Can you get strep in the summer

Having a sore throat is not only a literal pain in the neck; it is also often a mystery. Is it the beginning of a cold? The flu? Are you allergic to something in your home or workplace? Is it a sign of something more serious? Will it go away on its own or should you call the doctor? One of the many causes of sore throat is infection with streptococcal bacteria, a condition commonly known as strep throat. Strep throat does require medical treatment, and there usually are some subtle differences in how it presents itself.

“The most common causes of sore throat are viruses, which include colds, influenza and mononucleosis; allergies; and a change in the environment like the dry conditions created by having heat on in the winter,” says John David Hackett, MD, family physician at Beth Israel Deaconess HealthCare-Waltham. “Throat pain may also occur with ear infections or dental abscesses. Although there is no one symptom that tells individuals they have strep, there are some telltale signs.”

The symptoms of strep throat include sudden sore throat, a fever higher than 100.4 degrees, a white patch at the back of the throat, and redness of the flap of tissue that hangs in the back of the throat. Less common symptoms include headache and stomach pain. “Generally, people who have strep throat do not have cold symptoms like a cough, runny nose or congestion,” says Dr. Hackett. “The only exception is children under five years old, who are also less likely to be infected with strep.”

Strep throat is spread by exposure to the secretions (saliva or mucous) of someone who is already infected, so having a sore throat and knowing that strep has been going around in the workplace, at home, or at a child’s school or daycare center is another clue that you may have step. The incidence of strep throat is less prevalent in the summer months and generally peaks in winter.

“Patients who think they might have strep should call their healthcare providers,” Dr. Hackett says. “If it sounds like strep or something more serious than a common virus that simply needs to run its course, we’ll want to see them as soon as possible.” The only way to diagnose strep is with a throat culture, which entails the provider swabbing the back of the throat with a cotton swab and conducting either a rapid or regular strep test. If the test is positive, a ten-day course of antibiotics is generally the prescribed treatment.

“We need to make an accurate and timely diagnosis for a few different reasons. We need to make sure we’re not overusing antibiotics, so if it’s not a bacterial infection, another treatment plan will be more appropriate,” says Dr. Hackett. “Early diagnosis and treatment also reduces the risk of spreading the infection to family members, friends and colleagues. In addition, it reduces the possibility of developing complications such as ear infection, sinus infection, abscess and scarlet fever.”

Following a diagnosis of strep throat, individuals need to stay home from school, work and places that expose them to other people until they are no longer contagious – usually for 24 hours after beginning treatment with antibiotics and being fever-free. Many workplaces, schools and child care providers have specific guidelines.

Taking all of the antibiotics exactly as prescribed is essential. “I tell my patients that not completing the full course of treatment may squish the infection and make them feel better, but it won’t kill it,” Dr. Hackett says. He also emphasizes the importance of taking proper precautions to reduce the risk of getting or spreading strep. These include frequent handwashing with soap and warm water, and covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

In addition to seeing a healthcare provider, being diagnosed and taking the prescribed medication, people with strep throat can alleviate their symptoms with non-prescription remedies such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, tea, honey, chicken soup, popsicles, ice chips or hard candy – whatever makes their throats feel better while the medicine does its work.

Sore throats are not only a pain, but they can be caused by many different factors. Viruses, bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes, dry air, allergies or even drainage from a runny nose can make your throat hurt.

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But not all sore throats are created equal. While allergies or a runny nose are painful nuisances, strep throat is a illness that needs a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment.

If you suspect strep throat, there are several reasons to seek treatment. For one thing, you can infect others. Also, the bacteria that cause strep throat can spread to other tissues, causing a more serious infection. Finally, untreated strep can, in rare circumstances, lead to a more severe illness such as rheumatic fever, a potentially fatal disease that can harm the heart valves.

So it’s important to be able to know when it’s just a sore throat that needs home treatment and when it’s likely to be strep, which calls for a doctor’s visit. How can you tell?

When it’s a sore throat

When it’s a sore throat caused by a cold virus, you will often have other cold symptoms that may include:

  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Red or watery eyes.
  • Sneezing.

“You do not have a cough with strep. If you’re coughing, that typically means no strep,” says Daniel Allan, MD. “Also, when you look in the throat of a person with a sore throat caused by a cold virus, you typically do not see pus or exudate in the back of the throat.”

Colds usually take several days to develop and typically go away on their own within five to seven days, Dr. Allan says.

There is no cure for a sore throat caused by a cold virus, but you can do things to make yourself feel more comfortable: Drinking warm liquids, gargling with warm salt water, sucking on ice chips, or taking an over-the-counter medicine can provide relief for your symptoms.

You also can speed your recovery by getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids.

Symptoms of strep

Strep throat symptoms usually are more severe than a sore throat caused by a virus. They can include:

  • Sudden sore throat.
  • Red tonsils that have white spots on them.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Fever.
  • Swollen neck glands.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Headache.
  • Abdominal pain.

Your doctor can spot a likely case of strep based on a defined set of characteristics, Dr. Allan says.

If your doctor suspects strep, a simple, painless and quick test can confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will dab the back of your throat with a cotton swab and the swab is then tested for the presence of the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

Viral illnesses can have the same symptoms as strep throat. So it’s important to get a throat swab to confirm the presence of the strep bacteria in the throat. This way, your doctor can prescribe antibiotics for treatment, which are appropriate for bacterial illnesses such as strep, but not for viral illnesses such as a cold.


If you were exposed to someone who has had strep recently, that’s important information to share with your doctor, Dr. Allan says. Strep can be spread easily by sharing personal items with an infected person, close contact with an infected person, or even through the air by sneezing or coughing.

Dr. Allan warns that prescribing antibiotics for sore throats without a confirmed diagnosis of strep can create resistance to the drugs or unnecessary side effects. This is why obtaining a confirming test is so important.

“Most strep will self-resolve. However, there is the risk of rheumatic fever if it’s untreated, so I would not recommend forgoing testing and treatment,” Dr. Allan says. “If there is any concern of strep, then I would recommend getting tested.”

Dr. Allan says antibiotics treatment for strep takes about 10 days.

Is strep more common in summer?

Group A strep infections can occur any time during the year. However, some infections are more common in the United States in certain seasons: Strep throat and scarlet fever are more common in the winter and spring. Impetigo is more common in the summer.

How do you know if you have strep throat or just a sore throat?

Signs and symptoms of strep throat are very similar to an ordinary sore throat, but in general strep throat has: White patches on the tonsils or back of the throat. Just a sore throat without cough/cold symptoms like a runny nose or congestion. Swollen lymph nodes (right below the earlobes)

How do you get strep in the middle of summer?

So why do we see Strep in the summer? As it turns out – Strep loves a crowd. To spread, the strep has to travel from one person to another. Pack kids into a crowd, summer camp cabin, travel bus, parks, pools and voila, the Strep Highway opens up!

What triggers strep throat?

But, occasionally, you might come down with strep throat, which is caused by a type of bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes. These bacteria are contagious. Like with germs that cause a cold, you can also get strep throat from handling a doorknob or other surface, then touching your nose or mouth.


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