Does shaving make your facial hair grow faster

There are a lot of myths out there concerning shaving. A lot of people think shaving will eliminate their tan when the opposite has actually proven to be true. 

However, one of the most persistent myths to materialize over the years is that if you want a thicker beard, you should shave more often.

There are many reasons why you should or shouldn’t shave your beard, but if you’re looking to make it appear fuller, then you may want to try something else. 

Can Shaving Make Your Hair Thicker?

Does shaving make your facial hair grow faster

Numerous studies have been done, and none of them have found that shaving more often increases the thickness of your facial hair. 

This myth appears to have roots in the fact that when you shave, you give your hairs a blunt edge. This may give the appearance of greater thickness, but it’s an illusion. 

The hairs will be stubbly for a period of time, but they’ll soon go back to normal. The thickness of your hair should remain the same regardless of how often you shave unless you start taking supplements or using beard oil.

Does Shaving Make Your Hair Grow Back Faster?

Does shaving make your facial hair grow faster

Credit: Cremo

There’s also no truth to the myth that shaving makes the hair grow back faster. Everyone has their own rate of growth for bodily hair, and it doesn’t really change. 

If you’re looking to make your beard grow back faster, then your best bet is to engage in a healthier diet. Biotin as well as vitamins B5, C, and E are your best friend when you don’t want to wait as long to get that nice lumberjack look back as quickly as possible. 

How Hair Grows

Every hair has a follicle it grows out of. Blood that flows through vessels supplies the follicles with nutrients to allow it to grow at a standard pace. 

As such, if you want hair to grow faster, then you should look at ways to enhance blood flow. Essential oils and massaging in the area you want greater hair growth have all been proven to be effective in promoting greater growth. 

How to Shave Properly

Does shaving make your facial hair grow faster

Credit: Showbiz Cheat Sheet

For anyone wanting to look their best, it’s critical to know the proper way to shave. That involves learning the proper way to straighten your beard and making it look just right for the look you want. 

Shaving Your Face

There are a few pointers you want to keep in mind to get the most thorough shave whether you’re going for a clean look or just want to line your beard up a bit

First, you want to make sure you hydrate your face properly so that you reduce the chances of nicks and cuts.

You also want to use a new razor as often as you can. Dull razors aren’t as thorough and may cut you if you’re not careful. 

Rinse the blade often because it can get clogged up with hair and dead skin cells.

For those hard-to-reach places, you may need a precision trimmer. It’s also recommended when you like straightening your look 

For proper beard care, you'll want to make sure you have some type of beard conditioner, beard shampoo, and beard oil.

If you're looking for a beard oil, we recommend you check out our product in the Stryx store. Our beard oil naturally produced and has a built-in comb so that only a few swipes will help keep your beard in place.


Shaving Your Head

When you’re going for that distinguished, bald look, you can shave your head to keep stray strands at bay. With your head, the key is to look out for the various contours. 

You want to ensure you move the blade with light, gentle strokes. This will drastically reduce the chances of you accidentally nicking yourself on teh top of your head, which can be rather painful. 

It’s also a good idea to moisturize after shaving your head. This helps add water to the scalp and reduces the chances of dealing with follicle issues afterward. 

Final Thoughts

Don’t expect your beard or head hair to be any thicker after shaving. That’s just an old wives’ tale, probably designed to get younger men to shave more often and not let their beards get as scraggly. 

The frequency by which you shave is entirely up to you. Just when you shave, make sure to shave the right way to avoid complications like ingrown hairs. 


Cherney, Kristeen. “Shaving Does Not Affect the Thickness or Rate of Hair Growth.” Healthline, 4 Dec. 2019.

Gibson, Lawrence E. M.D. “Does shaving unwanted body hair make it grow back thicker and darker?” Mayo Clinic, 7 Aug. 2019.

What grows facial hair faster?

Beard growth tips.
Diet. Good nutrition from eating a healthy, balanced diet may benefit your beard as well as your body. ... .
Beard growth vitamins and supplements. Many supplements are specifically targeted toward beard growth. ... .
Sleep. Sleep is essential for optimal overall health. ... .
Washing and moisturizing..

Is it good to shave your face?

Shaving facial hair not only removes ingrown hairs, but also exfoliates the dead skin cells, which results in glowing and smooth skin. It's an effective way of achieving soft skin at home.

Will shaving everyday help grow beard?

Does shaving every day speed up beard growth? No. This is an old myth that has no research to support it. Your beard hair may look thicker when you shave because you've trimmed off the thinner tops of the hairs and exposed the thicker, darker base near the follicle.

Does beard grow faster after trimming?

Even better, keeping a trimming routine can speed up beard growth in general. Out with the old, dead hair and in with the new! Though split ends and uneven patches are unavoidable, trimming can help stave off trouble in the future.