Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

Published on: 30 December 2021, 17:24 pm IST

  • 138

The belly button is an often overlooked part of the body. But you may remember seeing or hearing about our parents and grandparents applying oil to the body and getting a good massage. Massaging the body with oil has therapeutic benefits. And one such practice of oiling is navel therapy or navel oiling.

The navel therapy or navel oiling is traditionally known as ‘Pechoti technique.’ And guess what, applying oil on the belly button is considered very healthy. It’s because the belly button or the navel (nabhi) is the powerhouse and focal point of our body and it controls all the functions.

Massage your navel with olive oil to reap various health benefits. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“According to Ayurveda, absorbing essential oils through the belly button, which is connected to a specific ‘Pechoti’ gland, helps correct, mend and regulate neurological connections in the body,” suggests Ayurvedic expert Vaidya Shakuntala Devi.

Though there are many essential oils that you can pick, Shakuntala Devi recommends applying olive oil to your belly button, as it has more benefits than others.

So let’s get down to the health benefits of applying olive oil to the navel:

1. Boosts fertility in women

Regular application of warm olive oil in the belly button can help to improve sperm count and mobility in males and enhance fertility in females and strengthen the reproductive system,” says Shakuntala Devi.

2. Eases menstrual cramps

It also allows females to alleviate cramps and pain during menstruation by relaxing the veins around the uterine lining.

Period cramps can be managed with navel oiling. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Reduces the chances of infection

Since the belly button is deep, damp, and dark it is a favourable breeding ground for yeast and bacteria. You can use olive oil as it has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which treat belly button infections and can keep the area clean and supple.

4. Improves the skin texture

Shakuntala Devi says, “The skin can benefit greatly from massaging the belly button with olive oil as it is high in natural fatty acids, and can help in erasing pigmentation, prevent excessive dryness, improve skin texture, preserve moisture in the body from head to toe, including lips and heels, and contributes to achieving a natural shine on your skin.”

5. Cures upset stomach

If you are suffering from stomach pain and do not want to take medication for it you can try applying olive oil to your belly button for some relief. Massaging the belly button with oil can relieve irritable bowel movement, constipation, bloating and indigestion, nausea, and upset stomach, etc.

6. Treats body blemishes

“It can also assist in purifying the blood and removing blemishes from the body, which can help to avoid acne-caused hormonal issues,” says Shakuntala Devi.

7. Good for hair health

Applying olive oil to the belly button helps in avoiding a dry scalp and adds luster to your hair.

You will see changes in your hair health as well. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

8. Joint pain

By massaging your belly button, you stimulate nerves, tissues, muscles, and joints within your body. People suffering from joint issues massage their joints and legs to get relief from the terrible pain.

The last words

Shakuntala Devi says, “For healthy skin, strong hair, cramp-free menstruation, and a powerful reproductive system, one should massage their belly button with olive oil every day.” So ladies, give it a try. The next time you experience stomach ache, sore muscles, or even menstrual cramps, apply a little olive oil to your navel and watch your body find relief.

Applying oil to the navel is a very old process. People have been applying oil and ghee in their navels since ancient times. Today we will give you information about the benefits of applying coconut oil in the navel, so read this article in full and know what are the benefits of applying coconut in the navel.

The navel is the focal point of the body. If you add only two drops of coconut oil to the navel before bedtime, you can get many amazing health benefits. It is extremely useful for the skin, reproductive organs, eyes and brain. Let’s know what happens by putting coconut oil in the navel and what are the benefits of it…

Coconut oil is considered one of the most popular oils. So much popularity of coconut oil is due to the nutrients found in it. The amount of saturated fat in this oil is very high, which causes its nutritional value to be very high. Therefore this oil is used in Ayurvedic treatment.

In today’s article, we will give you information about the benefits of applying coconut oil in the navel.

Nutrient Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

Coconut oil has almost all the properties that keep your skin healthy. Fatty acids are very beneficial for better skin health . Coconut oil contains many nutrients, minerals and vitamins . But the fatty acids found in it are as follows:

  • Lauric acid – 49%
  • Myristic acid – 18%
  • Caprylic acid – 8%
  • Palmitic acid – 8%
  • Oleic acid – 6%
  • Linoleic acid – 2%
  • Stearic acid – 2%

Benefits of applying coconut oil to the navel

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

The navel or navel is a place where many veins are connected to each other. This is where the umbilical cord is attached. When you apply coconut oil here, it benefits many internal organs of the body. Applying coconut oil in the navel is beneficial in many ways.

