Can i eat steak after wisdom teeth removal

Can i eat steak after wisdom teeth removal

You’ve just had your wisdom teeth removed, or are about to head in for surgery. One question might be nagging you, though, and that’s what can you eat after your teeth are extracted?

You’re not going to want to chow down on a big juicy steak right after surgery, nor should you. Although your diet will be limited for a few days or even a few weeks after you have your wisdom teeth removed, there are still plenty of foods that are on the table, as it were. While you’re recovering from the surgery, the following foods will keep you from going hungry and won’t cause you too much pain or stress.

Mashed Foods

Mashed foods, such as mashed potatoes, are not only a good option after your wisdom tooth surgery, they are also pretty comforting. When you’re in a bit of pain, a bowl of mashed potatoes, with or without gravy, can be soothing. Since chewing can be difficult immediately after your surgery, make sure the potatoes you eat are completely smooth, even if you usually prefer a few lumps. You also want to make sure the potatoes aren’t too hot, as you don’t want to burn your mouth or irritate the surgical area.

Admittedly, mashed potatoes might not be the healthiest of options, since they are pretty starchy. If you prefer, try mashed sweet potatoes, which have a bit more fiber and nutrients, or sub in another veggie although, such as turnips or carrots.

Ice Cream and Milkshakes

Ice cream might not be something you usually eat, because it’s high in sugar and calories, but hey, you just had to undergo surgery, so it’s OK to treat yourself a little bit. Plus, ice cream is an ideal post-tooth extraction snack, since it’s soft and easy to eat without chewing. Just make sure you skip the ice cream cone.

A milkshake can also be a good treat after your wisdom teeth are taken out, with one big caveat. You’ll need to skip the straw. Sucking on a straw creates pressure in your mouth, which can cause the blood clot in the surgical area to come loose, leading to a dry socket. At Gallardo , the use of growth factors is part of every surgical procedure that is done, including removal of wisdom teeth which reduces the chances of dry socket.


After oral surgery, some types of soups are better than others. Skip the soups with big pieces of meat or vegetables in them, as you’ll need to chew those pieces of food, which can be tricky. Instead, look for pureed soups, such as cream of tomato or cream of your favorite vegetable. Chicken noodle soup is usually OK after surgery, since the small pieces of chicken and noodles are pretty soft and easy to swallow without a lot of chewing.

It’s usually a good idea to wait a few days after surgery before trying soup, just because it will be quite hot, which can cause discomfort. Before you dip your spoon into a nice bowl of soup, let it cool a bit to avoid burning your mouth.

Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal

What better thing to eat for breakfast after your wisdom teeth are removed than cream of wheat or a bowl of oatmeal? Both are pretty soft and comforting. If you do choose oatmeal, though, make sure it’s not terribly chewy. Instant oatmeal might be your best bet here, compared to steel cut oats.

Soft Fruits

Making sure you get enough fiber after your surgery can be a challenge, since you’re limited to soft foods. Plenty of fruits are high in fiber, and even better, can be made into a soft food.  For example, apples, which are usually crunchy and require a lot of chewing, are perfect to eat after surgery once they’ve been turned into applesauce.

If you enjoy smoothies, the days after your wisdom teeth are taken out are the ideal time to drink them. Throw some frozen fruits in a blender, add a bit of yogurt and juice, and you have a healthy, high-fiber breakfast or snack.

Scrambled Eggs

While some ways of preparing eggs can leave them too chewy to enjoy after surgery, such as hard boiled or fried eggs, scrambling eggs is the ideal way to prepare them for a meal after your teeth are extracted. Scrambled eggs are soft and fluffy and don’t require much, if any, chewing. They’re also a good source of protein, and can replace any meats you’re not able to eat during your recovery period.

Dr. Juan Arroyo, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon with more than 15 years of experience, now performs wisdom teeth removal and other surgeries at the Miami practice of Dr. Gallardo. To learn more about the wisdom tooth removal process, what you can expect, and whether it’s a good option for you, call (305) 447-1447 today.

