Best coffee for at home cold brew

Cold brew coffee is synonymous with summer. Unless you’re my wife, who drinks it all year long. We make a big batch twice a week because it is her go-to, and I can’t help but steal sips here and there. Iced coffee is great, but cold brew is on another level.

It’s not hard to make cold brew coffee, but there are a few things you need to know to make sure it comes out perfect. The first is the beans. You want to use something low in acidity, like a dark roast or an espresso blend. You can also use medium roast, but I tend to stay away from light roast when making cold brew.

The next thing you need is a good-quality coffee grinder. If you want to make cold brew at home, you’re going to need to grind the beans yourself. Grinding them yourself gives you more control over the size of the grind and how coarse or fine you want it.

Once you have your beans ground, it’s time to start brewing. So, what are the best coffee grounds for cold brew? We have tried a lot of different coffee brands for cold brew, and these are our favorites.

What is cold brew coffee and why should you drink it

Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold or room temperature water for an extended time. This process extracts a lot of the caffeine and flavor from the beans, resulting in a smooth, less acidic beverage.

Cold brew is perfect for summer because it’s refreshing and hydrating. It’s also low in acidity, making it easier on your stomach. If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to energy drinks or sugary iced coffees, cold brew is the way to go.

Why choose pre-ground cold brew coffee roasts

Buying pre-ground coffee can be tricky. Not all coffee is created equal, and there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right beans for cold brew.

Because grinding beans too early can make it lose certain flavors, it’s essential that the roaster properly package the coffee, or else it was all for nothing. Nobody wants to waste money on a lackluster bag of coffee beans.

The 10 best coffee beans for cold brew

Now that we have told you what to look for, here are our top 10 picks for the best coffee beans for cold brew.

1. Volcanica Cold Brew Coffee


  • Rich Sweet, chocolate, and nuts flavor with low acidity
  • Fresh roasted and responsibly sourced
  • Can be ordered pre-ground or whole bean

Volcanica’s Cold Brew coffee is the perfect way to start your day. It’s a blend of bold Sumatra and exceptional low-acid Arabica coffee, perfect for cold brewing. The result is a coffee with sweet chocolate and nut flavors that’s low in acidity.

Volcanica Coffee is responsibly sourced, freshly roasted, and can be ordered ground or whole bean. You can even order it in the French Press grind for pre-ground cold brew ready coffee grounds.

The coffee from Volcanica is grown, you guessed it, in the volcanic soil of the Sumatra region. It’s farm-fresh and roasted to perfection, making it the perfect choice for cold brew coffee lovers.

The company works directly with coffee farms and local cooperatives to ensure the best possible product. Volcanica Coffee is roasted in small batches on low emission roasters by SCA trained roast masters.

If you’re looking for a delicious cold brew coffee, Volcanica is the way to go. With its rich flavor and low acidity, it’s sure to please even the most discerning coffee drinker. So why not give it a try? You won’t be disappointed.

Check our our full review of Volcanica coffee.

2. LIFEBOOST Biotics Cold Brew


  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Non-GMO and USDA certified organic
  • Low acid coffee
  • Proprietary probiotic blend that helps to scavenge toxins and support gut health
  • Shade-grown and sun-dried

Best coffee for at home cold brew

Looking for the healthiest cold brew coffee beans? Look no further than LIFEBOOST Biotics! Their unique probiotic blend helps to scavenge toxins and support gut health, while their low-acid coffee is rich in antioxidants. Not only that, but their coffee is also USDA-certified organic and single-origin, meaning you’re getting the highest quality beans possible.

Why would you want probiotics in your coffee? Probiotics are live bacteria that offer a variety of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and supporting gut health. And because they’re live bacteria, they need to be in a form that can survive stomach acid to reach the intestines where they can do their work. That’s where LIFEBOOST’s proprietary blend comes in – their unique formula helps keep the probiotics in their most adaptable phase so they can withstand stomach acid and implant where they need to.

