How do i clean my microfiber couch

Let me show you how to clean a microfiber couch and restore it for under $10!

I have saved my couch from certain death!  Ok, maybe that is a bit dramatic but I figured out how to clean my microfiber couch.  

And that along with a bit of restuffing has basically transformed it into a whole new sofa!

Our family room sofa hasn’t been doing so well lately.  Five years ago we bought a tan microfiber sofa/loveseat duo. 

Somewhat bland and boring but nice and neutral and perfectly harmless.  Well, unfortunately, the years haven’t been so kind to our sofa. 

Okay, so really just this past year.  You see little Griffin was a major spitter.  And once he moved past the spit-up days, he turned into a King drooler. 

And somehow much of our family activity tends to revolve around our bland little sofa because it also happens to be oh so comfy. 

Which means it was looking like this.  Warning: these pictures contain graphic content not suitable for all viewers. ;)

Oh yes, I did just put that nasty, disgusting picture of my sofa on the Internet for the world to see. 

I know I am not the only mom out there despairing over her spotted, stained couch.  And I am here to say there is hope!

As you can see, the stains and nastiness were certainly not the only problems. 

The best way I know to describe the situation was the couch had gotten quite shlumpy. 

The cushions were looking saggy and squished and generally not good at all.

Now I would LOVE to go out and buy a new, gorgeous couch.  A sweet chesterfield sofa. 

Or a nice durable leather.  Something with some sweet tufting and gorgeous legs. But that is so far outside the budget right now, that it really didn’t even cross my radar. 

We have a couch.  And other than the shlumpy cushions, it is actually quite comfy.  So by golly, I was going to have to figure out a way to make it work.

And I am so thrilled to report I did!  No, it did not transform into the sofa of my dreams, but I am happy to report that visitors no longer need to be scared to sit on it. And all it took was a few basic supplies.

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  • spray bottle
  • rubbing alcohol
  • scrub brush
  • white or tan sponge
  • Poly-fil

First, I had to take care of all those nasty spots.  Whoever said that microfiber doesn’t stain was clearly on some sort of mind-altering medication. 

Luckily, I knew what to do to take care of that from a post on my friend Julia’s blog, 551 East

I followed her instructions on how to clean a microfiber couch to a T and it worked perfectly.  (Although, disclaimer, I did have to repeat the process three times to get it really looking clean.)

It’s a pretty simple process. Just fill the spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and completely saturate the entire thing with it.  

I found it easier to do one cushion/section at a time.  They use the sponge to scrub, scrub, and scrub.  

You may need to put a little extra effort into any badly stained areas.

Let the whole thing dry and then use the scrub brush to brush the entire surface of the couch in a circular motion.  

This helps soften the microfiber back up and fluff things up.  After this step, your couch should look a thousand times better.  

If there are still areas that are looking bad, just start over with the spraying again.

Once that was done, I was determined to do something about the saggy cushions. 

The back cushions on the sofa are attached and simple fluffing was not making any difference. 

I decided the best solution was going to be restuffing the cushions. 

My plan was to cut a small hole in the attached cushions in a discrete spot underneath and stuff new stuffing in the hole before sewing it closed. 

Luckily for me, before I cut anything, I discovered there was a zipper along the underside of the cushions near where they attach to the back of the sofa.  Yay!

I bought a simple bag of Polyfill from Walmart, unzipped each cushion, and stuffed lots of stuffing up in there, making sure to stuff it all the way up into the corners. 

I tried to keep all of the polyfills behind the original stuffing to prevent lumps and bumps.

Drumroll, please….

This couch has been saved! Sad, stained, and shlumpy no more!  I am beyond thrilled with how this turned out. 

Ten dollars of supplies and a little elbow grease and I practically have a new couch!  Happy dance!

Does anyone else struggle with a less-than-perfect couch?  Please tell me I am not the only one with that kind of nastiness going on! 

And are you totally amazed by this transformation like I am?

And if after all that you’re still on the hunt for a new sofa, I managed to find somegorgeous sofas for as little as $400.


  • Spray Bottle
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • White or Tan Sponge
  • Poly-fil


  1. Fill the spray bottle with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Completely saturate the entire couch with it.  
  3. Use the sponge to scrub, especially badly stained areas.
  4. Let the couch dry. Brush the entire surface of the couch, in a circular motion, with the scrub brush.
  5. Unzip each cushion and fill with poly-fil. Make sure you stuff into the corners as well.

What is the easiest way to clean a microfiber couch?

How To Clean A Microfiber Couch (& Other Furniture).
Spray Soiled Areas. Spray the soiled areas of your sofa with undiluted rubbing alcohol or, if your microfiber furniture is “W” rated, spray with a diluted soap and water mixture..
Blot With a Cloth. ... .
Restore The Fluff..

How do you clean a microfiber couch without leaving water spots?

Rubbing alcohol is the perfect cleaner for microfiber because it evaporates very quickly. This prevents the water spots that often linger on microfiber. Simply fill a spray bottle with clear rubbing alcohol and saturate the stained area. Use a sponge to rub clean.

How do you deep clean a microfiber cloth?

Washing Microfiber Cloths.
Shake out the fabric outdoors or into a trash bag to release excess dirt..
Run a basin of cool or warm water..
Add cloths and agitate by hand. ... .
Soak the cloths for 15 to 20 minutes, then agitate again..
Rinse the towels thoroughly under running water..
Wring out excess water..


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