Essential oil for skunk smell in house

Critters are a fact of life on a homestead…

And not just the domesticated ones, but the wild ones too.

That includes coyotes, rattlesnakes, badgers, raccoon, porcupines, antelope with their babies, plenty of mice, and a couple of skunks.

We also have three very curious, very territorial dogs who are extremely interested in whomever and whatever may enter our place…

I don’t really even need to go on, do I?

My frugal nature, combined with the fact that I try to limit my shopping trips to no more than two per month, prompted me to search for a home remedy for treating “skunked” dogs…

And boy oh boy, did I hit the jackpot!

I’ve used commercial skunk shampoos in the past, but this simple recipe far surpasses them! And don’t even try to suggest the old “give them a tomato juice bath” wives tale… it doesn’t work.

It’s cheap, the products are most likely already in your cabinets, and it works wonderfully.

You will need:

  • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide (this is the kind you find in the first aid section of your average grocery store. It’s very cheap.)
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1-2 drops of liquid dish soap (optional)
  • 2-3 drops lemon essential oil (optional–but adds extra deodorizing power)
  • Rubber Gloves (optional, but highly recommended…)
  • Bucket

Put on your gloves and gather everything you will need. Once you mix the ingredients, the solution must be used immediately, so there won’t be any time to go searching for the dog, etc!

I did this outside and tied the dog up to a post so my hands would be free. I also had a hose handy. I suppose you could do this in your bathtub if you had to, but I wouldn’t unless I was very desperate!

Mix together the peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Stir well and then quickly apply to the dry dog, being careful not to splash any in his eyes. Thoroughly work the solution in his coat. It should cover and permeate as much of the hair as possible.

Allow the dog to “soak” for around 5 minutes.

A chemical reaction is occurring which actually neutralizes the odor. This is why you must use it before the peroxide and soda are finished with their reaction. It can not be made ahead of time and stored.

After the waiting period, thoroughly rinse the dog with water.

You may have to repeat the process, but I only had to do it once and we were skunk free!

I hope you never have a need for this remedy on your homestead, but it might be a good idea to bookmark this post, just in case!

Essential oil for skunk smell in house

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    While skunks might use their spray as a defense mechanism, the odor left behind is more offensive than anything. The extremely foul smell can last for three weeks, and the longer it sits, the harder it is to remove. Acting quickly with the following tips will ensure your success in eliminating skunk odor.

    One of the most common reasons someone might be dealing with skunk smell is anencounter between the family dog or cat and a startled skunk. If your pet has just gotten sprayed, make sure their eyes aren’t affected (if they seem uncomfortable and their eyes look irritated, seek a vet’s attention).

    Also, make sure the pet touches as few indoor surfaces as possible. Then follow these steps to remove the skunk smell from your dog or cat:

    1. Mix 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1-2 teaspoons dishwashing soap (if you don’t have hydrogen peroxide, any pharmacy and most grocery stores carry it)
    2. Wearing rubber gloves and keeping the solution away from your pet’s eyes, wash their entire body
    3. Rinse your furry friend thoroughly to remove the solution
    4. Follow up with a skunk-odor-eliminating shampoo, if you have one on hand

    Keep in mind that you cannot store this solution in a closed container. It will build pressure and eventually explode. It’s best to dilute it with water and pour it down the drain when finished. Also, don’t leave the hydrogen peroxide on your pet for more than five minutes, as it can lighten their fur color.

    If your pet’s particularly difficult to wrangle in the bathtub, keeping its collar around its neck might be necessary. Otherwise, take the collar off the pet, remove the tags, and throw it in the wash right away. Simply replacing the collar is also an option.

    How To Get Skunk Smell Out of the House

    Skunk odor can linger for days or weeks, depending on its intensity. Here are some tips for in-house skunk smell removal.

    • Open all of your windows and let as much sunlight in as possible to oxidize the odor and shorten its lifespan. Also, run the fan in your central heating or AC system to circulate the air.
    • Place bowls of vinegar in each room for two or three days. Make sure they’re out of reach of inquisitive children and furry friends. You can also pour the vinegar in inexpensive plastic containers and punch holes in the lids. The vinegar will absorb and neutralize the odor.
    • Place any affected clothing, bedding, and other launderable fabrics in a washer set to the hottest setting. Add ½ cup baking soda to the load, along with your regular detergent. Launder and repeat the wash cycle once more. Be sure to air dry your laundry, outside if possible, instead of putting it in the dryer, as the dryer’s intense heat could bake the smell into your clothing.
    • For couches, carpets, mattresses, curtains, and other non-launderable soft surfaces, opt for a thorough steam cleaning.
    • For hard surfaces, a 1:9 mixture of bleach and water will remove the smell. Just be sure to test in a small area to ensure the bleach doesn’t discolor or damage the surface.

    When you’re done, be sure to change the air filters in your HVAC system or the odors might hang around.

    How To Get Rid of Skunk Smell in the Yard

    Skunk spray can travel ten feet and potentially settle into the porous surfaces of wooden decks and play sets or natural stone walkways. But there are ways to deodorize these outdoor structures.

    1. Mix 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water (be sure to test in a small area to when working with bleach)
    2. Working in small areas, use a sponge, cloth, or mop to wash the surface with the solution
    3. Rinse each section with fresh water immediately after scrubbing, making sure not to let the solution sit for more than five minutes, as bleach can discolor the surface.

    Do not use this solution in a pressure washer. The overspray can bleach plants or other unintended items.

    Launder any affected outdoor fabrics in a washer set to the hottest setting with ½ cup of baking soda and laundry detergent. If items are too large, use a steamer to neutralize the odor.

    These tips will help get rid of the skunk smell, but remember to work quickly so the odor has less time to settle in.

    What can you diffuse to get rid of skunk smell?

    Chemist Paul Krebaum discovered a solution that changes the odorous thiols into odorless acids, thereby chemically neutralizing the skunk odor. The formula is: 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle), • ¼ cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and • 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap.

    Does peppermint oil get rid of skunk smell?

    Use peppermint or spearmint oil to combat the odor. Place it on a cotton swab, apply it to the skin or mix it with water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle for larger areas.

    What to do if it smells like skunk in your house?

    How To Get Skunk Smell Out of the House.
    Open all of your windows and let as much sunlight in as possible to oxidize the odor and shorten its lifespan. ... .
    Place bowls of vinegar in each room for two or three days. ... .
    Place any affected clothing, bedding, and other launderable fabrics in a washer set to the hottest setting..

    How long will skunk smell last in house?

    A mild skunk smell in your house can last up to three weeks, dissipating over time with proper ventilation. However, if you leave stronger smells untreated, they can last for months or years, becoming more difficult to remove the longer they sit.