Does green tea lower your blood pressure

Tea Drinkers Reap Blood Pressure Benefits

Drinking a Half-Cup of Tea per Day Cuts Hypertension Risk in Half

July 26, 2004 -- Drinking as little as a half-cup of green or oolong tea per day may lower the risk of high blood pressure by nearly 50%, according to a new study of Chinese tea drinkers.

Researchers found that men and women who drank tea on a daily basis for at least a year were much less likely to develop hypertension than those who didn't, and the more tea they drank, the bigger the benefits.

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world. Water is first.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common form of heart disease and affects about 20% of the adult population in many countries. The condition is associated with stroke, heart failure, and kidney dysfunction and is a major risk factor for heart-related death.

"A link between tea drinking and blood pressure reduction has been postulated for decades in general health care in Chinese populations," write researcher Yi-Ching Yan, MD, MPH, of the medical college of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, and colleagues.

In recent years, researchers say there has been growing interest in exploring the role of antioxidant compounds called flavonoids found in tea that may protect against heart disease.

But researchers say few studies have examined the long-term effects of tea drinking on the risk of hypertension, and the results so far have been conflicting. They say this study is the first on the issue to use a large number of people and detailed information about tea consumption and other lifestyle and dietary factors associated with hypertension risk.

Drinking Tea Lowers Blood Pressure

In the study, which appears in the July 26 issue of The Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers looked at the effect of tea drinking over the past decades on the risk of developing high blood pressure in 1,507 Chinese men and women living in Taiwan who had no previous history of high blood pressure.

Because the size of the teacup used varies widely in Chinese culture, the participants were asked to provide details about what kind of cup was used, how the tea was prepared, the amount drunk, and the frequency per week in order to calculate the average tea consumption per day.

Researchers also collected information about the kind of tea (green, black, or oolong) drunk and how long the participants had been tea drinkers. Green, oolong, and black teas are derived from the same plant. It is the processing of the leaves from the Camellia sinensis that determines the type of tea and the flavonoid content.

The study showed that about 40% of the participants were habitual tea drinkers and had been drinking at least a half-cup of tea per day for one or more years. More than 96% of tea drinkers drank green or oolong tea.

The tea drinkers tended to be younger, mostly men, and had higher educational and socioeconomic status than non-tea drinkers. But they also were more obese, smoked more, drank more alcohol, ate fewer vegetables, and had a higher sodium intake than those who didn't drink tea regularly.

After taking these and other factors associated with heart disease and high blood pressure risk into account, researchers found tea drinkers were much less likely to develop high blood pressure than non-tea drinkers.

Those who drank at least a half-cup of moderate strength green or oolong tea per day for a year had a 46% lower risk of developing hypertension than those who didn't drink tea. Among those who drank more than two and a half cups of tea per day, the risk of high blood pressure was reduced by 65%.

"Nonhabitual tea drinkers were at higher risk of developing hypertension than habitual tea drinkers, and there was a progressive reduction in risk associated with higher levels of tea consumption in daily intake," write the researchers. "However, tea consumption for more than one year was not associated with a further reduction of hypertension risk."

Based on the results of their study, researchers say the minimum tea consumption needed to provide blood pressure-reducing benefits appears to be a half-cup per day of green or oolong tea for at least one year.

They say further long-term studies are needed to confirm these results and better understand the mechanisms behind tea's blood pressure-lowering effects.

Green tea has long been touted as a “superfood” for the many health benefits it provides. It has been scientifically proven to aid in weight loss by burning fat, improving brain function, and lowering your risk of cancer. However, what about the other elephant in the room? Is green tea good for high blood pressure control? Yes! Find out how green tea benefits those with hypertension, the best way to drink it, and how much you should drink in a day to lower your BP.


  • Nutritional Profile of Green Tea

  • What are the Benefits of Green Tea for High Blood Pressure?

  • What is the Best Way to Drink Green Tea for High Blood Pressure Control?

  • How Much Green Tea Can You Drink in a Day for High Blood Pressure?

  • What is the Best Time to Drink Green Tea for BP Management?

