Furnished apartments for rent short term near me

Where can I find temporary accommodation in the Netherlands?

Email or Call (+31 (0)88 1169 500). ServicedApartments.nl is the portal to help you find and book serviced apartments in the Netherlands. With a wide range of carefully selected apartments we offer a one-stop platform for booking short term stays.

Where can I find temporary accommodation in Amsterdam?

Do you need a temporary rental apartment in Amsterdam? City Centre Retreat is a property management company that can provide a range of housing options or just help by answering any questions. For advice and assistance, please contact them using the button below, call 0031 6 4444 1231 or visit their website.

How do you find short term rentals for residencies?

Airbnb and Vrbo are some great places to start your search for a short term rental property. Both sites allow you to search by destination and other specific criteria, such as the number of bedrooms and access to amenities like a pool or a gym. This makes it easy to find the perfect temporary housing for you.