Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Starting my day with a green smoothie is a no-brainer. Yet, not all green smoothies offer the same types of nutrients + protein + natural sugar. So I've created the perfect breakfast smoothie formula, as well as am sharing my fav healthy breakfast smoothies for weight loss. These smoothies trigger the metabolism to start working. They contain a mix of ingredients that work together with my body, instead of against it.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Are breakfast smoothies good for weight loss?

A plant based breakfast smoothie, when made the right way, can help the body burn fat as well as build muscle. Most ‘breakfast foods’ in grocery stores today (I’m looking at you, colorful cereal aisle), contain complex, or refined carbs. And no, you don't have to be vegan to enjoy these! I'm technically a plant powered foodie. I eat mostly plants, yet won't say no to a slice of NY style pizza or homemade ice cream.

Refined carbs found in most cereals typically lead to:

  • A quick surge of energy, then a sugar crash
  • Serious health conditions such as Type II Diabetes and heart disease
  • Multiple, unknown ingredients that are overly processed
  • Unhealthy increases in weight

Thankfully, there's a better way to breakfast.

Creating a healthy breakfast smoothie

A breakfast protein smoothie can provide sustainable energy without the crash through simple, whole food carbs. They also contain necessary fiber to break down those carbs, along with healthy fats.

These natural fats help the body feel full, minimizing cravings throughout the day. Breakfast smoothies for weight loss are super easy to create, taste incredible, and are for real healthy. Kale yeah!

The 4 recipes highlighted below are delicious, yet don't be afraid to create your own breakfast smoothies too! Here are a few tips to becoming a smoothie creating machine.

  • Follow the 1.5-1-1 rule: this means 1.5 cups of fruit, 1 cup leafy greens, 1 cup liquid
  • To stay full longer + have sustainable energy boost that smoothie with a healthy fat + protein
  • Use seasonal fruits as well as veggies to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to nutrients

Kickstart healthy habits through food

Another way to kick-start healthy eating habits is by utilizing whole foods to help the body reset. Check out my Seasonal Cleanse for a week-long cleanse that will get you on your way to whole body health. I don't believe in weight loss through deprivation, instead I want to fuel my body the right way through energy-filled food.

Here're my top 4 fav breakfast smoothie recipes that instantly take my morning from drab to fab at first sip. I've formulated them with ingredients that maximize both the weight loss benefits, as well as a clean boost of energy.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Fat Burning Smoothie- This vegan breakfast smoothie is tailor-made to speed up the metabolism and burn fat (hello weight loss!). Drink this smoothie, then get in a morning workout. This will maximize the benefits of the grapefruit, avocado, and celery.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Chocolate Banana Protein Shake- Who said chocolate is only for dessert?! This insanely delicious breakfast protein smoothie is the perfect workout recovery drink, as well as a way to kick that weight loss into gear. Not only does it satisfy my sweet tooth, it's packed with vegan protein (20+ grams!) that helps my muscles recover faster from hard exercise.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Meal Replacement Smoothie- Bringing up the rear in this breakfast smoothie recipes lineup, is a berry smoothie that leaves me full and ready to conquer the day. I use whatever berries are in season to get the best taste, as well as the most antioxidant benefits. Berries are super sweet + low sugar, which is a great combo for health and satisfaction.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss without protein powder

Avocado Banana Smoothie- Blending this creamy breakfast smoothie will give the body the healthy fat it craves to create natural energy without the crash. This smoothie is also loaded with ingredients that help my skin glow - bonus!

Do any of these breakfast smoothies for weight loss have you running for the kitchen? I'd love for you to comment below with which one you're going to blend today, then leave a tip or two from your healthy breakfast routine!

Psst...before we get blending, wanna know a secret? You can increase the protein in the recipe below from 8.6 g to a whopping 18.6 g - and it's super easy! My plant based Protein Smoothie Boost is a great way to do that without adding extra sugar or artificial ingredients. Normally you're supposed to keep a secret to yourself, but you totally have my permission to tell your friends about this one.

Here's my fav breakfast smoothie to make that fuels me up and keeps me full all morning long:

Prepping healthy breakfast smoothies

If you're like me, then busy mornings typically lead to the most unhealthy breakfasts for you too. If you want to eat healthy even on your busiest of days, then prep is key! I've got a great smoothie prep guide, which I ACTUALLY use on the regular. Pre-prepped breakfast smoothies are my go-to.

Prepping smoothies ahead and in bulk saves you time and money, as well as paves the way for healthier choices throughout your day. So prep this whole list of smoothies, or pick a few of your favs and fill that freezer with a produce rainbow of goodness!

What can I use instead of protein powder in a smoothie?

How to Add Protein to Your Smoothies Without Using Protein Powder:.
Soy Milk. Soy milk has more protein than other plant-based milks. ... .
Hemp Hearts. Hemp hearts have a more protein than most seeds and a little goes a long way. ... .
Chia Seeds. ... .
Nuts. ... .
Nut or Seed Butter. ... .
Tofu. ... .
Lentils. ... .

Can I make a smoothie without protein powder?

Alternative protein sources to include in shakes Here are some great sources of protein to include in homemade protein shakes: Milks: cow's milk, ultra-filtered milk (like Fairlife brand), pea milk, soy milk, hemp milk. Other milk products: Greek yogurt (dairy or nondairy), cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, kefir.

What should I add to a smoothie for weight loss?

Hemp Seeds. A source of healthy fats and omega-3s, hemp seeds will also add protein. ... .
Flaxseed Meal. The key to weight loss is filling up on low-cal foods that are high in fiber to keep you satiated longer. ... .
Tofu. ... .
Beans. ... .
Yogurt or Kefir. ... .
Avocado. ... .
Berries. ... .
Nuts or Nut Butter..

Can I drink smoothies to lose weight?

If a smoothie helps you offset other calories you would otherwise consume, it can be an effective weight loss tool. If you prioritize ingredients low in calories and high in protein and fiber, your smoothie may keep you full until your next meal.