Anatomy and physiology coloring workbook chapter 7 answers

Video Transcript

Hello everyone. Let's have a look at the question over here. So in this question, we are going to this label, the structure of the peripheral nervous system over here. So this is the P. N. S. System which is peripheral nervous system. So this is the part. So this is here. It is representing the spinal cord, right? This is the spinal cord over here. And from the spinal cord, right? This portion here. This lower portion. The nerves which are generating from the lower portion. It is motor fiber, right? This is the motor fibers here. From the upper portion they are generating the sensory fibers. Okay, sensory fibers are here and at the end they are getting um we can say they are getting out here and they are the peripheral knobs over here. Okay, so this is representing the related here. This is peripheral. No, over here. Right? And from this ending portion which is zoomed over here. Right? Very much so we have the endings over here. Right? These are the fibers. Okay, They are representing the fibers over here. Okay, ah fibers like this. Right? And these peripheral nerves, they have fibers here And then they have the motor endings. So they are the motor endings over here. Right? And these motor endings, They are getting at the So these fibers here. Right? And they are motor ending which will be sending the signal towards the towards the any sight of action. We can say it can be any organ. Any tissue over here. Okay, so we have sensory fibers. Then we have motor fibers there getting clustered over here. So this cluster here, It is representing the So they are representing these endings Over here. They are representing the Schwann cells, right? They are having the representation of the Schwann cells because they are the nerves, Right? And these are these are the Schwann cells over here and they are Miley nated exons, right? Millionaire to take zones, are there And then they are going to be going to a fiber. Suppose there is a muscular fiber and they are going to attach themselves like this.

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What is ANS system?

The autonomic nervous system is a component of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary physiologic processes including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal. It contains three anatomically distinct divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

What are the 4 types of glial cells and their functions?

Oligodendrocytes form the myelin sheath around axons. Astrocytes provide nutrients to neurons, maintain their extracellular environment, and provide structural support. Microglia scavenge pathogens and dead cells. Ependymal cells produce cerebrospinal fluid that cushions the neurons.

How does motor neuron function together with sensory neurons?

Sensory cells carry afferent impulses to a central interneuron, which makes contact with a motor neuron. The motor neuron carries efferent impulses to the effector, which produces the response.

Do neurons or Neuroglia demonstrate irritability and conductivity?

structure and function.


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