Can i bring axe spray on a plane

What will fly and what won't when it comes to aerosols

Can i bring axe spray on a plane

Convenient aerosol sprays can make traveling life easier, providing everything from sunblock to hair care in a no-fuss container. When you're packing them for a plane trip, regulations can seem complicated. Here's what you need to know in a nutshell.

What flies

TSA limits the amount of flammable products each passenger can carry on a plane. Although many aerosols are flammable, TSA makes exceptions for limited amounts of aerosol toiletries.

TSA's 3-1-1 rule lets you bring aerosol toiletry products in your carry-on in containers up to 3.4 ounces. Your aerosol items and other non-solid items must fit together in one quart-sized plastic bag.

Aerosol products in your checked luggage can be up to 17 ounces, but you can only bring a total of 68 ounces of flammable liquids and aerosol in your checked bags. Go ahead and include these items in your checked bags or carry-on in the appropriate sizes.

  • Aerosol sun block, tanning spray and sunburn treatments 
  • Bug-repellent spray
  • Shaving cream  
  • Hair spray
  • Spray deodorant
  • Spray nail polish

What might fly

Some non-toiletry aerosols can fly on the plane, as they are non-flammable. Make sure any aerosol you take on board that is not a toiletry item is labeled “nonflammable” and doesn't have any other hazard warnings.

  • Animal-repellent sprays must not exceed 4 fluid ounces. Most bear repellents are larger and are thus not allowed on the plane.
  • Electronic cleaner: If your electronics cleaner says “nonflammable” on the label, it's a go for checked baggage. 
  • Flat tire repair spray: Mom always told you to leave enough time to change a flat tire. Pumping it up with aerosol is faster. Just be sure it's labeled “non-flammable”

    and pack it in your checked luggage. 
    Self-defense spray: Pack one pepper spray or mace in your checked baggage as long as it's less than 4 fluid ounces and contains less than 2 percent tear gas by mass.
    Whipped cream: Must be less than 17 ounces. Go ahead and pack it in your checked baggage. 

What won't fly

Some aerosols just won't make it onto the plane no matter where you pack them. If their label states “Caution: flammable” or have other hazard warnings, leave them behind.

  • Canned air: The air's not flammable, but the propellants are.
  • Cooking spray: Look for pump containers designed to spray oil instead of cooking spray.
  • Spray paint: Competing in the Estria Battle Urban Art and Culture Festival's graffiti art contest? You'll have to get your paints after you land in Oakland, Calif. 
  • Spray starch and other aerosol laundry products such as anti-static sprays aren't allowed at all. Consider buying these items at your destination or look for pump spray substitutes.
  • WD-40: That squeaky hotel door might drive you nuts, but you can't bring aerosol lubricants on a plane.

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Can i bring axe spray on a plane

If youre getting ready to travel, you may have asked yourself: can I bring deodorant on a plane?

When youre out traveling, you want to smell good and feel comfortable! Well, youre in luck!

You are allowed to bring stick deodorant, crystal deodorant, and powder deodorant on a plane. Any quantity is allowed. For spray and liquid deodorant, you can only bring 3.4 ounces per 100 mL on a plane. Place them in a quart-size bag to make it through TSA security with no problems.

If your deodorant is medically necessary, you can bring more than 3.4 ounces on a plane. But it may be subject to additional screening.

This exception is typically for liquid medication, not deodorant. As you might expect, not many forms of deodorant are medically necessary. But it doesnt hurt to ask the TSA agent. In fact, its encouraged. That way you dont run into problems when they find out your deodorant wasnt screened thoroughly.

Make sure you pack your deodorant in a clear bag so screening goes smoothly.

Stick deodorant

Stick deodorant is solid and its not considered dangerous or flammable. So it has no restrictions. You can bring any quantity of stick deodorant on a plane. Its also allowed in checked luggage. I dont recommend packing your stick deodorant in checked luggage though. If it gets too warm, it will melt.

You could tuck it under some jeans or another item in your bag that doesnt conduct heat quickly.

Make sure to put your stick deodorant in a Ziploc bag before packing it in your suitcase or carry-on.

Looking for some stick deodorant for your trip? Try out Degree deodorant from Amazon.

Crystal and powder deodorant

Crystal and powder deodorants, like stick deodorants, are solids. You can bring any quantity of crystal or powder deodorant on a plane, according to the TSA. Its allowed both on a plane and in your checked baggage.

Are you wondering what crystal deodorant is? Its made of minerals that stunt the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Unlike traditional stick deodorant, crystal deodorant doesnt stop you from sweating. But its great at tackling body odor!

