the affected tooth is left untreated, it can spread to your face and/or neck. Severe infections can move to even more distant parts of your body. In rare cases, the infection may become systemic, which can affect multiple tissues throughout the body. You could also be at risk for osteomyelitis, which is an infection of the bone surrounding the teeth. You could be at risk for cellulitis which is an infection of the skin and fat located directly beneath the skin. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is another infection that may arise in untreated tooth infections. This is an infection of the blood vessels with your sinuses. You could experience a parapharyngeal abscess, which is an abscess located at the back of the mouth. Finally, sepsis could happen, which is a serious medical condition where the immune system overreacts to the infection in the blood. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please see your dentist immediately.

Treatment For A Tooth Infection

There are many ways for your dentist to treat the infected tooth. The type of treatment depends on several factors, like to what extent the infection has spread, and the initial location of the dental abscess. Read further as we explain the possible different treatment for a tooth infection.  

Root Canal Therapy: It may be necessary to receive a root canal treatment. This can help treat abscesses deep inside the tooth. The root canal therapy procedure requires the dentist to drill into the tooth and remove the pocket of pus and bacteria at the root of the tooth. Once finished, the dentist will fill the space with a material called gutta-percha. After the tooth is healed, the dentist can restore the tooth with a dental crown, or a filling to prevent an infection from happening again.


When a root canal is not enough to take care of the tooth infection, you may need to have an apicoectomy, or a root end resection. This is a procedure that involves opening the gums up to remove the end of the tooth root along with any other infected tissue.  


You may be prescribed antibiotics to reduce the tooth infection, and to stop the infection from spreading further. If it has been determined that the infection has already spread, you may have to take an extended course of antibiotics. If the infection has spread so much that it is now severe, you may have to stay in a hospital to receive your antibiotics through an intravenous drip.

The Tooth Infection is Drained

It may be necessary in some cases to drain the pus directly from the site of infection. Drainage to remove the pus from an abscess at the back of the mouth may happen at your dentist office .

Even though most tooth infections can be easily treated, treatment should never be delayed. Untreated tooth infections can cause the tooth infection to spread to other parts of the body. If a tooth infection spreads, it could become life threatening. Therefore, if you suspect that you have a tooth infection, seek immediate dental treatment. The most effective way to prevent a tooth infection is to have good oral health care. Limit your sugar intake, brush your teeth and floss twice daily, and have good dental care habits by visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and exams.

What are the chances of a tooth infection spreading?

There is little chance that a tooth infection will spread to other parts of the body. Patients that have any of the below symptoms should call our office right away. Infections that spread can be life threatening and should be taken seriously.

How long can a tooth infection go untreated?

In conclusion, the maximum period that an untreated tooth abscess can sustain is 12 months or more. But, such longevity is associated with dangerous complications such as sepsis or even death. Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

When should I go to the ER for a tooth infection?

The patient should seek emergency help if the infection has become so painful and cannot be managed with over-the-counter medication. If the patient has developed a fever, has chills, is vomiting, or exhibiting other symptoms of having a dental abscess.


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