Can you use paypal for only fans

Onlyfans is a digital content subscription service where the “fans” subscribe and pay content creators. PayPal is a financial technologies platform that you can use to buy or pay for items and services.

If you are a creator of Onlyfans or a “fan” that wants to subscribe, you might be curious about the available payment options and wonder if you can use PayPal? This is what I found out!

You cannot currently use PayPal for Onlyfans in 2022. This is because PayPal has a policy against the sale of sexual content through a digital medium, and many of the creators on Onlyfans produce sexual content. PayPal also only allows transactions for “sexually oriented physical goods” in the US.

If you want to subscribe or create content on Onlyfans, and want to learn about other payment options, if you will ever be able to use PayPal, and more, continue reading!

Why Doesn’t Onlyfans Accept PayPal?

Onlyfans does not accept PayPal as a payment method because PayPal has a policy regarding sexual content on digital mediums, which is what a lot of Onlyfans content is.

PayPal policy states:

 “We permit U.S.-only transactions for certain sexually oriented physical goods that are physically delivered to the customer. Videos, DVDs, and, magazines are examples of physical goods.”

PayPal does not permit its customers to buy or sell:

  • Sexual content or “digital goods” through digital mediums
    • Example: pictures or videos that you can download
  • Sexual content or goods that seem to, or do, involve minors
  • “Services whose purpose is to facilitate meetings for sexually-oriented activities”

What Forms of Payment Does Onlyfans Accept?

Onlyfans accepts payment through the following means:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • Maestro
  • Debit cards
  • Some Prepaid Visa cards

Onlyfans will not accept payments through:

  • Most Prepaid cards
  • Gift cards
  • PayPal

Is Onlyfans Safe to Use my Credit or Debit Card?

Fortunately, Onlyfans is a secure website to use your credit or debit card for payment.

Onlyfans uses 3D Secure Authentication on its platform, which adds security to your account and information, and it helps prevent fraudulent activity.

3D Secure Authentication, or 3DS, is a security tool that works by adding an extra step to authorizing payments, which is authenticating the cardholder.

How Can I Pay for Onlyfans Without a Credit Card?

To subscribe on Onlyfans, you’ll need some form of a payment method linked to your account, even if you never have a charge.

However, you don’t have to use a credit card as your payment method.

If you don’t want to use your credit card, you can link a pre-paid card or your debit card to your Onlyfans account.

To add your payment method:

  1. First, log into your Onlyfans account
  2. Second, click on the profile icon
  3. Next, click on “Your Cards”
  4. Click on “Add A Payment Card”
  5. Enter your card information
  6. Last, once you are finished entering your information, click “Submit”

To know more, you can also read our posts on Coinbase to PayPal, how to unblock on PayPal, and PayPal confirm receipt.


You currently can’t use PayPal to pay for subscriptions or receive payment through Onlyfans. PayPal has a policy against sexually-oriented goods on digital mediums, and that is what many creators on Onlyfans produce.

Therefore, PayPal will not allow Onlyfans to use it as a payment method. However, Onlyfans does accept other payment options, such as Visa, Discover, some prepaid cards, and more.

De website OnlyFans is sterk in opkomst als platform waar je je kunt abonneren op de premium berichten van anderen. Denk aan tutorials en andere waardevolle content, maar ook aan erotische video’s of seksueel expliciete foto’s. In veel gevallen gaat het om subscriptions, waarbij je een doorlopend (maand)abonnement afsluit om de foto’s, video’s of ander materiaal van iemand te kunnen bekijken.

OnlyFans bestaat sinds 2016 en is gevestigd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, waar (net als in vele andere landen) het in Nederland gebruikelijke iDeal geen standaard betaalmethode is. En omdat de creditcard bij ons relatief weinig wordt gebruikt, zijn velen op zoek naar een manier om (liefst enigszins anoniem) te kunnen betalen bij OnlyFans.

Betalen op OnlyFans met iDeal

Sinds kort is het mogelijk om op OnlyFans met iDeal te betalen, via de optie ‘Alternative Payment Method'. Voor doorlopende subscriptions is deze betaalmethode echter niet geschikt. Bovendien verschijnt de naam ‘OnlyFans’ op je rekeningafschrift, waar niet iedereen op zit te wachten.

Een prepaid creditcard is dan een makkelijk alternatief. Dit werkt min of meer hetzelfde als een prepaid telefoonkaart, dus door het opwaarderen van je kaart, waarbij je niet rood kunt staan. En dat opwaarderen kan uiteraard met iDeal.

Er zijn diverse aanbieders waar je gratis een prepaid creditcard kunt aanvragen. De betaling bij OnlyFans kun je dan volledig discreet doen, en als je kiest voor een aanbieder met een virtuele kaart, dan kun je de creditcard vrijwel direct gebruiken.

De vergelijkingswebsite heeft een handig overzicht met virtuele creditcards, waarbij onder meer de eventuele kosten en levertijd vermeld staan.

Prepaid creditcard

Dé oplossing voor mensen zonder creditcard.

  • Vanaf nul euro
  • Geen BKR-toetsing
  • Bepaal zelf uw limiet
  • MasterCard of VISA

Top 10 Prepaid creditcard

Does OnlyFans let you use PayPal?

Does OnlyFans take payment from PayPal in 2022? Onlyfans is currently not accepting payments from PayPal. At the moment the only way for OnlyFan's creators in the US to withdraw funds is ACH to a bank account. At this time you can only use Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Discover credit or debit cards for subscribing.

What payment methods can you use on OnlyFans?

OnlyFans accepted payment methods include:.
Visa/MasterCard. A valid OnlyFans credit card can be either Visa or Mastercard. ... .
Discover. Discover cards are also accepted as an OnlyFans credit card. ... .
Maestro / Debit cards. Debit cards are a popular payment method among subscribers. ... .
Some Prepaid Visa cards..


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