Does seltzer water help you lose weight

Seltzer water is officially everywhere: It’s all over your social media feeds and on every store shelf in endless flavors. (Like your fizzy water with a kick? There’s a hard seltzer for that!)

But is seltzer water bad for you?

Let’s learn more about seltzer water and its potential effects on your body.

What Is Seltzer Water?

Seltzer water is water with added carbon dioxide.

The carbonation gives it a distinct fizz without adding any nutrition.

It goes by other names such as carbonated water, sparkling water, club soda, tonic water, or simply by brand name (#WhiteClaw).

Most of us tend to lump all carbonated water together, but for some, there is a distinction between seltzer vs. sparkling mineral water (think: Perrier).

Mineral water is taken from springs and contains natural carbonation, whereas store-bought seltzer water is artificially carbonated.

Also, seltzer water doesn’t contain minerals — calcium, sodium, and magnesium, to name a few.

While these minerals are helpful for human health, you can always get them through food.

Do Seltzer Waters Make You Gain Weight?

Does seltzer water help you lose weight

Short answer: No. Seltzer water won’t make you gain weight.

A small study did find that drinking seltzer water increased ghrelin, the “hunger hormone” in male rats.

According to Brittany Crump, M.P.H., R.D. at Savor Nutrition, “Seltzer water is a good alternative to soda if you’re watching your weight. This is particularly true if you crave soda and want a no-calorie, zero-sugar replacement to stay hydrated.”

By swapping soda for seltzer water, you can still enjoy the fizz without the extra sugar and calories.

Is Seltzer Good for You?

As far as nutrition goes, seltzer water offers similar benefits compared to plain tap water, including hydration.

Keep in mind that the carbonation in seltzer water affects us differently.

Some downsides: you might find it can cause gas and bloat or worsen heartburn.

On the other end of the spectrum, some people find that the carbonation in seltzer water actually improves digestion.

Is Seltzer Water Bad for You?

But what does seltzer water do to your body that can potentially be harmful?

Seltzer may be hard on your teeth

Seltzer water can potentially harm teeth:

  • The carbon dioxide in seltzer water makes it slightly acidic with a pH around 3 to 4, which can erode tooth enamel.
  • Keep in mind that water has a neutral pH of 7, and that tooth erosion happens at below a pH of 4.

If you’re sipping seltzer daily, it’s time to rethink how much you’re drinking.

Mineral water may be a better alternative since you still get the carbonation with a pH of approximately 5.

Crump adds, “There isn’t much nutritional difference between one brand of seltzer water and another, but they do contain varying amounts of added artificial flavors, acids, sodium, and coloring.”

Some of these additions, namely citric acid or phosphoric acid, can further drop the pH of the drink.

How to Choose Healthy Seltzer Water

Does seltzer water help you lose weight

When deciding which seltzer water brand to buy, always read the label to ferret out ingredients that you may want to avoid.

These include additives like artificial sweeteners, added sugars, or food coloring. Making your own seltzer water with an at-home carbonation machine is also an option.

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Although carbonated water has existed for decades, it has become more popular over the past couple of years. Statistics show that carbonated water sales exceeded $6 billion in 2016, a sharp increase from the $2.6 billion sold in 2011.

Carbonated water is water that manufacturers infused with carbon dioxide gas. Drinking sparkling water provides the same sensation as drinking a soda without the added calories and sugar. Most manufacturers flavor carbonated water using natural flavors. You may see carbonated water sold commonly under names such as:

  • Sparkling water
  • Soda water
  • Club soda
  • Fizzy water
  • Seltzer water

Although sparkling water has grown in popularity, many people wonder whether there are health benefits to drinking the beverage. Fortunately, we’re here to provide you with a full breakdown of the benefits of drinking carbonated water.

Better For You Than Soda

Carbonated water can be better for you than drinking soda for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, sparkling water does not contain calories or sugar. If you enjoy having a bit of “fizz” in your drink, carbonated water allows you to do so without the added calories.

