An open letter to my mom on mothers day

As we all know, Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. It is the time of year that we acknowledge mothers all over the world. We stop and take some time to show out gratitude and appreciation for all that our moms do. Every year, I spend time wondering what exactly I could get my mom that would show her just how much I love and appreciate her. After doing a little bit of shopping and finding some small materialistic things that I decided to get her, I also decided that I wanted to take this opportunity to tell her a few things.

Dear Mom,

Thank you.

Thank you for all that you do for me and have done for me since the very moment I was born. I am truly blessed to call you my Mom. Ever since I can remember you have always been there for me, looking out for me and doing your very best to protect me. Thank you for being a safe place to talk, and for openly excepting me just as I am. Your endless love, patience, guidance and kindness has made me into the women that I am today. Today I am not only thankful for you but I am proud to call you my mom. I am proud to be your daughter, and  I am proud of the example you set for me and the others around you.

You have been so supportive of me throughout every stage of my life. Thank you for taking the time to raise me and pour into my life. I recognize your efforts and I know how rare it is to have a mother like you. You have been there for me through the happiest moments in my life as well as some of the hardest moments. On graduation day and my wedding day I was so grateful to be able to look out and see you and dad sitting their supporting me.  I am thankful to know that no matter where life may take me, whatever I may do, that you will be right there cheering me on.

A picture of my mom and I horseback riding together.

Thank you for all the shopping dates, for letting me pick the movie to watch, and for making me laugh until I cry.  Thank you for being not only my mom but my friend. I know how blessed I truly am because not many mothers and daughters get to experience the relationship that we share.

I also just want to tell you how much I love you. You are beautiful inside and out.  I love the way that you can make anyone laugh. I love your heart and the way you care for people. You will time after time put others before yourself. I love your love for life and the people around you. You are a strong woman of God who shines bright for Him in all you do. There are so many things that I admire about you, mom, but most of all I love how present you have been in my life. Whether we are laughing our heads off or sharing a meal, any time I get to spend with you is such a blessing. I just want you to know how much I love and admire you mom.

Although I know that no amount of words or gifts could ever amount to everything you have done for me. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I can’t wait to see you and make more memories with you. I love you endlessly. Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

Love and Blessings, 

My mom, mom-in-law and me at my bridal shower

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An Open Letter To My Mom On Mother’s Day

May 13, 2017

Mother's Day is near, and while gifts like cards and flowers are nice, I know they won't be enough to express how grateful I am to have such a great Mom. That's why I'm writing this open letter to you – to let the world know how proud I feel to be your daughter! So here it goes …

Dear Mom,

In these 17 years, you're the person who has made the biggest impact in my life. And I thank you for that. You're so full of love, faith, and inspiration. One of the things I admire most about you is the spirit of life you instilled in me. You pushed me to be the best version of myself. You taught me to be brave, to have the confidence to achieve my dreams, and to know how to get back up when I fall.

I'd like to thank you for your teachings. You taught me the art of living life to its fullest - to be strong and sweet, smart and kind, confident and respectful, dedicated and happy. I'm grateful for your honest advice. It stings at times, but you teach me the hard lessons in life – what's right, what's wrong. I'm glad of your guidance too. Sometimes, when life gets complicated, I became irrational. And you're there to stop me and put a reality check.

Next, thank you for being supportive. You've always been there at every stage of my life, high and low. When I accomplish something, you celebrate with me. When I feel down, you encourage and motivate me. So thank you Mom, for every little thing you do.

I know, being a mom is never easy. It can be tough to raise me, with all the sacrifices you've made. You've always put my happiness and well-being before your own. I really, really feel blessed to be your daughter. To receive your unconditional love, you're such a wonderful mom.

I'm sorry if I upset you sometimes. You know, the typical rebellious years of a teenager. At times, you come across as nosy and overprotective, while I strive for freedom and independence. We may not always agree, but I understand that actually, you've always had my best interests at heart. And for that, I'd like to thank you for caring.

Last but not least, thank you so much for being my Mom. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. I'll be always growing as a person, and I really look forward to making even more amazing memories with you in the future. I love you, Mom. I mean it. Happy Mother's Day!

Do you like letters? Have you sent one to your mom? Tell us in the comments!