Plus, their coffee is shade-grown and sun-dried, making it some of the highest quality coffee available. So if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy cold brew coffee, be sure to check out LIFEBOOST Biotics!

3. Bizzy Organic Cold Brew Coffee


  • Ethically sourced and organic coffee
  • Beans are roasted in small batches and ground coarsely specifically for cold brewing
  • Large variety of flavors will satisfy all taste buds

If you’re going to go through all the trouble of making cold brew coffee, you might as well do it right. And Bizzy Organic has got you covered with their specially-selected coffee beans that have been roasted medium and ground coarsely specifically for cold brewing. They even have a variety of flavors to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your taste.

Bizzy specializes in cold brew coffee grounds. They roast the beans themselves and only use 100% Arabica coffee, sourced from Guatemala, Peru, and Nicaragua. They also ethically test all of their coffee for chemical residue.

Bizzy’s passion for cold brew coffee is evident in their products. They’ve spent thousands of dollars on research and development to create the perfect grind size and flavor profiles for iced coffee. And they’re not stopping there! Bizzy is always looking for ways to improve its cold brew process so that you can get the smoothest, most delicious cup of iced coffee possible.

What I like best about Bizzy’s cold brew is that they roast their beans themselves. This gives them more control over the flavor profile and makes for a consistently delicious cup of iced coffee. I also love the variety of flavors they have to offer. Whether you’re in the mood for a light and bright breakfast blend or a dark and bold espresso roast, Bizzy has got you covered.

So if you’re looking for some high-quality cold brew coffee grounds, look no further than Bizzy Organic! Their products are sure to make your next iced coffee experience unforgettable.

4. Stone Street Cold Brew Coffee


  • Dark roast coffee beans specifically crafted for cold brewing
  • Low acid content for a smooth, easy-drinking cup of coffee
  • A well-balanced flavor profile
  • Ethical and intimate sourcing relationships with the best coffee farms and growing regions

So you’re a cold brew coffee lover, are you? Well, Stone Street Coffee has you covered! Not only do they have a specially crafted cold brew blend, but their 100% Colombian Supremo beans are dark explicitly roasted for making the perfect cold brew. And if that’s not enough, their packaging is top-notch too! A resealable 3-layer natural kraft bag with a one-way valve? Yes, please!

When I want a smooth, low acid cold brew with a well-balanced flavor, I know Stone Street Coffee has my back. And don’t forget the coarse ground or whole bean options if you like to do it yourself!

Stone Street is a specialty roaster located in the heart of Brooklyn, NYC, and they’ve been roasting delicious coffee since 2009. They’re dedicated to the fine art of handcrafted coffees and take pride in their ethical & intimate sourcing relationships with the best coffee farms and growing regions. They’ve perfected the roasting process over many years and expertly developed each coffee’s unique characteristics and complete flavor profile.

So if you’re looking for a top-notch cold brew coffee that’s easy to make, Stone Street has you covered.

5. Birch Glen Roasters Cold Brew Coffee Blend


  • Good, robust flavor profile
  • Low bitterness/acidity
  • An insane variety of flavors to choose from
  • Medium roast is the perfect level of roast for me

Are you kidding me? This is some of the best stuff I’ve ever tasted. I mean, I wasn’t surprised, considering it’s from Birch Glen Roasters. But still, these guys know their coffee. I don’t think I could pick a favorite flavor, but the Irish Cream is pretty amazing. And the fact that it’s a medium roast? Perfection.

Birch Glen Roasters is one of my go-to coffee roasters because they consistently produce high-quality coffee. Their cold brew coffee blend is no exception–it’s flavorful and low in bitterness/acidity. I also like that they have a variety of flavors to choose from, and their medium roast is the perfect level of roast for me.

In case you were wondering, I highly recommend Birch Glen Roasters’ cold brew coffee blend. It’s delicious and perfect for cold brew coffee lovers. So go ahead and treat yourself to some of the best coffee around. You won’t be disappointed.

