Can you have pregnancy symptoms with a chemical pregnancy

What is a chemical pregnancy?

A chemical pregnancy is also known as biochemical pregnancy or biochemical loss. It is the medical definition given to an early and spontaneous abortion or very early miscarriage. It’s a normal pregnancy, in that conception happens after ovulation, the embryo implants, and a pregnancy test confirms the pregnancy. However, a miscarriage happens before the embryo or fetus can be seen in the uterus. 

Some people who experience a chemical pregnancy never knew they were pregnant. 

A chemical pregnancy is confirmed when an early pregnancy test reveals a positive result but later returns a negative result in a week or two. Sometimes the only real sign or symptom is a late period.

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How common are chemical pregnancies?

Early miscarriages are quite common. The chance of a miscarriage is between 8 and 20 percent before 20 weeks of pregnancy, and 80 percent of early miscarriages occur before 12 weeks. 

Chemical pregnancies may account for 25–50 percent of all miscarriages in cases when a person had no signs and didn’t know they were pregnant. Biochemical pregnancy may occur in 20 percent of pregnancies from assisted reproductive technologies.

The main risk factors for chemical pregnancy are maternal age and previous miscarriages. At 20–30 years old, the possibilities of experiencing a miscarriage can range from 9 to 17 percent; this increases with age.

Chemical pregnancy symptoms

Chemical pregnancies often go unnoticed. Sometimes, they may present with the following symptoms: 

  • Bleeding with or without clots. In 20–30 percent of all pregnancies, there is some bleeding in early pregnancy, with about 50 percent of those not ending with a miscarriage.
  • Uterine pain and cramping

Causes of chemical pregnancies

Chemical pregnancies happen when an egg becomes fertilized but the implantation isn’t completed. A combination of random factors can lead to miscarriage, and sometimes it is difficult to find one cause. 

Potential causes of chemical pregnancies include:

  • Chromosomal abnormality. About half of cases occur when there is an abnormal number of chromosomes.
  • Infections such as chlamydia or syphilis
  • Uterine abnormalities
  • Systemic ailment such as untreated thyroid disease or uncontrolled diabetes
  • Abnormality in hormone levels (luteal phase defect)
  • Low body mass index
  • Smoking and alcohol increase the risk of miscarriage

Chemical pregnancy or implantation bleeding: What’s the difference?

Bleeding from a miscarriage (chemical pregnancy)

In general, bleeding associated with a chemical pregnancy may start as light spotting and then turn to excessive bleeding with visible clotting (dark red clots), similar to a heavy period. Cramping and heavier bleeding are other signs of a chemical miscarriage.

Bleeding from implantation bleeding

In contrast, implantation bleeding appears as a light-brown discharge with a lighter flow that will last only a few hours to a few days. Vaginal bleeding happens in a very small amount around 10–14 days after conception, around the time of the next expected period. The bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall.

How long does chemical pregnancy bleeding last?

Chemical pregnancy is different from other miscarriages. One person early in the pregnancy may have a miscarriage and only experience bleeding and cramping for a few hours. Another person may have miscarriage bleeding for up to a few days, and it may look like menstrual bleeding. This is why chemical pregnancies often go unrecognized.

How to prevent chemical pregnancy

Since most miscarriages happen because of random abnormalities in chromosomes, there is nothing specific that can be done to prevent them. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a good way to maintain a healthy pregnancy, though. Monitoring health and preparing for a pregnancy before conceiving can help support a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few steps to practice good pre-pregnancy health:

  • Regular exercise
  • A healthy diet
  • Stress management
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating iron-rich food and taking folic acid every day
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol
  • Сontrolling and managing existing medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, thyroid issues, and blood diseases)

What does a chemical pregnancy look and feel like?

While you might expect that the menstrual bleeding would be heavier than usual with a chemical pregnancy, it is often the same as a normal period. Other signs of a chemical pregnancy may include: Low hCG levels on a blood test. Mild abdominal cramping or more cramping than usual during a period.

How long will a pregnancy test show positive after a chemical pregnancy?

Be assured that it can take a variable amount of time (on average two weeks) for a woman's hCG level to disappear after a miscarriage.

Is it possible to have a chemical pregnancy and still be pregnant?

If you do experience a chemical pregnancy, the good news is that it's absolutely possible to become pregnant afterward. “Actually, a chemical pregnancy is somewhat encouraging, because it shows that the woman's partner's sperm can fertilize her egg, and her uterus can call for embryo implantation,” Trolice says.

Do chemical pregnancies show positive?

How is a chemical pregnancy diagnosed? Sometimes women have a positive blood test or pregnancy test, but start bleeding shortly afterwards. In this case, they may have more blood tests to find out what's happening. Sometimes blood tests aren't done because a pregnancy test may be negative after just a few days.


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