If this sounds right for you, grab some crystal deodorant before you head to the airport!

Powder deodorant, as the name suggests, is powder. You apply this powder to your underarms and other areas with body odor and it will help you smell great!

Heres a great powder deodorant from Dove on Amazon!

Spray deodorant

Spray deodorant has different restrictions than stick, powder, or crystal deodorant. Since its not a solid, spray deodorant is subject to the TSAs 3:1:1 liquid rule.

The TSA allows 3.4 ounces of any liquid per 100 mL. It must fit in one quart-size bag. Spray deodorants are aerosols so they have some alcohol. This makes them highly flammable so they are not allowed to carry on a plane.

If you want to travel with spray deodorant, pack it in your checked luggage.

How To Pack Deodorant

Pack your deodorant in a clear plastic bag, whether in checked baggage or your carry-on bag. This makes security screening quick and easy. It also prevents spills or leaks in transit.

Gel deodorants expand at high altitudes, so be careful when traveling with them. Like with other deodorants, make sure to store it in a sealed Ziploc bag so it doesnt leak onto the other items in your luggage.

Check out the video below for more tips on traveling with spray deodorant, aerosols, and liquids.

Will aerosol cans explode in checked luggage?

No, aerosol cans typically will not explode in checked luggage. The cans are pressurized so if they are punctured, they could explode. Or if the pressure inside the can builds too much, it can explode. But this happens rarely. Aircraft cabins are pressurized and temperature regulated so the risk is pretty low.

When packing aerosol deodorant in your checked luggage, make sure the trigger is protected. The TSA wants to eliminate the risk of accidental release which can cause a fire.

Can I bring deodorant in my checked luggage?

You can bring stick, crystal, and powder deodorant in checked luggage. But spray deodorant has stricter restrictions.

In total, you can bring up to 2 kg (70 ounces) or 2 L (68 fluid ounces) of aerosols in your checked luggage. Each container must weigh less than 18 ounces or 500 mL (17 fluid ounces).

These totals are for all aerosols in your checked luggage, not just the spray deodorant.

Here are the complete FAA regulations.

Does deodorant count as a liquid?

Spray deodorant or liquid deodorant counts as a liquid. It follows the TSAs 3:1:1 liquids rule. So you can bring 3.4 ounces or 100 mL or less on a plane.

Does deodorant go in a liquids bag?

Pack your deodorant in a clear plastic bag to ensure the screening process goes smoothly. You want to keep things moving and not cause trouble for the TSA agents, if possible.

If you’re stopped at the security checkpoint…

Give your deodorant to someone not traveling.

If you made it all the way to the security checkpoint with restricted deodorant, give it to someone whos not traveling. Of course, that doesnt solve the problem of having deodorant when you arrive at your destination. But its better than throwing it away!

Buy some deodorant at your destination.

You can leave your deodorant at the airport and buy more at your destination. This way you dont have to worry about packing it correctly to make it through screening.

If your deodorant is medically necessary, explain that to the TSA agent.

The TSA will accommodate people with medically necessary items. You are allowed to bring more than 3.4 ounces of medically necessary liquids, but they may require additional screening.

Buy a travel-size deodorant after passing the security checkpoint.

You might be able to find a small store after your security checkpoint that sells travel-size deodorant. As long as its less than 3.4 ounces, its fair game.

Ship the deodorant (and any other toiletries) to your destination.

This is a great option if you have quite a few toiletries you want to ship. I dont recommend it if youre just looking to travel with deodorant. But, the decision is yours!

Hopefully this article on bringing deodorant on a plane was helpful. Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out the articles below as you finish packing for your trip!

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Can I bring my Xbox or PS4 on a plane?

Is AXE body spray TSA approved?

So if you're trying to bring in something like AXE body spray you'll need to keep these limited to the very small containers that can fit inside of the clear plastic bag. Of course, you can always store these in your checked baggage where they won't be subject to the same size requirements.

Can you take sprays on a plane?

The “3-1-1” Rule That's the size of container for liquids, gels, pastes, and aerosols that's allowed in your carry-on. Even if you've got just a little splash of product left at the end of a bigger can, it's not allowed. The whole container must be 3.4 ounces or smaller.

Can I put spray in my checked baggage?

If your aerosol is over 100ml in total volume (half-empty cans and sprays in larger containers are not permitted) you must store it in your checked baggage.

Is spray deodorant TSA approved?

Stick deodorant is fine in any size. Well, almost any size… Powders and crystals are good to go as well. Spray, Gel, Liquid, Cream, Pastes, and Roll-On deodorants need to be in containers no larger than 3.4 ounces and placed in a clear quart-sized baggie.