How do i get a live birth certificate

A baby’s birth certificate is created using a form called the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth. This form simply states that a child was born in the United States and was considered medically alive at birth. 

The certificate is usually filled out by the child’s parents or the staff members at the hospital or facility where the child was born. Then, it must be submitted, either by mail or electronically, to the state, county, or city office responsible for creating and maintaining birth records in that state. The Certificate of Life Birth form includes information on the:

  • Baby’s full name
  • Baby’s place, date, and time of birth
  • Baby’s gender, race, weight, and any health conditions
  • Parents’ full names
  • Hospital or birthing facility where the baby was born
  • Attending doctors or midwives
  • The person completing the birth record

The baby’s parents, the facility staff, or the attending doctors or midwives can submit the form to the state. The appropriate agency will process the Certificate of Live Birth, then the vital records office for the state will issue a new U.S. birth certificate for the child.

Birth Certificate vs. Certificate of Live Birth

While a Certificate of Live Birth is used to create a birth certificate, they are not the same documents. The Certificate of Live Birth is the application, while the birth certificate is the actual vital record created using the information provided on the form.

A person’s original birth certificate is always kept on file at the vital records office where it was created. The vital records office will use the original to make a certified copy of the birth certificate when requested. Certified or long-form copies of a birth certificate will contain information on the individual’s:

  • Full, legal name
  • Place and date of birth
  • Gender at birth
  • Parents’ names

A certified birth certificate copy will include certain identifying features, including a raised, multicolored, or embossed state seal, the registrar’s signature, and the date of issuance. Only certified copies can be used as proof of identity, age, and citizenship.

Walk-in Application

Application made in person by the owner or by his/her representatives will be received at different Census Serbilis Centers.
Documents applied at the East Avenue Census Serbilis Outlet will be released on the same outlet on the date specified in the receipt.

Through the Web

Visit the PSA Serbilis website at //

Visit the PSAHelpline website at //

Note: If the request is done through conventional postal service system or through e-mail, the certification shall be sent to the requesting party through conventional postal service system.

Information to be provided for the issuance of Birth Certificate:

  1.     Complete name of the child (first, middle, last)
  2.     Complete name of the father
  3.     Complete maiden name of the mother
  4.     Date of birth (month, day, year)
  5.     Place of birth (city/municipality, province)
  6.     Whether or not registered late. (If registered late, please state the year when it was registered.
  7.     Complete name and address of the requesting party
  8.     Relationship to the child
  9.     Number of copies needed
  10.     Purpose of the certification


Art. 7. Nondisclosure of birth records. The records of a person's birth shall be kept strictly confidential and no information relating thereto shall be issued except on the request of any of the following:

  1. The person himself, or any person authorized by him;
  2. His spouse, his parent or parents, his direct descendants, or the guardian or institution legally incharge of him, if he is a minor;
  3. The court or proper public official whenever absolutely necessary in administrative, judicial or other official proceedings to determine the identity of the child's parents or other circumstances surrounding his birth; and
  4. In case of the person's death, the nearest of kin.

Any person violating the prohibition shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of at least two months or a fine in an amount not exceeding five hundred pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.


How do I get a Live Birth Certificate UK?

You need to register on the General Register Office ( GRO ) website to get a copy of a birth, adoption, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate in England and Wales. You can use this service to research your family tree. Order with the GRO index reference number.

How do I get a Certificate of Live Birth in NY?

You can get a certified copy of the birth certificate over the internet, by phone or by mail from the New York State Department of Health Vital Records section. If no birth certificate exists, bring a certificate from the Commissioner of the local Board of Health saying that no birth certificate is available.

How do I get a Certificate of Live Birth in Ontario?

Birth registration in Ontario is a two-step process: A Notice of Live Birth form is provided to the Office of the Registrar General by the physician, midwife, nurse, or other informant. Generally, a Statement of Live Birth form is completed by parents of newborns using the online Newborn Registration Service.

How do I get a certified copy of my birth certificate in Quezon City?

PROCESS: Fill out the Certificate of Live Birth form and submit it to the City Civil Registry Department together with other requirements. The receiving clerk will check if the requirements are complete and will assign a registry number to the client. Finally, the clerk will release the document to the registrant.


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