Bank of america mortgage program for black and hispanic

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To help narrow a homeownership gap among Black and Hispanic-Latino communities, Bank of America is launching new zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgage products to help people in minority communities buy their first homes.

The program — called the Community Affordable Loan Solution — will be available to certain markets including majority Black and/or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods, in Charlotte, North Carolina; Dallas; Detroit; Los Angeles; and Miami.

The loans are subject to rigorous underwriting and are based on credit guidelines including on-time bill payments including rent, utilities, phone and auto insurance payments. Eligibility is based on income and home location. No minimum credit score or mortgage insurance is required.

Applicants do not have to be Black or Hispanic/Latino to qualify for the loans.

Before applying, applicants must complete a homebuyer certification course provided by housing counseling partners approved by Bank of America and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"Our community affordable loan solution will help make the dream of sustained homeownership attainable for more Black and Hispanic families, and it is part of our broader commitment to the communities that we serve," AJ Barkley, head of neighborhood and community lending at Bank of America, said in a statement.

'The problem does exist'

The Wall Street bank's efforts come as research has shown how difficult it can be for minority individuals and families to become homeowners.

A recent report from LendingTree found the mortgage denial rate for Black borrowers is twice that of the overall population.

"The problem does exist," Jacob Channel, senior economist at LendingTree, recently told CNBC. "We have data that backs that up.

"But there are solutions, and Black homebuyers shouldn't lose faith that they'll never be able to become homeowners," he said.

In research from earlier this year, the National Association of Realtors found the homeownership rate for Black Americans is almost 30 percentage points lower than white Americans.

As the U.S. homeownership rate climbed to 65.5% in 2020 in the highest annual rise on record, the homeownership rate was 43.4% for Black Americans, 51.1% for Hispanic Americans and 61.7% for Asian Americans, according to the research.

Moreover, Black and Hispanic mortgage applicants were more likely to be rejected for loans, each with 7%, compared to white or Asian applicants, at 4% and 3%, respectively, the National Association of Realtors found.

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Bank of America separately has made a $15 billion community homeownership commitment to help individuals and families purchase affordable homes by 2025. The program includes affordable mortgages, grants and educational opportunities.To date, the program has helped more than 36,000 individuals and families become homeowners. Two-thirds of the program's loans and grants made through the program have helped multicultural clients become homeowners, according to the firm.

Bank of America has also made a separate $15 billion commitment to provide mortgages to low- to moderate-income homebuyers through the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America through May 2027.

Bank of America also announced the launch of a new small-business down payment program aimed at helping minority and women business owners obtain credit and purchase commercial real estate through grants. That program is launching in Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, Dallas and Los Angeles. There are plans to expand to additional markets in 2023.

North Carolina’s largest corporation, Bank of America, received pushback after announcing last week they created a home loan program only available in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Legal scholars told Carolina Journal that the program appears to violate federal civil rights laws by favoring certain racial groups over others. Bank of America, however, told Carolina Journal that the loans are legal under an exception in lending law.

“Homeownership strengthens our communities and can help individuals and families to build wealth over time,” said AJ Barkley, head of neighborhood and community lending for Bank of America, in a press release announcing the program. “Our Community Affordable Loan Solution [CALS] will help make the dream of sustained homeownership attainable for more Black and Hispanic families, and it is part of our broader commitment to the communities that we serve.”

The CALS program would offer zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages to first-time homebuyers in certain black and Hispanic neighborhoods in Bank of America’s hometown of Charlotte, as well as in Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Miami. 

In Bank of America’s press release, they cited data from the National Association of Realtors that found a 30-percentage-point gap in homeownership between black and white Americans, and a 20-percentage-point gap between white and Hispanic Americans, adding that “the competitive housing market has made it even more difficult for potential homebuyers, especially people of color, to buy homes.”

Gail Heriot is a professor at University of San Diego Law School and a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. She also sits on the board of directors of the American Civil Rights Project, Californians for Equal Rights, and the National Association of Scholars. Heriot told Carolina Journal that she believes the Bank of America program runs afoul of civil rights law. 

“A good rule of thumb when you are unsure of whether something violates anti-discrimination laws is to ‘flip it,’” Heriot said. “If Bank of America were to announce a special lending program only for people buying homes in white or Asian neighborhoods, the law would rightly prohibit it. It prohibits it here too.”

David Bernstein is executive director of the Liberty & Law Center at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School as well as a professor of law at the school. He agreed with Heriot, telling Carolina Journal that “the short answer is that at the very least this violates section 1981, the 1866 Civil Rights Act,” which he said has “been interpreted to broadly prohibit private discrimination in contract on the basis of race.” 

