Does lemon and water make you lose weight

For a few years now, there's been hype around slicing up a lemon, giving it a squeeze into a mug of hot water and drinking it. Why?

Well, a sort of halo appears to have appeared around the citrus-spiked beverage, with some adherents claiming that it can help with weight loss, with the body's pH and with getting clear skin.

Short story: any evidence to back up these claims are minimal or non-existent. But that's not to say that there's zero benefit to taking a slice of the yellow fruit in your H20.

Here's the expert take.

Can drinking lemon water help me to lose weight?

'Hot water with lemon in and of itself does not cause any actual weight loss' says registered dietician, Alissa Rumsey.

However, if this drink is replacing a beverage that is higher in calories, like a milky coffee with sugar or fruit juice – and that results in a calorie deficit – then it can help you lose weight.

Drinking water –whether hot or cold, infused with lemon, or plain – also helps keep your metabolism humming. 'Staying hydrated is an important component of a healthy diet because it boosts your metabolism,' says Rumsey.

'For those that don't enjoy plain water, adding some lemon is a great way to boost the flavour without adding calories.'

Lemon water benefits

Okay, so the experts aren't exactly on board. But what about the lab rats? Has research managed to find a rationale for linking hot water and lemon to weight loss?

Potentially. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition discovered that polyphenols (plant compounds that also act as antioxidants) found in the lemon peel and juice may help to stimulate the liver to burn fat.

However, this research was conducted on rats eating high fat so unless you have a tail and are following the ketogenic diet their findings probably won't translate to your human body.

The verdict: can drinking lemon water help you lose weight?

In the short term, drinking water with lemon can reduce a bloated belly – it acts as a mild, natural diuretic, says Rumsey.

However, if you're experiencing bloating in the long-term, it's best to figure out what is causing it and works to stop those habits: Eating too fast, drinking through a straw, drinking carbonated beverages, consuming too much salt, and consuming foods with sugar are common culprits.

You also don't want to chug water with lemon religiously if you experience heartburn or acid reflux, as the citrus in the lemon will only exacerbate your symptoms, says Rumsey.

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss – the last word

Lemon water won't magically help you shed pounds. In fact, no beverage in and of itself is a silver bullet for slimming down. You need to eat well, be active and strike a healthy balance.

Many of the beneficial effects of lemon water are due to the activity of vitamin C and the additional bioflavonoids.

The concept that lemon water contains a miraculous weight-loss elixir is untrue. However, it has potential health benefits.

Lemon juice and water will not necessarily help you lose weight, but they will help you maintain a consistent and healthy gastrointestinal system. Many of the health benefits received by drinking lemon water could be obtained by just drinking more plain water. 

According to the experts, lemon water could enhance weight loss due to its positive effects on satiety, hydration, and metabolism, but plain water offers similar effects without any negative side effects.

If you want to reduce weight, you should not rely solely on this combination. A balanced diet and regular exercise are required for any weight loss program to be effective.

However, if you do not see any change in weight over time, it is essential to consult a doctor or a nutritionist to get an appropriate diet and exercise plan and rule out any underlying medical conditions that may cause weight gain.

Does lemon and water make you lose weight

4 reasons why lemon water may help you lose weight

Lemon water could offer some benefits on your weight loss journey due to the following four reasons:

  1. Diuretic
    • Lemon water has diuretic properties; it increases urine output. As a result, you lose water weight rather than fat.
    • Lemon juice with water as a detoxification method is plausible because lemons contain flavonoids, which have antioxidant characteristics and can cleanse, detoxify, and clear the intestines.
    • However, most studies report that drinking lemon water should be accompanied by a nutritious diet and exercise to achieve weight loss goals.
  2. Vitamin C
    • Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which is beneficial for health and may help you burn fat.
    • According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, those with appropriate levels of vitamin C burn 30 percent more fat during high-intensity exercises than those with inadequate amounts.
    • However, homemade lemon juice may not have enough vitamin C to burn fat, it may have a trace amount of vitamin C, which is helpful to your overall health.
  3. Fiber (pectin)
    • Pectin in lemon juice is a type of fiber that may help avoid blood sugar spikes by prolonging the time for food to exit the intestine. Both might be beneficial to any weight-loss efforts.
    • An adequate fiber (roughage) in the diet makes you feel fuller for longer, delaying hunger and reducing excessive snacking. However, this is by no means the main factor of effective weight loss. Most of the fiber and pectin, however, are in the peel rather than the juice.
  4. Antioxidants
    • According to a study on mice, the antioxidants present in lemon help reduce weight gain in overfed mice. However, there is no conclusive scientific proof that lemon aids in weight loss in humans.