6. Cameron’s Coffee Specialty Coffee Cold Brew Blend


  • Certified organic and sustainably sourced
  • Small batch roasted, ensuring that each bean is lovingly handcrafted to perfection
  • Quality and consistency of the coffee are top-notch
  • Sourced from the top 10% of Arabica beans in the world

Cameron’s has the perfect coffee grounds for cold brew for all you coffee enthusiasts out there. It’s so smooth and mellow it’ll make you feel like you’re sipping on a cloud (or something equally as fanciful). Plus, it’s certified organic and sustainably sourced, so you can feel good about guzzling down gallons of the stuff.

If that’s not enough to get you excited, how about the fact that it’s small-batch roasted? That means each and every bean is lovingly handcrafted to perfection- ensuring that your cup of cold brew is as delicious as possible.

When I first tried Cameron’s Cold Brew Blend, I was immediately hooked. The rich flavor and smooth finish are top-notch, and I can’t get enough of it. That’s probably because they only choose from the top 10% of Arabica beans in the world- ensuring that every cup is perfection.

So if you’re looking for a high-quality, organic, and sustainably sourced coffee to make your cold brew with, look no further than Cameron’s!

7. Tiny Footprint Organic Cold Brew Coffee


  • Shade-grown and organic certified coffee beans for the best flavor profile
  • Cold Press Elixir blend specifically crafted for cold brew iced coffee
  • Carbon negative roastery working to reduce their environmental impact
  • Sweet, rich, smooth coffee with subtle fruit and floral tones

If you’re anything like me, you appreciate a good cup of coffee. And if you’re an extra special kind of person, you love cold brew coffee. Tiny Footprint has created another fantastic coffee blend for making your favorite cold brew beverage.

But it’s not just any old coffee they’re using. No, no. These beans are shade-grown and organic certified, ensuring that you’re getting the best possible flavor profile with each cup. Plus, the Cold Press Elixir blend is specifically crafted for making cold brew iced coffee.

Why are they called Tiny Footprint? The roastery is carbon negative, meaning they work hard to reduce their environmental impact in every way possible. From composting coffee grounds to fuel-efficient ribbon burners on their roaster, Tiny Footprint is working to leave as small a footprint as possible on our planet.

Not only is their coffee good for the environment, but it also tastes great. It’s sweet, rich, and smooth with subtle fruit and floral tones.

Every time I try another one of their coffees, I’m blown away. They are quickly becoming my favorite roaster. I think they deserve a spot on this list for that reason alone. But their environmental consciousness and unique flavor profiles are just icing on the cake. So go ahead and give them a try.

Not only is their coffee good for the environment, but it also tastes great. It’s sweet, rich, and smooth with subtle fruit and floral tones.

8. Gevalia Costa Rica Single Origin Coarse Ground Coffee


  • ich and never-bitter medium roast coffee
  • Sourced exclusively from Costa Rica’s highland valleys in mineral-enriched volcanic soil
  • Slow roasted and snap cooled and sealed to lock in flavor and aroma
  • Can be used in all French press as well
  • Full-flavored ground beans that are Kosher certified

We picked the Gevalia Costa Rica Single Origin Special Reserve Coarse Ground Coffee as one of our top coffee for cold brews. The coffee is made from 100% Arabica coffee beans sourced exclusively from Costa Rica’s highland valleys in mineral-enriched volcanic soil.

The beans are slow-roasted and snap-cooled to lock in flavor and aroma. We love the rich and never-bitter medium roast coffee that this bean produces. The darker roast allows delicate fruit and citrus undertones to shine through. The 10-ounce bag is also great for those who keep everything Kosher.

I loved the flavor of this coffee because I love the subtle hint at fruit and citrus that is offered. The coffee was also vibrant and had great aromatics. Sometimes, the smell of cold brew coffee can be a little off-putting, but this coffee had no such problem. It was also Rainforest Alliance Certified, which is always a bonus.