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This got me thinking, why do I use social media? I used to say “because I have friends in other states who I want to be able to keep in contact with.” But, couldn’t I just text them if I want to get in contact with me? Yes, yes I could. Likes and Followers, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, do they have any real purpose in life. No, they do not. I was able to live without social media for 13 years, so why is it now that I find it impossible to go a day without checking my Facebook? It’s depressing. What am I trying to achieve by posting a picture of Instagram? All I am seeing is the affirmation from my peers. But, all social media tends to make me do is feel bad. Few people will admit that, but social media does that. If you post a certain picture and don’t get 100 likes, you may delete the picture. It’s absolutely ridiculous

Why do we need affirmation from people to love ourselves? At the end of the day, the only person you are stuck with is yourself. Not your Instagram followers or your Facebook friends. Thinking about all this, I made the ‘bold’ decision, yes ‘bold’. I deleted Instagram and Facebook from my phone for a few days. Not my accounts, let’s face it I’m not ready for that yet. Just the apps, I found out that I didn’t miss much. I didn’t like a few posts, but those people won’t miss my like.

I did discover that if someone truly cares about you, social media won’t matter in a relationship. They will contact you, they will keep in touch. They will call you when they miss you because social media has no real purpose in life. Yes, it’s fun to post a cute picture on Instagram, but does that do anything to you? No, it doesn’t. Your worth as a person shouldn’t be based on social media.

At the end of the day, you won’t be remembered by your Instagram or Facebook. You will be remembered by the content of your character, how you treated people, how you presented yourself in person, not in an Instagram post. It is very easy to false represent who you are as a person over social media. That’s why I hate social media. I love it for keeping in touch with my friends who I don’t have the joy of seeing every day. But, I absolutely hate the people who put their soul purpose into followers and likes. There is so much more to life than getting over 300 likes or over 1,000 followers on Instagram. Yes, it may feel nice in the moment. But, in the long run, it doesn’t matter.

I want to go back to when people actually put effort into things, writing letters to people who you love, sending pictures for the purpose of showing them their purpose in your life, having to go and find someone in order to talk to them. I want to go back to the times when personal interaction meant more. When social media wasn’t such a priority. When people genuinely had a good time for the purpose of enjoying life and not just to post it on social media.

Social Media is addictive and I try to remember that there is more to life than how many likes or followers I have. There is this very interesting thing called actually connecting with people. Meeting people face to face, not being on your phone, knowing people from actual interaction and not from text messages or social media.

I crave interaction, meaningful interactions with people who I care about and who care about me. Real people value real friendship, real relationships, real emotions, real experiences, and real life more than social media. In the words of Selena Gomez from The American Music Awards, “I don’t want to see your bodies on Instagram. I want to see what’s in here,” she said patting her heart. “I’m not trying to get validation, nor do I need it anymore…And if that’s anything, whether you respect me or not, that’s one thing you should know about me is, I care about people.

Don’t be the kind of person who shows how much they care by liking an Instagram post, text the person or meet up with them to see how they are doing. Smile at them the next time you see them. Be loving, caring, don’t be petty and superficial. You won’t gain anything by being immature. Tell people how you feel, don’t be passive-aggressive towards them on social media. Be an adult and treat people with respect. It’s okay to be human and feel emotions. Just don’t be the kind of person who has more confidence and value in their Instagram than in themselves.

How do I write a letter to my mom on mother's Day?

I love you and I pray for your health, age, and happiness. Wish you Happy Mother's Day mom. (Cordially describe your greetings). I'm missing you so much I wish I could wish you in real, don't worry next year I'll be with you and we will going to celebrate it together.

What should I write to my mom on mother's Day?

Simple Messages for Mom.
You hold such a special place in my heart. ... .
I'm so proud to be your [son/daughter/child/kid]..
Right from the start, you supported me in everything. ... .
Now that I'm grown, I don't just feel gratitude for you—I admire you..
Raising me took a lot of patience. ... .
Mama, you sacrificed so I could rise..

How do I start a letter to my mother?

Start your letter with a sweet salutation like 'Dearest Mom' or 'To the most beautiful woman in the world.

What is the best message for my mother?

Mother's Day messages from a son.
Mom, you are the best! I am so lucky to have you as my mom. ... .
Thank you for all of the invaluable lessons you've taught me. ... .
I know I didn't always make it easy on you. ... .
You are amazing and appreciated. ... .
Mom, you are irreplaceable. ... .
Thank you for everything you've done for me..


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