But a spokesperson for Bank of America responded to these concerns, telling Carolina Journal on Sept. 6 that:

CALS is a special purpose credit program. Special purpose credit programs allow lenders to offer credit on favorable terms to economically disadvantaged borrowers. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which was passed by Congress, explicitly authorizes these kinds of programs. The ECOA and Regulation B encourages lenders to offer SPCPs, enabling them to extend credit on favorable terms to classes of borrowers who have suffered economic disadvantages and share common characteristics, such as race, income, or geography. The Federal government has also encouraged lenders to explore opportunities exactly like this on [sic] to better serve historically disadvantaged individuals and communities.

Recent guidance from federal regulators supports their position. In December of 2020, the Consumer Finance Bureau, which oversees application of lending laws like the ECOA, issued guidance that said discriminating based on racial characteristics was allowed under these circumstances.

Once a special purpose credit program has been established, a creditor may then request
and consider information regarding common characteristic(s) if needed to determine the
applicant’s eligibility for the program. For example, if a creditor establishes a special purpose
credit program that requires that an applicant resides in an area that is designated as a low-to-
moderate income census tract and is Black, Hispanic, or Asian, a creditor could request race or
ethnicity information from applicants to confirm eligibility for the program.

Even after the CFB’s sign-off, lenders were still wary of creating credit programs targeting people by race or sex because the Fair Housing Act does not have exceptions that allow for discriminating in order to benefit an “economically disadvantaged class.”

So lenders and other stakeholders pushed for clarification from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who oversees enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. On Dec. 6, 2021, HUD gave lenders like Bank of America the legal assurance they wanted, determining that these special-purpose credit programs (SPCPs) did not violate the Fair Housing Act’s prohibition on discriminating based on race or sex.

The guidance said that Congress “intended the [Fair Housing] Act and ECOA to coexist harmoniously and complement each other rather than create any conflict between these laws. Congress intended both statutes to operate similarly (albeit sometimes with respect to different subject matters), both prohibiting certain discriminatory conduct and encouraging affirmative conduct to address long unmet needs and disparities.”

But constitutional scholars like Heriot and Bernstein believe this kind of one-sided race preferences violate the fundamentals of civil rights law. Bernstein, for example, said that if the ECOA allows “mortgages to be offered on more favorable terms based on race, then it might be unconstitutional.”

Jon Guze, John Locke Foundation’s senior fellow of legal studies, said, “It’s clearly unconstitutional and won’t stand up in court.”

The same day as the minority mortgage program was announced, Bank of America also announced they were starting a “Small Business Down Payment Grant Program to drive business growth and help create generational wealth opportunities for minority and women business owners.” This program was also identified as an SPCP in the press release.

Criticism of Bank of America has had little effect on the company’s commitment to pursuing controversial diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs.

Earlier this year, a shareholder proposal requested an audit of Bank of America’s DEI efforts to see if they were legal. Scott Shepard of the free-market group Boardroom Initiative, who drafted the proposal, told Carolina Journal at the time that Bank of America “listed in its own proxy report all sorts of programs — lending programs, internship programs, community programs, hiring programs — that are all explicitly discriminatory on the basis of race, sex and other basis.”

Shepard said that “All of this just strikes me as insanely unconstitutional.”

Another North Carolina-based company’s recent loss in court over a DEI program shows the risk of implementing these types of efforts. David Duvall, a white male, was awarded $10 million in a 2021 lawsuit after he was able to convince the court that he was dismissed from his position as an executive with Novant Health because of his race and sex. 

Shepard said more lawsuits like this may be the only way that illegal discrimination from activist corporations can be checked.

“One or two jury verdicts that took big money out of a couple CEO’s pockets and all of this would wilt like a good analogy about wilting,” Shepard said.

Global Industry Analysts, considered a premier market analysis firm, predicts that the “market” for DEI programs by major corporations will rise from $7.5 billion in 2020 to $15.4 billion by 2026, more than doubling over this period.

Can black people get mortgages?

When it comes to applying for a mortgage, 18% of Black borrowers are denied on average compared to a 9% rejection rate for the overall population. LendingTree's analysis is based on data from the 2020 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.

Is it harder for blacks to get a mortgage?

For example, Black Americans tend to have lower incomes and less household wealth than members of other racial groups. Because lenders usually look at factors like a person's income when determining whether to issue a loan, earning less money can make getting approved for a mortgage more difficult.

Is Bank of America easy to get a mortgage?

Bank of America requires a minimum credit score of 600 to qualify for a mortgage. That applies to VA and FHA loans. For a conventional loan from Bank of America, you'll need a credit score of at least 620. In addition, most BofA mortgages require debt-to-income ratios below 43 percent.

Does Bank of America give out mortgages?

Our commitment to affordable homeownership The Bank of America Community Homeownership Commitment® provides solutions for modest-income and first-time homebuyers, including affordable mortgages, grant programs, resources and expertise. This mortgage offers a 3% down payment and a competitive rate.


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