Benefits of applying coconut oil in the navel to increase fertility

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

Triglyceride is found in coconut oil, which helps to increase fertility. The navel is close to the stomach, so it is associated with fertility, by applying oil in the navel, it increases your fertility  . Applying coconut oil in the navel will help make your body more fertile. These oils keep your body healthy and it  also keeps men’s sperm healthy. Women  also eliminate menstrual problems  due to which fertility increases.

Applying coconut oil in the navel provides relief from cold

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

When you take the coconut oil in your navel this winter due to fever also protects you from. Apart from this, to cure weak bones and knee pain , you can also take a light massage of your stomach with coconut oil.

Applying coconut oil in the navel benefits stomach pain and menstruation

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

If you are  suffering from stomach ache  then apply coconut oil in your navel to get relief from it. Applying coconut oil on the stomach is usually  done to remove stomach poisoning, food poisoning, indigestion, and  diarrhea . Apart from this, coconut oil has anti-oxidant properties which can help you to get relief from pain during menstruation in women.

Applying coconut oil to the navel is good for the eyes 

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

Applying coconut oil in the navel is also beneficial for eyesight . For this, you take coconut oil in a cotton swab and place it on the navel and massage for 10-15 minutes.

Apply coconut oil to balance the navel chakra 

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

According to Ayurveda, your navel chakra is an important source of your energy and imagination. The navel is the home of your desire and goals. To balance your navel chakra, apply coconut oil to it. You must apply coconut oil to the navel once a week.

Benefits of applying coconut oil in the navel at bedtime

Coconut oil in belly button for fertility

Let us know what and what are the benefits of putting coconut oil in the navel before sleeping…

  • Applying oil on the navel at night while sleeping makes the cracked lips soft and pink.
  • It also cures burning, itching and dryness of the eyes.
  • Applying coconut oil in the navel ends swelling problem in any part of the body.
  • Applying coconut oil on the navel provides relief from knee pain .
  • Applying coconut oil on the navel while sleeping at night improves the complexion of our face, so you should apply coconut oil on the navel daily.
  • By applying coconut oil on the navel, pimples and stains are cured.
  • Applying coconut oil on the navel while sleeping at night also strengthens our digestive system .
  • Applying coconut oil to the navel enhances the complexion of the skin .
  • Applying coconut oil in the navel while sleeping at night reduces stomachache.
  • It also relieves diseases like indigestion, food poisoning , diarrhea , nausea.
  • For such problems, peppermint oil and ginger oil should be diluted with coconut oil and applied to the navel.
  • If you are troubled by acne problem then you should apply neem oil and coconut oil in navel . This will remove your pimples.
  • If there is a problem of many types of spots on your face, then applying neem oil in coconut oil to the navel will remove these stains. Applying lemon oil in the navel also removes stain spots.
  • The navel is connected to the reproductive system. Therefore fertility is developed by applying coconut oil in the navel at bedtime at night.
  • Applying coconut or olive oil to the navel at bedtime at night, balances the hormones of women and increases the chances of conception .
  • Applying coconut oil in the navel helps in the growth and protection of sperm in the body of men.

Does coconut oil in belly button increase fertility?

Applying coconut oil on your belly button boosts fertility. This is because coconut oil, once absorbed, ensures organ health in the abdomen. Other oils can be applied on the belly button too and there are various benefits to this.

What oil is good for belly button fertility?

Boosts fertility in women Regular application of warm olive oil in the belly button can help to improve sperm count and mobility in males and enhance fertility in females and strengthen the reproductive system,” says Shakuntala Devi.

What will happen if I put coconut oil in my belly button?

Oiling your belly button can purify your blood, remove impurities and blemishes from the body. Using therapeutic oils like neem oil, rosehip oil, coconut oil or lemon essential oil can do the trick.

Is coconut oil safe for fertility?

Oil. It might sound slightly nutty, but natural oils like canola, almond, olive, or coconut oil all make excellent lubricants. Each of these are easily and naturally absorbed by the body, and are all safe on sperm.