Georgia secretary of state corporations business search

If you are doing a business search with the Secretary of State of Georgia, the first thing you should do is make sure that the name you want for your company is not already taken. Check the name status by visiting the Georgia Corporate Division`s business page and typing in the suggested company name. This search displays a list of companies with similar names, with details such as business type, tracking number, registered agent name, status, and address. The name of an LLC must always be correct. The name you propose must not be formulated for reasons not specified in the articles. If the name you want to choose is already taken, you can wait five years in the state of Georgia to reuse the name. The State Secretary of Georgia registers voters, monitors annual company filings, issues professional licenses, and oversees the state securities market. Opening hours: 08:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) If you are looking for existing business names, visit the Georgia business divisions search page and enter the suggested name you want to use. Do not add punctuation or “LLC” marks to the end of the Company Name field. You can use uppercase or lowercase letters because the search is not case-sensitive. If you want to get additional details faster, type the first two words of the suggested LLC name. In the search, you will see important details about the business entity, including name status, business type, agent, control number, and address. If you see “No data found” after searching, your LLC name is probably available.

If the search finds no data, it means that your LLC name is unique, recognizable, and unlikely to be used. If the search results show an exact match to the desired name, you must recreate the name to qualify. Avoid using names that are similar or identical to a name that already exists in the database. If you are doing a business search with the Secretary of State of Georgia, the first thing you should do is make sure that the name you want for your company is not already taken. 3 min read To search for a tracking number, visit and enter the tracking number for each business name. This search will help you find the most recent business information in the Tracking Number tab. This search returns a result for each tracking number you enter. Office of Secretary of State Division 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE Suite 313 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Georgians can easily renew their business online for up to three years.

If you are sure that the LLC name you want has not been assigned and is unique, the next step is to select a registered agent. Names that are not available may indicate the following statuses: A business structure determines how your business is organized. If you have any questions or concerns, the Secretary of State for Georgia is available at 404-656-2817 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Simply changing the identifier, the identifier at the end of a company name, or changing the grammar makes the suggested name ambiguous. Each county`s registrar`s office oversees elections You can reserve a business name while you`re formalizing your business. Search for all content within the company`s department To run for public office, you need to take a number of important steps. Some of the most important aspects to consider when verifying the name of an LLC registered in Georgia are: These examples are too similar and would be indistinguishable: you must file an annual registration for your business with the Secretary of State every year. The second ballot shall be held when no candidate obtains the required majority of votes.

Government Records Inquiry System

Welcome to the Secretary of State's Government Records Inquiry System. This facility provides you easy access to public information maintained by the Secretary of State's office in electronic format. If you are searching for certain corporation records from 1949-2010, please visit

Notice: We have switched from a 6 digit to a 9 digit Entity ID format. There is no action for you to take, but you may notice 3 leading 0's added to your number.

Business Entity Search Options

Entity Name
Entity Number
Officer | Agent | Incorporator
Month and Year
Reservation | Registration by ID

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When performing a Georgia Secretary of State business search, the first step is to make sure the name you want for your business is not already taken. 3 min read

1. LLC Name Searching in Georgia
2. Entity Name Requirements in Georgia
3. How to Search the Georgia Name Database
4. Contact Info of Georgia State Secretary
5. Control Number Searching

LLC Name Searching in Georgia

When performing a Georgia Secretary of State business search, the first step is to make sure the name you want for your business is not already taken. Check the status of the name by visiting the Georgia Corporations Division's Business page and putting in the proposed business name. This search will bring up a list of companies with similar names, with details like business type, control number, registered agent name, status, and address.

The name of an LLC should always be proper. Your proposed business name should not be formulated for any reasons that have not been stated in the articles of incorporation. If the name you want to choose is already taken, the state of Georgia allows you to wait for five years to reuse the name.