Can i eat steak after wisdom teeth removal

Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure that involves the teeth, their supporting tissues and bone, or any of the soft tissues of the mouth.

After you have been through oral surgery, such as wisdom teeth removal, exposure of teeth, or surgical removal of a damaged or decayed tooth, we recommend that you rest for the remainder of the day. Also, be sure to avoid hot food and drinks for around two hours after the procedure, especially while your mouth is still numb. Once you begin to feel ready to eat again, it’s important that you maintain a healthy, nutritious diet to aid your recovery. Here are some ideas for a soft, but nourishing eating plan following oral surgery…

Soon after surgery…
After your procedure has been completed, you’ll need to stick to liquids and soft foods while your mouth feels tender and swollen. It is likely that you won’t be able to chew solid foods on the day of your oral surgery, so make sure that you stay hydrated with plenty of water. Incorporate other liquids like fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, and lukewarm soups. Try to avoid drinking too much sugar and opt for liquids that will keep you nourished.

As your wounds heal…
As your mouth begins to heal, it will become easier to eat small meals. Try and avoid acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes as they could irritate the soft tissues in your mouth. Onions, pepper, and some spices can also cause some discomfort. Stick to a soft diet while you recover to minimise chewing and any potential discomfort it may cause. Make your own soups with soft meat and vegetables and incorporate soft grains like oatmeal into your diet. Mash or puree your vegetables — potatoes and pumpkin work well in this form. As your swelling and tenderness subside, you can start to eat soft rice and pasta, as well as well-cooked vegetables like carrots and spinach. If you crave something sweet, try some well ripened banana, soft baked apples or applesauce, and some fruit yoghurt.

Don’t forget the protein…
A well balanced diet helps aid a speedy recovery, so don’t forget to include all the food groups in your post-operative eating plan. Consume the correct amount of protein by eating soft tofu, scrambled eggs, yoghurt and cottage cheese. If you eat meat, opt for soft fish or very soft stewed chicken or lean beef. Avoid tough meats that could cause you discomfort when chewing and swallowing. For your fix of healthy fats, consider including mashed avocados and nutritious oils like olive and coconut.

Stay away from…
It’s important to remember that your mouth may feel sensitive for a while following oral surgery. For this reason, you should avoid foods that are difficult to chew for around a week after your procedure. This includes tough meats like steak, as well as popcorn, potato chips, crunchy cookies, and crusty breads. It’s also a good idea to avoid spicy foods, as well as alcohol while you recover.

If your wisdom teeth are starting to erupt and are causing you pain and discomfort, or if you have a damaged tooth that needs to be surgically extracted, get in touch with us to arrange a consultation. We will advise you of the best treatment plan to suit your needs. While a dentist can often help, some cases are more complex and may require the assistance of an oral surgeon. We are dedicated to ensuring the very best care for each of our patients and have an experienced surgical team.

After-care is an important part of successful treatment. If you have any questions about what happens after tooth extraction, please feel free to contact OMFS today.

For a full list of the oral surgery procedures that we offer, have a look here.

What meat can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?

While you may want to avoid chewy steak, if you want to get in your meat fix, then well-cooked finely ground beef or turkey is a great source of protein. Alternatively, any soft flaky fish can also be eaten – just watch out for any bones which can become lodged in the tooth extraction site.

Can you eat red meat after wisdom teeth?

Meat is chewy, and it's a food that requires a lot of chomping and grinding of the teeth as you eat. But as your extraction wound is healing, you want to avoid that as much as possible. You may be able to eat meat after 24 hours, but it may take several days.

How long after wisdom teeth removal Can I eat normally?

Many patients find they can resume normal eating within a week of having their wisdom teeth removed. Maintaining a diet full of soft, delicious and healthy foods in the days and weeks after wisdom teeth removal is crucial to your recovery.

Can I eat chicken nuggets 6 days after wisdom teeth removal?

Are you wondering when you can eat solid food after wisdom teeth removal? It's advised to slowly introduce solid foods into your diet about seven days after your surgery.