We picked this coffee out because it is flavorful and rich. The delicate hints at fruit and citrus are a pleasant surprise as you drink it down. So if you’re looking for a great cup of cold brew coffee that checks all the boxes, Gevalia’s Costa Rican single origin special reserve coarse ground coffee is worth a try.

9. STONE COLD JO Cold Brew Dark Roast Coarse Ground Organic Coffee


  • Durable steel housings and BPA/BPS/BPF & Phthalate free plastics
  • Low acidity, making it an excellent choice for those who want a smooth cup of coffee without the bitter taste
  • Dark roast gives the coffee a rich and flavorful flavor profile
  • Artisan roasted in a micro-roastery, ensuring a high-quality product
  • USDA Certified Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Kosher Certified
  • Silky smooth texture with hints of toffee, caramel, chocolate, and grape

It’s essential to choose the proper coffee grounds for your brew. STONE COLD JO Dark Roast Coarse Ground Organic Coffee is a great choice, thanks to its low acidity and dark roast. The coffee is also handcrafted and artisan roasted in s micro-roastery, ensuring a high-quality product. Plus, it’s USDA Certified Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Kosher Certified.

Enough of the stats, let’s talk about flavor! The coffee has a silky smooth texture with hints of toffee, caramel, chocolate, and grape. It’s the perfect coffee for cold brew lovers who enjoy a dark roast flavor profile.

STONE COLD JO takes care to source the finest specialty-grade organic coffee beans and roasts them to perfection. So, if you’re looking for a great cup of cold brew coffee, be sure to try STONE COLD JO Dark Roast Coarse Ground Organic Coffee!

10. Cold Brew Labs Coarse Ground Colombian Supremo Dark Roast Coffee


  • USDA certified organic coffee beans
  • Specialty-grade, 100% Arabica, Colombian Supremo
  • Dark roast blend for a unique roast level that is perfect for cold brewed coffee flavor
  • Strong and bold cup of cold brew coffee that’s well-rounded, smooth, and low acid

I was excited to try out the Colombian Supremo Dark Roast Coffee from Cold Brew Labs. I was especially happy with the extra coarse grind size, which made it easy to prepare a batch of cold brew in my own kitchen. The dark roast blend was perfect for my taste. It was even strong enough to withstand some extra sugar and cream!

Cold Brew Labs only uses USDA-certified organic coffee beans that have been roasted in the city that never sleeps, New York City! And for those of you who like to grind your own beans, they offer whole beans along with extra coarse grind options.

But it’s not just the beans that make their cold brew coffee stand out from the rest. They’ve created a strong and bold cup with well-rounded, smooth, low acidic, and full-bodied flavor. That’s a mouthful (of flavor).

So if you’re looking for a high-quality cup of cold brew coffee, look no further than Cold Brew Labs.

Best coffee for at home cold brew

Tips for choosing the right beans for your own batch of cold brew

Choosing the perfect cold brew coffee bean is a personal choice, but we would be remiss if we didn’t mention a few things you might want to consider.

First, think about the flavor profile you are looking for. Do you want something that is rich and chocolatey? Or maybe you prefer a more citrusy flavor? Once you know what type of flavor you are after, start narrowing down your choices by roast level.

Dark roasts tend to be low in acidity and have a richer flavor, while medium roasts are a good balance of acidity and flavor. If you are looking for a bean that will make a smooth, sweet cold brew, we recommend trying an espresso blend or a dark roast.

Another thing to keep in mind is the origin of your coffee. Coffee beans from different parts of the world have different flavors and can be roasted to different levels. If you are looking for something unique, try a coffee bean from a different region.

Recommendations on brewing grind size and water temperature

Brewing your own cold brew coffee can be a bit daunting, but it’s really not as hard as it seems. Just follow these simple tips, and you will be on your way to making the perfect batch of cold brew.

The grind size is important for two reasons. First, if the grind is too fine, it will extract too quickly. Cold brew is all about a slow and steady extraction, so a fine grind will give you a coffee that is overly bitter and acidic. Second, if the grind size is too coarse, the coffee will take too long to extract, and you will end up with a weak batch of coffee.