Does lemon and water make you lose weight


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6 potential health benefits of drinking lemon water daily

Studies suggest that drinking lemon juice with lukewarm water first thing in the morning may have some advantages. Many of the beneficial effects of lemon water are due to the activity of vitamin C and the additional bioflavonoids (strong antioxidants).

  1. Good for skin
    • Vitamin C prevents free radical damage, keeping your skin looking young and slowing the aging process.
    • Getting enough vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, which is necessary for healthy skin.
    • According to studies, including vitamin C regularly results in younger-looking skin with fewer wrinkles.
  2. May boost your energy levels and mood
    • According to research, drinking lemon water in the morning and its aroma might help enhance energy and mood.
    • Studies report that the negatively charged ions in lemons penetrate the digestive tract and may have a natural energy-boosting impact on the body.
  3. Boosts our immune system
    • Vitamin C helps combat colds and illness, as well as reduces oxidative stress, which maintains the immune system active.
    • Antioxidants help fight anything from the common cold to severe diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders.
  4. Prevents kidney stones
    • According to studies, drinking half a cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day or consuming the juice of two lemons raises urine citrate. As a result, the danger of kidney stones is reduced.
    • The citric acid content breaks down kidney stones and prevents stone enlargement and formation.
  5. Fights cancer cells
    • Several scientific studies have suggested that flavonoids in lemon water can help prevent cancer.
    • According to studies, naringenin and limonene (plant components) in lemon have anticancer properties.
    • These substances may help prevent malignancies of the tongue, breast, lungs, and colon.
  6. Great source of potassium
    • Lemon water contains potassium, which is essential for your health.
    • Low potassium levels have been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease.
    • A glass of lemon water every day can boost potassium levels that help the body function properly.

What are the possible side effects of drinking lemon water daily?

Though having lemon water daily in the morning is typically considered healthy, overconsumption might be harmful due to its strong acidic content.

  • Tooth enamel can dissolve if exposed to acidic foods, such as lemons, regularly. Use a straw to drink lemon water. Acidic drinks, such as lemon juice, might aggravate pre-existing mouth sores.
  • Excessive vitamin C use might cause nausea and stomach discomfort.
  • When consumed in excess, lemons and lemon juice can promote excessive urination, which can lead to dehydration.
  • Lemons contain the amino acid, tyramine, which may cause migraines.

To reap the benefits of lemon water, drink it in moderation. To achieve the required daily amount of vitamin C, add other foods, such as oranges, peppers, blackcurrants, broccoli, and brussels sprouts.

You may improve the taste and nutrients by adding honey, ginger slices, or mint leaves to your lemon water.

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Medically Reviewed on 7/29/2022


Image Source: iStock image

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    When should I drink lemon water to lose weight?

    Drinking a glass of lemon water with your meals can help you to feel fuller, so you consume fewer calories. Studies have shown that drinking water with your meals can help to decrease hunger and increase feelings of satiety during and after a meal.

    How much weight can you lose drinking lemon water?

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    How to lose weight with lemon water?

    Lemon water is a storehouse of potent antioxidants and nutrients and aids your weight loss efforts. Drinking warm lemon water the first thing in the morning helps jump-start your metabolism by inducing thermogenesis, a process where the body burns more calories to produce heat.

    How long does lemon water take to lose belly fat?

    Health experts say that you could get rid of belly fat by drinking lemon juice for 7 days. You can have this in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 20 minutes before breakfast.