Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Do you live in California (CA)? Are you interested in buying a Great Dane?

If so, then check out our list of the Best Great Dane Breeders in California (CA).

The below list includes the best breeders we could find near you.

Where to Buy Great Dane Puppies in California

Address: Shingle Springs, California, USA

Address: Blue Jay, California, USA

Address: Los Gatos, California, USA

Address: Napa, California, USA

Address: Canyon Country, California, USA

Address: Ione, California, USA

Address: San Diego (near), California, USA

Address: Corona, California, USA

Address: Clovis, California, USA

Address: Soquel, California, USA

Were you able to find a Great Dane Puppy in California?

Hopefully, the above list of Great Dane Puppies was helpful in enabling you to find a puppy in California.

Please let us know in the comments if you have ever purchased a Great Dane from any of the above breeders in CA.

What were they like, was your dog happy and healthy?

Do these breeders deserve to be included in our Best Great Dane Breeders in California (CA) list?

Is there a Breeder missing from our Best Great Dane Breeders in California (CA) list?

Are you a Great Dane Breeder in California? Have we missed you from our list?

Please submit a Breeder Listing Form if you would like to be included in our Great Dane Breeders in California (CA) directory listing.

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Black & Blue
Chic #: #80641, #103911

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Never
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Harlequin & Mantle
Chic #: #61080, #114109

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Rarely
Stud Service: No
Colors Bred: Fawn & Black
Chic #: 147440

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Rarely
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Fawn, Brindle
Chic #: 13774, 47430, 42521, 47428, 101232, 15637, 15636, 51429

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Harlequin, Mantle, & Merle
Chic #: #76137, #20069, #50992, #45516

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: No
Colors Bred: Harlequin & Mantle
Chic #: #105409, 116870, 105409

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Fawn & Brindle
Chic #: 82596

Breeder Information:
Eye Candy Danes
Paul Michael Johnson, BS, MSHS, MBA

Location: Rancho Santa Fe, California
Phone Number: 8583537995

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Rarely
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Black / Harlequin
Chic #: 143601

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Harlequin, Mantle, & Merle
Chic #: #62848, #63666, #94188

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Never
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Brindle & Fawn
Chic #: #57112, #101843, #101847, #101842

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Fawn
Chic #: #99853, #63510, #45679

Puppies: Rarely
Adults: Never
Stud Service: No
Colors Bred: Black, Blue, & Fawn
Chic #: #96743, #70472, #68474

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Fawn Brindle
Chic #: #88425

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Never
Colors Bred: Black & Fawn
Chic #: #101740, #122232, #143599, #127929

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Brindle & Fawn
Chic #: #104883, #111013, #107048, #112498

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Never
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Brindle & Fawn
Chic #: #100043, #82359

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Brindle & Fawn
Chic #: #100042, #86155, #111825

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: No
Colors Bred: Harlequin, Mantle, & Merle
Chic #: #100688, #80966, #71279, #75769

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Occasionally
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Black & Blue
Chic #: #96357, #82808, #41208, #82992

Puppies: Rarely
Adults: Never
Stud Service: No
Colors Bred: Harlequin & Mantle
Chic #: #111826

Great dane puppies for sale san diego

Puppies: Occasionally
Adults: Rarely
Stud Service: Yes
Colors Bred: Harlequin, Mantle, Merle
Chic #: 115271,124232, 91075,111453,115273