A good rule of thumb is to use a grind size that is similar to large sea salt. If you are using a burr grinder, start by setting it on the coarsest setting and work your way up finer until you reach the desired grind size. If you are using a blade grinder, start by pulsing the beans for about 10 seconds.

Water temperature is also important when making cold brew. Too hot, and the coffee will extract too quickly, resulting in a bitter and overwhelming cup of joe. Too cold, and the coffee will take too long to extract, resulting in a weak and flavorless cup.

The ideal water temperature for cold brew is around room temperature or about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Best coffee for at home cold brew

Brewing methods for making cold brew

There are a few different ways to make cold brew coffee, but we find that the immersion method works best. With this method, you simply add the ground coffee to a container of room-temperature water and let it soak for 12-24 hours.

After soaking, the coffee can be strained and served over ice or added to your favorite beverage. If you are looking for a stronger cup of joe, you can let it steep for longer than 24 hours. Just be careful not to let it steep for too long, or the coffee will become overly bitter.

Another popular brewing method is the French press. With this method, you add the ground coffee to a French press and add room temperature water. After steeping for 24 hours, you push down the plunger to separate the coffee from the grounds. This method is great for those who like a creamy and smooth cup of cold brew. Plus, you can use the French press for other hot beverages like tea or latte.

No matter what method you choose, we recommend experimenting a bit to find the one that works best for you. And don’t forget that patience is key to a perfect batch of cold brew! So let the coffee soak for the recommended amount of time and enjoy a cup of smooth and delicious coffee.

Best coffee for at home cold brew

How is cold brew concentrate different from cold brew?

The main difference between cold brew concentrate and cold brew is the amount of water used. For cold brew, you use a 1:4 ratio of coffee to water. This means that for every one cup of coffee, you add four cups of water. For cold brew concentrate, you use a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio of coffee to water. This means that for every one cup of coffee, you add two or three cups of water.

This results in a concentrate that is much more potent and can be diluted with water or milk to make a delicious cup of cold brew (or you can drink it straight!). Cold brew concentrate is also great for those who like to add flavors to their coffee. Just add a pump or two of your favorite syrup, and you’re good to go.

Can you make hot coffee from cold brew?

The short answer is yes! You can make hot coffee from cold brew by adding hot water or milk. The cold brew will act as a concentrate, and the hot water or milk will dilute it to the desired strength. This is a great way to save time in the morning if you can’t brew a pot of hot coffee.

Plus, adding hot milk to cold coffee brew will give it a creamy and delicious texture that is hard to beat.

Best coffee for at home cold brew

What’s the best way to store cold brew?

The best way to store cold brew is in an airtight container in the fridge. This will help keep the coffee from becoming oxidized and losing its flavor. You can also freeze cold brew as ice cubes to be used in iced coffee. The cold brewing process concentrates the coffee, so it’s important to remember that you should dilute it with water or milk before drinking.

We hope you enjoyed our guide on the best coffee grounds for cold brew. If you want to know more about coffee techniques, visit our brewing page, and don’t forget to check out our list of the best iced coffee makers. Happy brewing!

What coffee is best for cold brew?

What kind of coffee beans should I use for cold brew? The short answer: This one's easy—use your favorite medium or dark roast. You can use your favorite coffee bean for cold brew. It's the size of the grind that matters more.

What is the smoothest coffee for cold brew?

Dark roasts tend to be low in acidity and have a richer flavor, while medium roasts are a good balance of acidity and flavor. If you are looking for a bean that will make a smooth, sweet cold brew, we recommend trying an espresso blend or a dark roast. Another thing to keep in mind is the origin of your coffee.

Can you use regular coffee grounds for cold brew?

Yes. Although the best coffee to brew cold brew is coarse ground coffee, you can use regular pre ground coffee for specific cold brewing methods. If you want to use regular ground coffee (or that's all you have on hand) you can use the drip method to make cold brew.