Gifts for intended parents from surrogate

As a gestational carrier, you are giving the gift of parenthood – the greatest gift you can ever give your intended parents. Throughout the surrogacy process, you will be creating a relationship with the intended mother and father that may last a lifetime.

With any relationship, we like to honor them with a little something extra. “Can I or should I get the intended parents a gift?” If you are asking yourself this question, the answer is yes!  Many intended parents and gestational carriers like to give and receive surrogacy gifts to symbolize their relationship.

Adoption Choices of Oklahoma knows that no relationship compares to that of the one you have with your intended parents. That’s why we created this list of gift ideas for them! From a welcome basket to a simple thank-you, your gift can vary. Just remember that it does not have to be expensive or elaborate. It’s the thought that counts.

Sentimental Ideas

The My Surrogacy Journal for intended parents from Etsy is a great gift idea for intended mothers. This journal documents information about the gestational carrier: medical information, counseling sessions, contact and agency information, ultrasound photos, and scheduled appointments. It’s also a journal that details the great experiences throughout the gestational surrogacy journey.

As a mother, when you are filling out a baby book, it is amazing to be able to look back and see little details like appointments, ultrasounds, and even just how you were feeling throughout your pregnancy. Intended parents may feel that the chance to journal their pregnancy details isn’t there, seeing as they aren’t carrying the child. But this gift is a simple way to help intended parents feel a part of the process.

For intended fathers, the Sound Wave Stainless Steel Key Chain from Etsy is a must. It can even be laser-engraved with the audio file of the baby’s heartbeat. This is a simple reminder of how something so small can hold great meaning and power.

Jewelry Ideas

If you are looking for something simple that is also a timeless gift idea for intended mothers, jewelry is a great option. Consider going one step further and personalizing it! The Giving Key necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are a great option. You can choose from a number of items with charms that are specific to fertility. There are both men’s and women’s ideas for intended parents.

Another great timeless piece is the Tiffany Hearts Mom Tag Bracelet. It is simple and elegant and coated in sterling silver.

Handmade Ideas

While we are able to go out and buy most gifts, nothing can replace the love and time of handmade gifts.

One great gift idea for intended mothers is a handmade baby blanket. While it seems so simple, it is something that not only the intended parent will the treasure, but also one that the baby will as well. Another great option is a “Welcome to Parenthood” gift basket bursting with items both the baby and intended parents will need – coffee, coffee cups, baby clothing, diapers, etc. Remember that you don’t need to spend a great deal of money to make an impact. Some of the most meaningful gifts have been handwritten letters or framed photos of the baby’s first ultrasound.

Gift Ideas for Intended Parents

Only you will know what is best for your intended parents. Adoption Choices of Oklahoma encourages you to get creative in your gift giving and remember that it is the thought that matters most. You are giving them the greatest gift they could ever receive, so anything else is simply icing on the cake.

Adoption Choices of Oklahoma

Adoption Choices of Oklahoma is a private adoption agency, licensed by the state of Oklahoma and leader in the adoption community. We have been assisting birth parents, children, and adoptive families in Oklahoma for over 19 years. Our staff members are committed to providing an ethical, empowering, and personalized adoption experience to all involved in the adoption process.  If you are currently in the process of adopting a baby and have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. You may visit our website here or call 405-794-7500 (Oklahoma City) or 918-982-6220 (Tulsa).

Support Adoption Choices

Adoption Choices, Inc. is partnering with Crowdrise, a fundraising website for nonprofits, to help our adoptive parents and birth parents with much needed financial assistance. We understand that expenses keep clients from fulfilling their dreams. Both with birth parents making a plan for adoption, and with adoptive parents growing their family. It is our mission to provide financial assistance through grants and scholarships, awarded annually in November, in honor of National Adoption Month. Funds assist adoptive parents with matching and placements, adoption finalization and helping birth mothers improve their lives through higher education — and much more.

However, we can’t do it alone. Please read up on our programs and donate money where you are able. Your donation will make a huge impact.

About the Author

Ashley Johnson is an Editorial Intern from Pendroy, Montana. She writes a weekly lifestyle  blog which includes adoption and surrogacy. Before starting at Adoption Choices, Inc., Ashley worked for six years as a legal clerk for a judge in Montana. She has decided to go back to college to finish her degree in Communications in hopes of pursuing her passion for writing. Ashley is excited  to share her experience with  adoption as well as being able to bring a rural outlook on adoption and surrogacy.

In her spare time, Ashley enjoys working on her family ranch with her husband and two children, coaching high school basketball and settling in.

What should I get my intended parents?

10 Holiday Gift Ideas for Intended Parents.
A Personalized Care Package. The best presents aren't the most extravagant — they are the ones with the most heart. ... .
Something to Help Them Prepare. ... .
Baby Supplies. ... .
Something for the Baby. ... .
A Night Out on the Town. ... .
A Sentimental Accessory. ... .
A Home-Cooked Meal. ... .
Surrogacy-Specific Gifts..

What do you buy a surrogate mother?

Gift Ideas for your Surrogate!.
Jewelry. Whether you choose a simple necklace, earrings or bracelet, many women appreciate jewelry, especially if it has sentimental or symbolic meaning. ... .
A Spa Day. ... .
Meaningful Gifts. ... .
Pregnancy Survival Kit. ... .
Maternity Clothes. ... .
Photo Shoot. ... .
Handmade Gifts. ... .

What is the average compensation for a surrogate mother?

The average amount of compensation, including expenses, can range from $50,000 to $80,000 depending on experience and the individual arrangements. In states like California, where surrogates are in high demand, surrogates may be paid slightly higher.

How do you thank a surrogate?

Here are 10 ways to say “Thanks for being our Surrogate.”.
Be present during the process. ... .
Give empathy. ... .
Say thanks. ... .
Send a card. ... .
Remember birthdays and holidays. ... .
Send a Surrogate Care Package. ... .
Give a Gift Card. ... .
Share a Quote..


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