Furthermore, carbonated water is better than sugar because of how it affects your tooth enamel. A common misconception is that carbonation breaks down tooth enamel, but this is not the case. It’s the sugar in drinks that causes your tooth enamel to break down. Studies have found that soft drinks are 100 times more damaging to your tooth enamel than carbonated water.

Improve Digestion

Sparkling water is also beneficial because it can improve digestion. It does so by improving your ability to swallow. For instance, one study found that carbonated water stimulated the nerves required for eating more so than any other beverage. Another study found that a majority of participants who felt the need to clear their throats found the most significant relief when drinking carbonated water.

Furthermore, carbonated water could have a positive impact on bowel movements, especially in those who are constipated. Researchers also believe that sparkling water could reduce the severity of other symptoms of indigestion, such as stomach pain.

Lose Weight

Perhaps the most significant health benefit of drinking carbonated water is the fact that it could help you lose weight. That’s because the beverage can make you feel more full than you would drinking standard water. Additionally, research indicates that carbonate water forces food to remain in your stomach for longer, thereby helping you feel fuller.  

The fuller you feel, the less you’ll feel the need to eat. Thus, carbonated waters serve as “empty calories” that will reduce your desire to eat. By eating less, you’ll lose weight more quickly.

No Phosphorus

One of the primary ingredients in soda is phosphorus. Unfortunately, scientists believe that phosphorus is one of the components directly responsible for decreased bone health. For a while, however, researchers wondered if it was the carbonation in the drinks that led to a breakdown of bone density. This has now been proven false. Carbonated water does not have any effect on bone health. 

In fact, there is some reason to believe that carbonated water could improve bone health. One study found that drinking carbonated water led to better water retention than drinking water with minerals. Another study involving animals concluded that carbonated water increased bone strength more so than tap water.

Potentially Improve Heart Health

One of the other potential benefits of drinking carbonated water is that it could improve heart health. Initial research appears to be promising and one study measured the importance that carbonated water had on cholesterol levels. For instance, one study measured the impact that carbonated water had on cholesterol levels. The research concluded that carbonated drinking water led to an increase in “good” HDL cholesterol. It also found that the water decreased:

  • “Bad” LDL cholesterol
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Inflammatory markers

Stay More Hydrated Throughout The Day

This may seem fairly obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. Drinking carbonated water can help you stay more hydrated throughout the day. Many people find that carbonated water tastes better and is easier to drink than regular tap or spring water. However, carbonated has the same health benefits as spring water, in that it will keep your body hydrated. So, by drinking carbonated water, there’s a stronger chance that you remain hydrated throughout the day.

Considering that the human body is 60 percent water, it’s critical that you stay hydrated throughout the day. Most experts recommend that you drink at least 64 ounces of water per day, although drinking a bit more is ok as well.

Is it OK to drink seltzer water everyday?

Enjoy, but don't overdo it! While there are no specific recommendations on how much seltzer water is advisable to drink each day, listen to your body and use that as your guide. If you have GI issues or dental health concerns, limit your intake and consult your dietitian, doctor and dentist for their advice.

Is it good to drink sparkling water when trying to lose weight?

Can sparkling water help you lose weight? Yes. For people watching their weight, hydration is key. Sparkling water provides true hydration, and it's a much better option than drinking regular soda or even diet soda, which doesn't provide adequate hydration.

What does seltzer water do to your body?

No evidence suggests that carbonated or sparkling water is bad for you. It's not that harmful to dental health, and it seems to have no effect on bone health. Interestingly, a carbonated drink may even enhance digestion by improving swallowing ability and reducing constipation.

Does sparkling water slow down weight loss?

What you may not know is that this bubbly beverage can make weight loss easier. The carbon dioxide in sparkling water suppresses appetite due to its satiating effect, which in turn, may help reduce your daily food intake.