At what time is going to stop raining

Hi, been checking weather as arriving in 4 weeks but every day looks to be thunder and lightening, is this always the case and do I therefore need an umbrealla all the time?! Been before in July and never saw a drop of rain! Thanks, Helen

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Mac G




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1. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

11 years ago


Don't let the weather forecast put you off! You'll have enough sunshine to have a great holiday. Sure there'll be thundery showers but they don't last long generally.

Due to its geographical location and maritime exposure,Singapore’s climate is characterized by uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall. The average temperature is between 25 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius. Thunderstorms occur on 40% of all days. Relative humidity is in the range of 70% – 80%. April is the warmest month, January is the coolest month and November is the wettest month.

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Destination Expert

for Singapore, Singapore



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2. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

11 years ago


It doesn't rain all over the island the same time. If you visting different parts on different days you may never see rain.

I save this website on my phone //

Its uncaningly accurate. Click on the animation link and you can see if any of the rain clouds are heading your way and when its likely to arrive and pass.

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Cambridge, United...

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for Singapore, Singapore



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3. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

11 years ago


Weather summaries tend to indicate the worst weather that occurred somewhere on the island at some time during the day - or are predicted to occur if they are forecast sites.

This sort of reporting gives a very false sense of the weather inSingapore at the level of the tourist wandering around.

Yes, you will want to have an umbrella handy because it is a tropical location and thunderstorms can and do happen fairly frequently compared to here in the UK. Failing that at least plan where to hide if rain hits. We always keep a foldup in our day bag if we are going places with little cover.

However you can spend the day in Jurong and see no rain whatsoever, and return to a drenched city centre. When rain does hit it tends to be cloudbursts - heavy and short - 30-60minutes typically and then the sun comes back.

You can get unlucky and get a whole day of rain - I can remember 2 or 3 in the last 5 trips - even those tend to slack off by the end of the day and it is more common to wake up to rain and see it stop by after breakfast but remain overcast. Actually those days can be very good for wandering round places like the zoo and birdpark as people tend to stay away.

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Newcastle upon...



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4. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

11 years ago


Thanks, not too worried now but will be prepared, good tips about places to see if it is raining - many thanks all!

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1 post

5. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

10 years ago


howz the climate by january

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6. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

10 years ago


<<howz the climate by january>>

Same as in February, December and august...................

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Destination Expert

for Singapore, Singapore



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7. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

10 years ago



Please do not go for the soap and rope yet!

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8. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

10 years ago


I wouldnt agree that January is like Feb usually Feb becomes a bit drier from our experiences but nothing is guaranteed. One thing for sure it is always hot.

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9. Re: Does it rain every day in Singapore?!

10 years ago


GenerallySingapore is hot and wet all year round. Historically February is the driest month (there was couple of years where we had bush fires in February) while November and December are wettest due to North east monsoon rains. January weather is pleasantly cool, the winds are still active and monsoon rains have dissipated.

That being said, I doubt tourists would notice these slight weather differences. Many tourists can only notice the heat and humidity. It hits you like a brick wall.

Does it rain at 40 chance?

The good news is that the average person doesn't need to get out a pencil and paper every time they read the forecast. According to the National Weather Service, if you see a 40 percent chance of rain, "there is a 40 percent chance that rain will occur at any given point in the area."

How do you know if it's going to rain all day?

Look at the shape of the clouds. In general, clouds that are white and high indicate good weather, and clouds that are dark and low mean rain or storms are on the way. White, wispy clouds usually mean that the weather will be clear. Flat clouds mean that the air is stable, while fluffy clouds mean that it is unstable.

Why is Singapore raining so much?

Due to its geographical location and maritime exposure, Singapore's climate is characterized by uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall. The average temperature is between 25 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius. Thunderstorms occur on 40% of all days.

Why is it raining so much in Singapore 2022?

6 In October 2022, the influence of several tropical storms over the South China Sea and Western Pacific Ocean resulted in large-scale convergence of winds over Singapore and the surrounding vicinity.


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