Blue cross blue shield of michigan internships

May - August 2022 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

We had a very nice working environment and friendly staff. Everyone was so helpful and excited to teach interns about their field.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to spend more time in the internship over the summer.


Take notes! There's so much to learn, and its impossible to try and keep it all straight in your head without writing it down at least once.

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What I liked

I enjoyed many aspects about my internship. The work I was given was meaningful and impactful, the people I worked with were collaborative and understanding, and it has given me a great introduction to what I am to expect in my career.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish I could have changed about this experience was it's remote environment. However, there are many opportunities that came with this remote environment that would not have been previously available if I was to be working in person. For example, I got the opportunity to continue working once college classes picked back up -- an opportunity I would not have been able to accept if I couldn't be online.


A piece of advice I'd like to share about this experience is to truly capitalize on every opportunity that's given. There are so many ways to network, no matter the setting of the workspace.

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May - August 2019 • Southfield, MI

What I liked

I liked the variety of projects I worked on! There was a ton of opportunity for me to try all sorts of things. I also sat in on a lot of meetings and developed a good idea of how the company works. I worked with a lot of very complex information, which was a challenge but ultimately taught me a lot about how real world situations don't usually have straightforward, clear-cut solutions. Lastly, I really loved everyone in my department — they were all very kind and great at giving advice. My boss especially was very supportive.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more people my age in the office. Sometimes it felt very lonely.


Something that they told us at orientation was always to ask why something was in place before offering up our own suggestions. Often processes are the way they are for a reason, and asking about the context is good for getting an overview because you might not know everything that's going on. I used this strategy multiple times during my internship and was very grateful for it every single time.

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What I liked

I learned so much over the summer and got a lot of experience in a field I was really passionate about, so it made me even more confident to pursue a career in actuarial science.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was able to get to know more people during my internship, I worked on a small team and didn’t have a lot of daily interaction with other teams.


In any good internship you are going to be challenged and that is exactly what my internship was. Some days I felt overwhelmed and in over my head, but it made me grow so much to be able to handle complex tasks now.

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May - August 2019 • Southfield, MI

What I liked

I loved the environment and learning to work as a team in a corporate setting. I also worked in a casual environment so I am able to be comfortable in my cubicle. I have learned to use multiple different applications and have gained valuable knowledge on the insurance field.

What I wish was different

I spent a lot of time guiding myself through my internship and my bosses aren't exactly hands on. I wish I was able to do even more and be busy with differing projects during my internship so I could truly maximize the opportunity.


Go in with an open mind and a true fervor for what you're doing! Any internship will show you what an asset you are, even if you don't have your degree yet.

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May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Opportunities to explore other teams and departments, professional workshops, networking

What I wish was different

My leader


Find out about the team you’re applying to before applying.

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May - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Very well structured intern program with a ton of support from my supervisors and project leads. Did actual useful work for the company!

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten to network more with upper managers and directors--my particular department wasn't very good about that. I know other departments had their interns present projects to VPs in the company.


Ask every question you have and talk to as many people in the company as you can--there are tons of interesting perspectives to learn from.

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May 2019 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

Great work culture

What I wish was different

More to do

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July - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed the atmosphere of the job. My co-workers were diligent, but they took their time.

What I wish was different


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June - August 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

BCBSM was a great company to work for. The people are very passionate and helpful. They want you to succeed and learn the most that you can from your internship.

What I wish was different

The project I was on wasn’t really my interest or what I thought I was signing up for. I wish I was put on a project that was more applicable to my skill set.


Be sure to be vocal with your manager/boss about your experience and how your work aligns with your interest and skill sets. Also don’t hesitate to contact other employees outside of the department to learn more about the company. BCBSM is a big company with a lot of different opportunities.

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May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to be vocal during conference calls or when you're struggling with something. Everyone is friendly and the interns opinions are often respected.

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What I liked

The flexibility of schedules and the Detroit location.

What I wish was different

More opportunities to learn more during the summer.


Blue Cross definitely gives you a in-depth look into what it is like to work in a professional, corporate environment.

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What I liked

Flexible work location and hours, friendly people to work with

What I wish was different

Slow adaptation of new technology


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May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

Blue Cross Blue Shield provided students with an excellent intern project program, real work that impacts the company and tons of professional development resources.

What I wish was different

The company was a little slow but that's just because it is so large.


If you need a valuable experience in the healthcare industry I highly recommend working here.

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May - August 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I liked that I was challenged, which in the end helped me grow in my professional and personal life. I also liked how many opportunities there were for interns to get involved and make an impact in the company.

What I wish was different


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May - August 2018 • Southfield, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed it a lot! I learned about the insurance side of health care and what providers guidelines are to give a good experience to customers. I also learned that there are many areas nurses can practice in besides the hospital.

What I wish was different

I wish they had a plan for me when I got there. I spent a lot of time wondering what I should do and most people didn’t really need my help very often.


Try something new like this, even if it isn’t in your direct path. It was an amazing experience and I hope I can do it again!

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What I liked

The internship had a great structure. This was not only an experiential internship, but it was truly aimed to get you exposed to the corporate environment and prepare you as a professional. There were several professional growth events that were available for the interns to take part in. If you were interested in other departments they were supportive and made sure you were able to get the opportunity to speak with someone for a shadowing or simple meeting. The intern projects and mentorship program were my favorite aspects of the internship, I learned so much from these experiences.

What I wish was different

I think it was a great experience as an intern, not much to say.


Go after every opportunity, meet as many new people as you can, and always ask more questions than none at all.

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June - August 2017 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed working on a real-life project that affected the company. The work environment was great, they really cared about your well-being. Being in downtown Detroit was also very, very cool.

What I wish was different

I wish I didn't have to commute an hour each way every day.


Consider working closer to work.

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What I liked

I love the amazing opportunities that I have had to network at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM). A lot of people are very friendly, so it is easy to meet new people and make connections. All of my leaders have been very supportive and have helped me grow in every aspect of my life. They respect that I am a student first and are always looking for ways to help me achieve work, life, and school balance. I definitely would recommend interning at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

What I wish was different


Join a Young Professional Network (YPN) Intern Group if you are interning in the summer. Being a part of a YPN intern group helped further develop my skills in public speaking, communication, and team work.

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May - August 2017 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to contribute to the team and fully accomplish tasks that were assigned to me. The atmosphere of the work place was very friendly and in result I enjoyed going to work everyday.

What I wish was different

When I came in as an intern, I needed access to information to complete tasks, but it took quite some time before I had access to it.


To do the work assigned to you and complete it in the allocated time. It is very important that you make an impression to your manager as well as the team. The team knows what you are doing and how long it is taking the intern to complete the task. Make the impression that says that we want this intern to come back next year. Also, make all the connections you can, because that will benefit you the most in the future.

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