Difference between heavy whipping cream and regular whipping cream


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There are a daunting number of cardboard pints and quarts of different cream varieties at the grocery store. Which is which? Is there a difference between them? Here’s a complete rundown so you won’t find yourself scratching your head the next time you’re in the dairy aisle.

The Difference Between Half-and-Half, Light Cream, Whipping Cream, and Heavy Cream

The difference between these four common cream varieties is really just the amount of fat they contain.

  • Half-and-half contains 12 percent fat
  • Light cream contains 20 percent fat
  • Whipping cream contains 35 percent fat
  • Heavy cream contains 38 percent fat

The higher the fat content, the thicker the cream, and the easier it is to whip into stable peaks (or whipped cream). Higher-fat creams are also more resistant to curdling, so they are a better choice in soups and sauces, when the cream is heated.

If you’re trying to avoid cream with higher fat for a particular reason, try the cream with the fat content just below the one called for, as it will be the closest subsitute, before experimenting with lighter creams.

What Is Half-and-Half?

Half-and-half is exactly what it sounds like, equal parts whole milk and light cream. It contains about 12 percent fat, which makes it richer than whole milk (which contains 3.5 percent fat), although less rich than light cream. This makes it a popular addition to coffee because it lends a little more richness to the cup than whole milk does, but not as much as cream. It doesn’t, however, contain enough fat to be whipped. So enjoy it in your mug or try using it in desserts that call for equal parts milk and cream, like panna cotta.

What Is Light Cream?

One step up is light cream, which contains about 20 percent fat. While richer than half-and-half, it still doesn’t contain enough fat to be whipped, so it’s a good choice if you want even more creaminess in your coffee. It’s also nice drizzled over fresh fruit, pound cake, or fruit crisps or crumbles. Light cream could potentially curdle when a substantial amount is heated in a soup or sauce, but you won’t run that risk if you add just a splash to scrambled eggs before cooking them — the result will be extra creamy.

What Is Whipping Cream?

Now we’re getting into high-fat territory. At a hefty 35 percent fat, whipping cream can indeed be whipped into luscious peaks for all your cake and pie dolloping needs. It’s also rich enough that it won’t curdle when heated in soups and sauces. It’s nearly identical to heavy cream (see below), so if a recipe calls for heavy cream and you can only find whipping cream, feel free to use that instead.

What Is Heavy Cream?

At the top of the charts is heavy cream, sometimes also called heavy whipping cream, which contains about 38 percent fat. It’s pretty much indistinguishable from whipping cream — both can be whipped, churned into ice cream, and added to soups and sauces without the risk of curdling. We also wouldn’t tell anyone if you splash a little into that coffee or drizzle a bit onto your morning bowl of oats.

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Do you have a heart sweet tooth? If you like your sweet nice and sweet, then you are most likely fairly familiar with whipping cream and its variations. You can make whipping cream from scratch and there are so many things you can do with it. 

Whether you make pies and cupcakes or whether you just like additional toppings on your ice cream, whipping cream serves a multi-faceted purpose. There are also many soups and main course and side dishes that use cream and it’s delightful!

Is all cream the same? Is there a difference between whipping cream and heavy whipping cream? While these are both cream and both used for similar purposes, they are not the same. Heavy whipping cream has a high milk fat content of 35-45%, which gives it more volume. Light whipping cream contains only about 20% milk fat content. 

In this guide, we will cover heavy whipping cream vs. whipping cream. It truly does matter which one you use when and it’s best to be familiar with the differences so you don’t use the wrong thing at the wrong time. 

We will cover each type of cream and how it’s made in order to give you a reference on each cream. We will then round out the guide with a comparison overview to give you a quick reference point as to their similarities and differences. 

Keep reading to see how the competitors measure up in heavy whipping cream vs. whipping cream. 

Your Complete Guide to Whipping Cream

When the names are so similar, it’s very easy for us to think that these two products are the same. In this case, the two products on the shelf are whipping cream and heavy whipping cream. Despite the striking similarity, these two products are actually quite different. 

We will get into each of these in this guide. What you need to keep in mind is that heavy whipping cream has a significantly higher fat content – like of at least 35% more milk fat content than your typical whipping cream. This makes a significant difference. 

What you can count on is that both of these things have cream. But that was probably a given. 

Let’s cover each of these types of cream individually and then we will round back up with a quick summary that details the primary differences you should know. 

Let’s begin! 

Heavy Whipping Cream

Heavy whipping cream is also often referred to as heavy cream. Heavy whipping cream is what you might find in cream pies – like maybe your favorite coconut cream pie that you start drooling every time you talk about it. 

There are really a lot of great ways to use heavy whipping cream. If you make a batch of it, you will most likely end up with far more than you need but it is so easy to make at home and you can store it if you don’t need it right away. 

Here are some common things you might use heavy whipping cream for. 

  • Make fresh whipped cream
  • Coffee creamer
  • Creamy soups
  • Add to egg dishes
  • Homemade ricotta cheese
  • Homemade salad dressings
  • Homemade ice cream
  • Make creamy sauces
  • Creamy mashed potatoes
  • Cream pies
  • Cream macaroni and cheese

Heavy cream and whipping cream could perhaps be interchangeable but you will notice a significant difference in the creaminess if you use whipping cream instead of heavy cream when your recipe calls for it. 

