Emergency eye care san antonio

In an emergency, there is no substitution for experienced medical care. But here are a few guidelines you can follow in specific emergencies:

  • If you have chemicals in your eyes, flush your eyes with water for 15 minutes and don’t cover the affected eye.
  • If there is a foreign body in the eye, avoid rubbing and try to gently rinse away the debris.
  • If you have sustained a major blow to your eye, use a cold compress to prevent swelling.
  • If your eye or eyelid has been punctured, try to cover the eye. For instance, if you have an elongated object stuck in your eye, use the bottom of a foam cup to stabilize the puncturing object. Do not rinse.

The best way to protect yourself from eye emergencies is to educate yourself about the risks and act accordingly.

Make sure you wear protective goggles in situations where your eyes are at risk. Keep a first aid kit that includes a rigid eye shield, eyewash, and sterile gauze in any area where your eye could be exposed to damage.

Acting quickly during an emergency eye situation is critical. If you need emergency help, call Stone Oak Vision Source for immediate assistance.

We are here to help. Before we can set an appointment, you must first apply to qualify for services. Please click on the button below for more information and how to get started. Hablamos Español!

How to apply

Emergency eye care san antonio
Emergency eye care san antonio

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Emergency eye care san antonio

Get involved, make an impact.

Volunteers are the key to our success. Thanks to our volunteer optometrists, ophthalmologists and opticians, I Care San Antonio is improving lives by providing complete eye care, including medical, surgical and optical to those in need. In 2020 our volunteer team donated over $900,000 worth of care. We also have volunteer opportunities for community helpers to assist with patient navigation, clinic paperwork and special projects. Please let us know if you are interested in joining this outstanding group of volunteers.


Emergency eye care san antonio
Emergency eye care san antonio

“I Care SA is the only eye care charity clinic in the US managed by volunteer doctors providing such a high level and extensive amount of care.”

Robert Rice, MD,

Chief Medical Officer, Co-Founder

Emergency eye care san antonio

Our Impact in the Community



Individuals have received eye care.


Surgeries and lasers have been performed.


Pairs of eyeglasses have been provided.

2021 Impact Report: Making a difference, one patient at a time.

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Emergency eye care san antonio

Read the 2021 Annual Report

Our Partners

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Emergency eye care san antonio

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Emergency eye care san antonio

Emergency eye care san antonio
Emergency eye care san antonio


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

[email protected]

(210) 220-2370

(210) 220-2499

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Emergency eye care san antonio
Emergency eye care san antonio


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Can the emergency room help with eye problems?

Yes, emergency rooms are qualified to treat your eye Although opticians and ophthalmologists are better placed to address complex eye problems, physicians in emergency rooms are equipped with sufficient knowledge to respond to eye emergencies.

Can you see an optician in an emergency?

You should contact your chosen optical practice by telephone and ask for an urgent eyecare service appointment. Please do not visit the practice without first booking an appointment. You will be asked some questions about your symptoms to assess your needs. More urgent cases will be seen within 24hrs.

What is considered an eye emergency?

Eye emergencies include cuts, scratches, objects in the eye, burns, chemical exposure, and blunt injuries to the eye or eyelid. Certain eye infections and other medical conditions, such as blood clots or glaucoma, may also need medical care right away.

Can I go to A&E for eye pain?

Immediate action required: Go to A&E or call 999 if: there are any changes to your sight after an eye injury. you have a headache, high temperature or sensitivity to light. you're feeling sick or being sick after an eye injury. you cannot move your eye or keep it open.