Can you charge your tesla in the rain

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With the world becoming more environmentally conscious, the demand for hybrid and more eco-friendly electric cars, which reduce the carbon emissions of our favorite mode of transport, has reached a new high. 

In the past few years we have seen almost every major car manufacturer invest in, and release some form of an electric car, and after a slow start (having released its first car in 2009), Tesla has become one of the most popular electric cars to have.

However, one of the first things we have been taught from a young age is that water and electricity are a fateful combination. So is it a silly thought, to wonder if you in fact can charge your Tesla in the rain? 

Related articles: How long will a Tesla last? and Do Teslas use gas?

When your electric car’s battery is coming to an end, and you find yourself in a downpour, what do you do? The simple answer is, charge it as normal, however, there are some exceptions and there are certain things you should be made aware of for your safety. 

This way this has been made possible through high quality materials designed for outdoor use, and safety protocols in place which will not allow electricity to run if something is not right. 

Can you charge your tesla in the rain

A lot of Tesla owners install the power outlet in their garages, taking the weather out of the equation altogether, however, for those who choose to install the outlet outdoors, a simple plastic cover for the outlet makes it waterproof. 

Though you can often find Tesla Superchargers in covered car parks, you will also find many exposed to all of nature’s elements, highlighting the confidence Tesla has in its waterproof materials, with thick layers of waterproof rubber used to insulate the wires, multiple layers of plastics, and tight seals to grip the charging port to the socket.

Further safety procedures include the car’s technical system which does a preliminary check when the charger is connected. If water has managed to enter the system or it detects any other fault, it will not allow for the car to be charged.

It is very important to note, however, that during heavy thunderstorms, though it is technically possible to charge your Tesla, Tesla themselves recommend you NOT to charge your car as they cannot guarantee the charge to complete safely.  Instead, they advise you to wait until the downpour is over!

Be Aware of What Not to do!

Yes, Tesla’s are safe to charge in the rain and are waterproof to a certain extent, however, we are still talking about the possibility of mixing water and electricity. So as well as not charging your Tesla in a heavy downpour, here are the following things you should never do when the skies open:

  • Don’t let your wire and charging cable be submerged in water, by a deep puddle for example.
  • If your charging wires have been left outside, in the rain, snow or ice, let them dry off naturally. Don’t wipe them and use them straight away as the risk of them still being wet is still significant.
  • Never let the edges of your charging port get wet. Be sure to wipe and dry the connector and port after rainfall or if you spill any liquid.

Can you charge your tesla in the rain

It’s also very important to know that Tesla’s Gen 2 Mobile Charger is not waterproof, and neither are regular corded mobile connectors or home chargers. You can have these all waterproofed but must do so on your own accord. 

What Should I do if Water Enters the Charging Point?

For all the safety mechanisms put in place, and the extra precautions you can take, sometimes, mistakes happen and certain accidents are unavoidable. So in the unfortunate event of water entering your Tesla, the first thing you should do is turn off all electrical outlets from their source.

It can be very dangerous and have fatal consequences so you cannot take any risks. Though Tesla’s are designed to not turn on if their internal system detects any problems, don’t try and turn the car on. Once you have shut off the supply from the main electric outlet, move away from the car and ring the Tesla helpline!

As Tesla’s, and electric vehicles in general, are fairly new, we are still learning about them. So instead of trying to fiddle around and figure it out for yourself, just ring the experts who will be able to give you the best and safest advice. 


Do you ever need to fill your Tesla up with Gas?

Hybrid cars entered the market before electric cars and found success in saving their owners money as they only used fuel over a certain speed. In congested traffic zones or inner city areas, the car automatically switches to only using electricity, with this electric part of the engine recharged by the fuel.

Can you charge your tesla in the rain

However, Tesla’s are fully electrical. They never require any form of petrol or diesel, making them much better for the environment and economical in the long run.

Will my Tesla save me money?

Tesla’s will set you back a significant initial outlay. They will cost you anywhere between $40,000 and $125,000 depending on the model and accessories you choose. So they are definitely not cheap, and you can get yourself a petrol or diesel car for much cheaper. 

However in the long run you will save a significant amount. The rising fuel prices will no longer be a problem and your only expense, aside from an occasional new battery pack, will be your electric bill. Even this can be offset by installing solar panels meaning your car recharging will be natural and free!

How far can a Tesla take me?

Different models have different ranges, generally speaking though, a full single charge can afford you a minimum of 300 miles! The range, however, is affected by the terrain you drive on, and the way you drive. 

If you drive very fast, accelerate suddenly and brake hard, then like petrol and diesel cars, you will use more electricity as your Tesla will be working harder. Though if you make an effort to drive more smoothly then you should be fine. 

As electric charge points are not as common as gas stations, it’s important to always plan your journey well and keep an eye on your range to make sure you never get left in a sticky situation. 

Can you charge your tesla in the rain

Silvia is a mom of three pre-teen kids and is passionate about living a more sustainable family life. She feels she has only just begun her journey towards environmentally friendly living, and hopes that EnviroMom can be a resource to help other families on their own journeys!

Can you charge a Tesla in the rain outside?

The charging equipment is designed to be insulated and waterproofed and undergoes testing by the Society of Automotive Engineers for almost any weather condition, with the exception being extreme weather conditions such as floods and hurricanes, according to Safe Electricity.

Is Tesla charging port waterproof?

The Tesla Wall Connector is waterproof and can be installed outdoors for owners without a garage. Each installation is unique and requires careful thought as to the best location for the charger. With a driveway directly adjacent to the house, the charger is generally mounted on the house wall.

Can the Tesla charging cable get wet?

Warning: If rain falls during charging, do not allow rain water to run along the length of charge cable, causing the electrical outlet or charging port to become wet. Warning: Do not plug the Mobile Connector into an electrical outlet that is submerged in water or covered in snow.

Is it safe to charge your car in the rain?

Absolutely, it's safe to charge in nearly any weather condition,” he answered. “That's because electric vehicles are purposefully engineered to withstand rain and water intrusion, not to mention pesky dust particles that could wreak havoc on an electric system.”