Heavy whipping cream typically has a milk fat content of 35-40%. This is the highest fat content of any milk-based or cream product. Its counterpart, whipping cream, only contains 30-34% and light cream is even lower at 20% milk fat content. 

What makes heavy cream stand out against whipping cream? It’s the intense richness that comes from the high-fat content. It is incredibly rich and creamy and makes a notable difference in both the taste and texture of any dishes you might add to. 

Heavy whipping cream is typically mixed into dishes in some way (cream pies, soups, etc.) It’s not often used as a topping but you can use it to make your own rich whipped topping. 

Heavy whipping cream does not curdle when it is heated thanks to the high-fat content. 

The fat content in heavy whipping cream allows it to last much longer before spoiling. If you keep it nice and cold, it could potentially last up to a month and the rule of thumb is that if the cream itself does not smell spoiled then it isn’t spoiled. 

How Heavy Whipping Cream is Made

Heavy whipping cream can be made at home or you can purchase it. Remember, it’s not quite the same as whipping cream or light whipping cream. Essentially, during the process of making heavy cream, the fatty layer is skimmed from the top of the whole milk. 

Just to give you some insight, we wanted to walk through a quick process of how heavy whipping cream is made. 

  1. You need whole milk and melted real butter for heavy whipping cream. 
  2. Mix melted butter and whole milk together vigorously, stirring hard. You can also use a blender. 

When you make heavy cream at home, you’re not skimming like it is done in the processing plants. That’s because you’re using whole milk and just making a makeshift heavy cream product. 

When you purchase heavy whipping cream from the store, it is processed with the skimming practice. Factory-made heavy whipping cream also generally has thickeners, vitamins, stabilizers, and potentially other additives as well. 

Light Whipping Cream 

Whipping cream is much more similar to what we know as whipping cream when we think of the terminology. Do not confuse whipping cream with whipped cream as they are not the same. However, whipping cream might be used to make whipped cream. 

In contrast to heavy whipping cream, light whipping cream contains only about 20% milk fat content. 

Whipping cream and heavy cream can mostly be interchangeable but there is a difference in flavor and texture when you do so. Whipping cream is not as thick and creamy and not quite as rich either. 

Light whipping cream, on the other hand, is much thinner and not nearly as rich and flavorful. Light cream has the consistency of whole milk and is much more similar to whole milk as well. Light cream is interchangeable with half-and-half in most instances. 

Where heavy cream is almost always mixed into a dish, light whipping cream can be mixed into things to make them creamy but it can also be used for drizzling as a topping or even making a topping. 

Here are some common uses for light whipping cream:

  • Table cream
  • Coffee cream
  • Frosting
  • Soups
  • Biscuits
  • Eggs
  • Chicken pot pie 
  • Pastas
  • Creamy sauces
  • Dips (particularly queso)
  • Crème Brulee 
  • Scampi dishes
  • Ice cream
  • Cream soup

These are just a few things you might use light cream for. It’s a great way to make things creamy without the added richness of heavy cream. 

How Light Whipping Cream is Made

Cream is still very much a dairy product. In the making of light cream, the higher-fat layers are wholly separated from the milk during processing. 

You can make light cream by diluting your heavy cream if you have some on hand. Interestingly, you don’t use water to dilute but rather you add additional milk and blend. This dilutes the cream without diluting flavors and textures. 

You can also make light cream using evaporated milk and whole milk or whole milk with butter or margarine. There are several ways to dilute or combine other things in order to make light cream. 

Ultimately, the best option is to buy light cream from the store because it’s been processed to make the light cream. Although, these other options are great if you have those items on hand and need a light cream in a pinch. 

Comparison Review

The biggest differences between light whipping cream and heavy whipping cream boil down to the milk fat content. Heavy whipping cream has nearly twice as much fat content as light cream does. 

Heavy whipping cream is more closely comparable to whipping cream. They are thick, creamy, and incredibly rich in flavor. There really isn’t much you can do to break it down from there. 

On the other hand, light whipping cream is much more like milk in texture. You can dilute heavy cream to make light cream. The flavor of light cream is also much closer to milk. 

We hope that you have found this guide to Heavy whipping cream vs. light whipping cream to be informative and helpful. 

We invite you to take a look at the following question and answer section for some additional information. 

Which Cream is Best for Whipping?

The thicker texture and higher fat content make heavy whipping cream a more suitable option for whipping. 

How Do You Store Creams?

No matter the type of cream, they should be stored in a sealed container in the coldest part of your refrigerator. Light whipping cream will last 2-3 weeks while heavy whipping cream could last a month or more. 


Hey, I'm Jaron and I'm a self-proclaimed food expert and author of this website! I'll be honest with you, I started this website because someone told me I couldn't and I needed to prove them wrong. Along my journey, I actually really fell in love with writing about food. I hope you found value from whatever article you read, and if you have any remaining questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

Can I use regular whipping cream instead of heavy whipping cream?

You can use heavy cream and whipping cream interchangeably in cooking, keeping in mind that your choice may change the consistency of your dish. Heavy cream tends to create a thicker, creamier result than whipping cream.

Is heavy cream the same as whipping cream?

Yes, heavy cream and heavy whipping cream are the exact same thing. The confusion lies in the fact that they're sold by different brands under two different names. According to the US Food and Drug Administration's labelling standards, heavy cream must contain at least 36 percent milk fat.