Form a polynomial with real coefficients calculator

Summary :

The degree function calculates online the degree of a polynomial.

degree online

Description :

The computer is able to calculate online the degree of a polynomial.

Calculating the degree of a polynomial

The calculator may be used to determine the degree of a polynomial.

To obtain the degree of a polynomial defined by the following expression `x^3+x^2+1`, enter : degree(`x^3+x^2+1`) after calculation, the result 3 is returned.

Calculating the degree of a polynomial with symbolic coefficients

The calculator is also able to calculate the degree of a polynomial that uses letters as coefficients.

To obtain the degree of a polynomial defined by the following expression : `ax^2+bx+c` enter degree(`ax^2+bx+c`) after calculation, result 2 is returned.

Syntax :


Examples :

degree(`x^3+x^2+1`), returns 3

Calculate online with degree (degree of a polynomial)

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Found the internet!


Posted by1 year ago


I have found a million calculators and methods for Mathway & Wolfram Alpha for turning a function into degrees / coefficients, but not the other way around. Help?

"Question Use the given information about the polynomial graph to write the polynomial. Write the polynomial in standard form axn+bxn−1+….

Degree: 3, Zeros at (8,0), (−4,0), (1,0), y-intercept (0,32). Leading coefficient is 1."

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level 1

No, you don't need a calculator. You need to understand the math.

If f(x)=k(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)

=> f(a)=0, f(b)=0, f(c)=0

The question gives you a,b,c,k directly. You just need to expand it using the distributive law.

level 2

Knewton counted my answer as wrong though and with it, it's never clear until you fail out of the question if it's formatting or content. f(x)=x3 -5x2 -28x +32

level 1


Plug in (0, 32) and solve for a

level 2

I got 1 for a but Knewton doesn't like me

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This standard form calculator is basically a tool that finds multiple things about polynomials, the main of them being the Standard form of a polynomial equation.

After Hitting the calculate button, the user first sees the polynomial in standard form. Then there is 

  • Factorization over complexes or splitting fields.
  • Plot 
  • Factorization over finite fields.

You can see the steps for each calculation. 

How to use polynomial standard form calculator?

To write polynomials in standard form using this calculator;

  1. Enter the equation. Or you can load an example.
  2. Double-check your equation in the displayed area.
  3. Click Calculate.
  4. Reset to use again.

What is the polynomial standard form?

Each equation type has its standard form. Radical equation? Check. Rational equation? Check. This means there is also a standard form of polynomial or exponential equations.

The standard form of the polynomial equation is obtained by ordering elements in the descending order of degrees. Its general form is 

Let’s see some examples of these equations.

Example 1:

Order the following equation in standard form. 

7x - 3 + 5x2


Step 1: See the order of the polynomial.

The highest degree tells the order of the polynomial equation. In this example, the order of the polynomial is 2.

Step 2: Write the element with degree 2 in the first place.

5x2 is the required element.

5x2 + (second value) + (third value)

Step 3: Place the degree 1 value.

7x has the power one.

5x2 + 7x + (third value)

Step 4: Input the last value with the variable degree 0.

5x2 + 7x - 3.

This is the standard form of the given equation.

Example 2:

Arrange the following equations in the standard form

  1. x5 - 4x + 2x10
  2. 1 + 8x3 + x + x2
  3. 7 + 7x + 7x2 + 6x3 + 6x4 + 6x5


  1. 2x10 + x5 - 4x
  2. 8x3 + x2 + x + 1
  3. 6x5 + 6x4 + 6x3 + 7x2 + 7x + 7

Factorization of polynomial equation

Factorization, as you might know, is the process of breaking down a value into smaller values which on multiplication give the original equation or function. Quadratic equations can be broken down by quadratic formula and completing squares.

But a general method is to arrange the equation into standard form and simplify it. It is best explainable by an example. 

Consider that you have the equation  9x + 6x2y + 3xy. Let’s find its factors.

Firstly, arrange this equation into standard form.

= 6x2y + 3xy + 9x

See what you can extract from this equation. This value will be the GCF of all three entries of the equation. 

= 3x (2xy + y + 3)

So, 3x is the GCF of the equation 6x2y + 3xy + 9x. Now, this equation is at its simplest. It cannot be solved further.

Hence, the factors of this equation are 3x and 2xy + y + 3.

Polynomial graph plot

When a polynomial equation is plotted on a graph, the x-intercepts give the factors of the equation. For example

This is the graph of the polynomial equation x2 + 2x + 1. You can determine its factors by looking at the x-intercept.

The factors of this equations are x = -1 and x = -1.

Factorization over a finite field

The calculator above finds the factors of the equation in the Galois field 2. GF(2) is the smallest finite field that exists with the elements 0 and 1. 

Its resemblance to the binary system and boolean algebra makes it really useful in computer science and related fields.

How to find the factored form of a polynomial?

This calculator is a free online math tool that writes a polynomial in factored form. The solver shows a complete step-by-step explanation. To find the factored form of a polynomial, this calculator employs the following methods: 1. Factoring GCF, 2 Factoring by grouping, 3 Using the difference of squares, and 4 Factoring Quadratic Polynomials

What is an example of a polynomial coefficient?

Examples : Polynomial coefficients : must be rational numbers e.g. integer numbers (-4) or fractions (1/4) or decimals (3.6). Operators : + - * / ^ (the last is the power operator so x^2 = x2 x 2)

How to generate a polynomial using a calculator?

INSTRUCTIONS: 1 . This calculator will generate a polynomial from the roots entered below. 2 . You can use integers (10), decimal numbers (10.2) and fractions (10/3). 3 . Roots need to be separated by comma. 0123456789-/.,del Enter roots: Show me graph: Smart zooming xmin: xmax: Generate Polynomial working...

What is coefficient calculator?

This calculator computes the coefficients of a Polynomial that you input below. How to use this calculator? Input a single-letter that is the polynomial variable.

How do you write a polynomial with roots?

To write a polynomial equation, we follow these steps: Write the roots as factors, changing the signs and putting each factor in parentheses. Multiply pairs of roots together using a box to organize the multiplication. Make sure that each factor has been multiplied by every other factor, and.

How do you write a polynomial form?

What are the Steps to Writing a Polynomial in Standard Form?.
Write the terms..
Group all the like terms..
Find the exponent..
Write the term with the highest exponent first..
Write the rest of the terms with lower exponents in descending order..
Write the constant term (a number with no variable) in the end..

How do you find a polynomial coefficient?

To get polynomial coefficients, take the numbers in front of each terms. The get the degree of each terms, add the exponents in each terms to get their degrees.


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