Find x and y intercepts of a function calculator

Find X and Y Intercept

Standard Form of the equation of a straight line = Ax + By = C
Enter the coefficients A, B and C

X and Y Intercept calculator is a free online tool that gives the intercepts for the given straight line equation. BYJU’S online x and y-intercept calculator tool makes the calculations faster and easier where it displays the x and y-intercepts in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use X and Y Intercept Calculator?

The procedure to use x and y-intercept calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the coefficients of the straight line equation A, B and C in the input fields

Step 2: Now click the button “solve” to get the output

Step 3: The result will be displayed in the corresponding x and y-intercept fields

What are Intercepts?

The point where the line crosses the axis of a graph is called intercept. If a line crosses the x-axis at a point, then it is called x-intercept whereas a line crosses the y-axis at a point, then the point is called y-intercept.

Also, read: Equation of a Plane – Intercept Form

Standard Straight Line Equation

The standard equation for the straight line is

Ax + By = C


A is the coefficient of x

B is the coefficient of y

C is a constant

Frequently Asked Questions on X and Y Intercept

What is x-intercept?

A point, where the line crosses the x-axis, is called the x-intercept. The x-intercept occurs when y=0.

What is y-intercept?

A point, where the line crosses the y-axis, is called the y-intercept. The y-intercept occurs when x = 0.

How to find the intercepts?

To find the x-intercept using the straight-line equation, substitute y=0 and solve for x. To find the y-intercept, substitute x=0 and solve for y.

This x and y intercept calculator will instantly figure out x and y intercepts for a straight line equation, function, or expression. Simply input the function and the tool will let you know what coordinates are linked with it that will assist you to draw its graph.

What are Intercepts?

Particular points on a graph from which a straight line passes are known as intercept(s).

Coefficients of X and Y Intercepts:

Suppose you have the following linear function:

Ax + By = C

Here we have:

  • A as coefficient of x intercept
  • B as the coefficient of y intercept
  • When it comes to C, it’s a constant term

How To Find Intercepts?

Let us suppose the following equation below:



The x intercept calculator Puts y = 0 in above expression to determine this coordinate:






Put x = 0 in the given equation:





The required intercepts are:

x-intercept: \(\dfrac{1}{2}, 0\)

y-intercept: \(0, \dfrac{2}{7}\)

How Does X and Y Intercept Calculator Work?

Our intercepts calculator is specially intended to solve for the coordinates that define the slope and a linear line on the graph. Let’s discus

s how you can use it!


  • Input your function, equation, or expression in the field and hit the calculate button


  • X and y intercepts
  • Displays the graph containing the determined points


From the source of Wikipedia: Intercept, Quadrant (plane geometry), Mnemonic

From the source of Khan Academy: Quadrants on the coordinate plane, Points


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How do you find the x and y intercepts of a function?

To find the x-intercept we set y = 0 and solve the equation for x. This is because when y=0 the line crosses the x-axis. When an equation is not in y = mx + b form, we can solve for the intercepts by plugging in 0 as needed and solving for the remaining variable. To find y-intercept: set x = 0 and solve for y.

How do you find the x

To find the x-intercept, substitute y = 0 and solve for x. To find the y-intercept, substitute x =0 and solve for y.

What are the x intercepts of the function calculator?

The x-intercept is the name given to the intersection point of the function/line with the x-axis (abscissa) for the ordinate value y = 0 (origin).

How do you find the x and y intercepts on a Casio calculator?

Press the "Trace" button. Press the "0" button. This will move the cursor to the Y intercept where X = 0. Look at the bottom of your screen; the Y-intercept will be displayed there.


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