Entity Name Requirements in Georgia

Some of the most important aspects to consider when checking the name of an LLC registered in Georgia are:

  • In your search, include "L.L.C. " or "LLC " at the end of the name you have chosen.
  • You cannot include "corporation" or "incorporation" (or the abbreviations “inc." or “corp.”) within your business name because an LLC is not a corporation.
  • Your business name must be unique and can't be too similar to other registered businesses in the state.

Simply modifying the designator, the identifier at the end of a business name, or changing the grammar will not make the proposed name unique.

Examples include:

  • Changing words to plural, singular, or possessive
  • The use of “a,” “an,” or “the”
  • Spelling out numbers (three vs. 3)
  • Adding LLC, L.L.C, Corp., or Inc.
  • Using “or,” “and,” or the ampersand symbol
  • Inputting commas, hyphens, periods, and/or slashes

These examples are too similar and would not be distinguishable:

  • Banana Farms, LLC vs. Banana Farm, LLC
  • Mary, Peter & Paul Studios, Inc. vs. Mary-Peter-Paul Studios, Inc.
  • Day and Night, LLC vs. Night & Day, LLC
  • The Paper Shop, LLC vs. A Print Shop, LLC
  • Johnson Investments, Inc. vs. Johnson Investments, LLC
  • Three Accountants Consulting, LLC vs. 3 Accountants Consulting, LLC

How to Search the Georgia Name Database

When searching for existing business names, visit the Georgia Business Divisions search page and input the proposed name you want to use. Do not include any punctuation or “LLC” at the end within the “Business Name” box. You can use capital or lowercase letters as the search is not case sensitive. If you want to get additional details faster, put in the first two words of the proposed LLC name.

In the search, you will see important business entity details, including name status, business type, agent, control number, and address. If you see “No Data Found” after performing the search, your LLC name is likely available. When the search finds no data, this means your LLC name is unique and distinguishable and is likely not taken. When the search results show an exact match with the name you want, you will need to recreate the name to qualify. Steer clear of using anything that is similar or identical to a name already in the database.

Statuses in the business name database include:

  • Available Names
  • Abandoned
  • Cancelled
  • Disapproved Filing
  • Diss./Cancel/Terminated
  • Expired Name Reservation
  • Inactive
  • Inactive Limited Partnership
  • Judicially Dissolved
  • Manual Administrative Dissolution/Revocation
  • Non-Qualified
  • Revoked
  • Void
  • Withdrawn
  • Withdrawn/Merged

Names that are not available may show these statuses:

  • Active Name Reservation
  • Active/Compliance
  • Active/Non-compliance
  • Active/Owes Current Year A/R
  • Admin. Dissolved
  • Automated Administrative Dissolution/Revocation
  • Consolidated
  • Converted
  • Do Not Use Disapproved
  • Election to LLC/LP
  • Flawed/Deficient
  • Involuntary Dissolution
  • Merged Name Reservation 90 Days
  • Name Reservation Rejected
  • Pending
  • Redeemed
  • See Notepad
  • To Be Dissolved

If you're certain the LLC name you want has not been taken and is unique, the next step is choosing a registered agent.

If you have questions or concerns, the Secretary of State of Georgia is available at 404-656-2817 between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Control Number Searching

To search for a control number, visit and put in the specific business name's control number. This search will help you find the most current business information found on the tab marked “control number.” This search will produce one result for each control number you enter. 

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How do I look up a corporation in Georgia?

Corporation & Business Entity Search You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Georgia or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered.

How do you check if a business is legit in Georgia?

You can reach the Better Business Bureau (BBB) online or by phone to do a reputation check. The main web site will direct you to the various regional headquarters. The phone number for the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Atlanta, for example, is 404-766-0875.

How do you check if my business name is registered in Georgia?

You can use the Secretary of State's online business search to determine if your desired name is taken.

How do I check if an LLC is available in Georgia?

You can easily check for existing company names with the Georgia Corporations Division of the Secretary of State's registry of businesses. Once you've found the right Georgia business name, you can quickly register your GA LLC or corporation through us for one low fee.