Gareth williams the politics & the life lyrics

Rhodri Morgan writes:

Like John Smith, a son of a schoolmaster, Gareth was brought up in the school house of Mostyn in the north-east corner of Wales. Only last Friday I was driving down the Dee estuary coast road from Prestatyn back to Cardiff. Quite unaware of the possibility of any misfortune, I looked up to the hilltop and thought of Gareth growing up in the schoolhouse with an eagle-eye view over the Wirral and Merseyside.

The values he would have absorbed from his upbringing never left him: the protestant work ethic, meritocracy, pride in Wales and the Welsh education system, democracy and the importance of paying back your debt to society.

When he left his legal career 10 years ago to enter the Lords, he threw himself into frontbench Labour politics as Lords spokesman on Welsh affairs and other portfolios, first in opposition, then in government. His charm, wit and humour were crucial in talking round a sometimes reluctant House of Lords into accepting the principle of the government legislative proposals coming from the Commons. These skills made him one of the great Labour leaders of the Lords.

His one unfulfilled dream was to stand for office in Wales for a seat in a reformed upper house. Although a loyal member of Tony Blair's cabinet, he never hid his wish for a democratic upper house.

Welsh public life and British politics will miss him because, as with John Smith, the best was yet to come.

Composed by

Gareth Williams

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(incorrect year?)

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The Politics & The Life by Daniel Pemberton, Gareth Williams on Amazon Music -

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Gareth williams the politics & the life lyrics

Executive Director

Gareth Williams is a Director of The Policy Practice with a varied background in development consulting work. Over the past twenty years he has been heavily engaged in developing and applying political economy approaches to development and governance problems. Assignments include a study on the political economy of demographic transition in Nigeria, studies on the political economy of education in Nigeria, analyses of the changing political economy context in three Central Asian Countries, studies of health security and health systems resilience in West Africa and an assessment of the impact of twenty years of governance programming in Nigeria. Gareth is a trainer on The Policy Practice’s Political Economy Analysis in Action training course and frequently works as a facilitator supporting project teams to conduct their own political economy analysis and to apply adaptive management practices. His broad sectoral expertise includes governance and civil society development, public financial management, health and education, agriculture and rural development and private sector development. He has worked in over 20 countries with a particular focus on Nigeria, Rwanda and recently Central Asia.