  • What are the Risks of Overconsumption of Green Tea?

  • What are the Other Health Benefits of Green Tea?

  • Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • FAQs

Nutritional Profile of Green Tea

Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is made from the same leaves as regular tea, but green tea leaves undergo less oxidation (a chemical reaction in the presence of oxygen that turns the leaves brown) than black or oolong tea. This lack of oxidation preserves the polyphenols in green tea, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and gives the leaves their characteristic green colour.

Green tea, when consumed plainly and without the addition of sweeteners, contains a negligible amount of calories and has virtually no carbohydrates, fats, proteins, or sugars. It does, however, have minute amounts of amino acids, B complex vitamins, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, and copper.

The following is the nutritional profile for 1 cup (245 ml) of brewed green tea, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Nutrient Brewed Green Tea, Regular (245 ml)
Energy 2.45 kcal
Water 245 g
Protein 0.539 g
Fat 0
Carbohydrate 0
Sugar 0
Fibre 0
Iron 0.049 mg
Magnesium 2.45 mg
Sodium 2.45 mg
Potassium 19.6 mg
Zinc  0.025 mg
Copper 0.01 mg
Manganese 0.451 mg
Caffeine 29.4 mg
Theobromine 0 mg

What are the Benefits of Green Tea for High Blood Pressure?

Green tea is rich in polyphenolic compounds like flavonoids, flavanols, tannins, and catechins, which have antioxidant properties. One particular polyphenol, called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has been shown by studies to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

These studies found that the increased consumption of EGCG is associated with relaxation of the smooth muscle that lines your blood vessels, leading to the dilation of your arteries. This eases the tension and resistance to blood flow that is exerted by your arteries, resulting in lowered blood pressure levels.

The antioxidants in green tea can also help lower inflammation in your body and protect your blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and other major organs from damage.

Regular consumption of green tea combined with the DASH diet and regular exercise can help you control your blood pressure levels.

What is the Best Way to Drink Green Tea for High Blood Pressure Control?

If you have high blood pressure, opt for green tea variants that are decaffeinated or have low caffeine content. Caffeine can have a negative effect on your blood pressure, which worsens your condition. 

Also, forgo adding sugar to your cup of green tea, as high blood sugar levels can damage your blood vessels. You can add some ginger or lemon juice for enhancing the flavour of your tea and to make it more palatable. If you are unable to drink green tea without a sweetener, then try substituting sugar with small amounts (no more than a teaspoon) of honey or jaggery.

How Much Green Tea Can You Drink in a Day?

You can consume about 3 to 5 cups (245 ml each) of green tea per day, preferably decaffeinated.

What is the Best Time to Drink Green Tea for BP Management?

There is no set time to consume green tea for hypertension. Ideally, start your day with a cup of green tea with breakfast, then have another cup between meals. Drinking a cup of green tea after a workout can also help keep your blood pressure levels stable. Avoid consuming caffeinated green tea at least two to three hours before bedtime as it can affect your quality of sleep.

What are the Risks of Overconsumption of Green Tea?

  • If you are consuming caffeinated green tea, overconsumption can cause headaches, irritability, anxiety, frequent urination, dehydration, and poor sleep.
  • Strongly brewed green tea can lead to digestive problems like acidity, upset stomach, diarrhoea, etc., especially if consumed on an empty stomach.
  • The compounds present in green tea can interfere with the absorption of minerals like iron and calcium in your gut. Hence, if you take these supplements, avoid taking them one to two hours before or after drinking green tea.
  • Overconsumption of green tea may cause liver damage in certain people when combined with medications like antibiotics, stimulants, etc.

What are the Other Health Benefits of Green Tea?

  • The antioxidants present in green tea can lower the LDL (low-density lipoprotein or “bad”) cholesterol levels in your body and reduce your risk of developing heart diseases.
  • EGCG in green tea can also contribute to weight loss by boosting your metabolism and burning more fat.
  • Green tea can help lower insulin resistance in your cells, which is crucial for good glycaemic control. This makes it a great addition to your diet if you have Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Green tea also has several anti-inflammatory compounds that help in lowering your risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer.
  • The antioxidants present in green tea can also prevent cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.
  • The amino acids present in green tea (like L-theanine) can help boost your brain function.
  • Regular consumption of green tea can help improve oral health and prevent halitosis (bad breath).

Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • Green tea has very few calories and proteins and has no carbohydrates, fats, or sugars. It is, however, rich in antioxidants called polyphenols.
  • The antioxidants in green tea, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), can help relax and widen your arteries and lower the inflammation in your blood vessels. This leads to a reduction in your blood pressure.
  • Limit your daily consumption of green tea to 3 to 5 cups of 245 ml each for the best results. Decaffeinated or low caffeine green tea is ideal for blood pressure control.
  • There is no ideal time for drinking green tea for hypertension, but you can drink a cup each at breakfast, between meals, and post-workout.
  • Avoid adding sugar to your green tea as it can increase your blood pressure levels.
  • Overconsuming green tea can cause acidity, stomach irritation, diarrhoea, and lowered absorption of iron and calcium.
  • Regular consumption of green tea can help with weight loss, lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce your risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes, reduce inflammation, and improve your brain function, oral health, digestion, and immunity.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Does green tea increase blood pressure?

No, several studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea with a low or no caffeine content can lower your blood pressure and decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, consuming green tea varieties that are high in caffeine (like matcha) can lead to an increase in your blood pressure levels.

Does green tea lower blood pressure?

Yes, studies have shown that regular consumption of decaffeinated or low-caffeine green tea can lead to a significant reduction in both your systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Can we drink green tea with high BP?

Yes, if you have hypertension, consuming around two to three cups of unsweetened green tea every day can help lower your blood pressure.

Which green tea is good for high blood pressure?

Decaffeinated green tea or varieties of green tea that have a low caffeine content (like Bancha) are ideal for consumption if you have high blood pressure.

What tea should I drink for high blood pressure?

The following teas have been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure:

  • Green Tea
  • Black Tea
  • Oolong Tea
  • Hibiscus Tea

Who should not drink green tea?

You should avoid green tea if you have anaemia (low haemoglobin), as green tea can affect the absorption of iron in your body. Also, avoid drinking green tea with a high caffeine content if you are breastfeeding, have anxiety issues, bleeding disorder, or if you experience sleeplessness.

What can I drink in the morning to lower my blood pressure?

You can consume the following drinks in the morning to lower your blood pressure:

  • Beetroot juice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Hibiscus tea
  • Green tea
  • Milk (Low-fat or non-fat)
  • Juice of citrus fruits

Can I drink green tea while taking blood pressure medication?

If you are taking any medication for hypertension or other health conditions, consult your doctor before consuming green tea on a regular basis. Make sure to avoid taking any medication two hours before or after drinking green tea in order to avoid any interactions with the medication.

(General physician, 6+ years)

An expert in obstetrics and medical emergencies, Dr. Pakhi Sharma, an alumni of Sri Devaraj Urs University of Higher Education and Research Centre, is a general physician working at Phablecare. She has 6+ years of work experience spread across gynaecology and obstetrics, family medicine, and medical emergencies at renowned hospitals and clinics.

How quickly does green tea lower blood pressure?

Also, early clinical research suggests that taking green tea extract daily for 3 months or drinking green tea three times per day for 4 weeks reduces blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

Is green tea OK with high blood pressure?

Impact. Daily consumption of 5-6 cups of green tea could result in reductions in systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. Green tea should not be recommended as a substitute for current management of patients with established hypertension or dyslipidaemia.

What kind of tea is good for high blood pressure?

Some of the best teas for high blood pressure include chamomile, lavender, rose, and hibiscus. These teas are known for their ability to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. You can enjoy any of these teas by steeping them in hot water for a few minutes. Then, simply drink and relax.

What happen if I drink green tea everyday?

Regularly drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Drinking three to five cups of green tea per day seems to be optimal to reap the most health benefits.


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